< Marko 5 >

1 In prišli so preko, na drugo stran morja, v deželo Géračanov.
And he came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes.
2 In ko je prišel z ladje, ga je takoj srečal tisti iz grobnic, človek z nečistim duhom,
And as he went out of the ship, there met him from the place of sepulchres a man in whom was an unclean spirit.
3 ki je imel svoje prebivališče med grobnicami; in noben človek ga ni mogel zvezati, ne, niti z verigami ne,
And he dwelt in the place of sepulchres; and no one could confine him with chains:
4 zato ker je bil pogosto zvezan z okovi in verigami, pa je verige potrgal narazen in okove razbil na koščke; niti ga noben človek ni mogel obvladati.
because, as often as he had been confined with fetters and chains, he had broken the chains and burst the fetters: and no one could subdue him.
5 In vedno, ponoči in podnevi, je bil po gorah ter v grobnicah in kričal ter samega sebe rezal s kamni.
And continually, by night and by day, he was in the place of sepulchres, and cried and wounded himself with stones.
6 Toda ko je od daleč zagledal Jezusa, je stekel in ga oboževal
And when he saw Jesus at a distance, he ran and worshipped him;
7 in z močnim glasom zakričal ter rekel: »Kaj imam opraviti s teboj, Jezus, ti Sin najvišjega Boga? Zaklinjam te pri Bogu, da me ne mučiš.«
and cried with a loud voice, and said: What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the High God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.
8 Kajti rekel mu je: »Pridi ven iz človeka, ti nečisti duh.«
For he had said to him: Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.
9 In vprašal ga je: »Kakšno je tvoje ime?« On pa je odgovoril, rekoč: »Moje ime je Legija, ker nas je veliko.«
And he demanded of him: What is thy name? And he replied to him: Our name is Legion; for we are many.
10 In zelo ga je rotil, da jih ne bi poslal proč, ven iz dežele.
And he besought him much, that he would not send him out of the country.
11 Tam je bila torej, blizu gorá, velika čreda svinj, ki so se pasle.
And there was there by the mountain, a great herd of swine grazing.
12 In vsi hudiči so ga rotili, rekoč: »Pošlji nas v svinje, da bomo lahko vstopili vanje.«
And the demons besought him, and said: Send us upon those swine, that we may enter them.
13 Jezus jim je nemudoma dal dovoljenje. In nečisti duhovi so odšli ven ter vstopili v svinje, in čreda je silovito stekla navzdol po strmini v morje (bilo jih je okoli dva tisoč) in so se zadušile v morju.
And he permitted them. And those unclean spirits went out, and entered the swine: and the herd, of about two thousand, ran to a precipice, and fell into the sea, and were strangled in the waters.
14 In tisti, ki so pasli svinje, so pobegnili in to povedali v mestu in na deželi. In ti so odšli, da vidijo, kaj je bilo to, kar se je zgodilo.
And they who tended them, fled and told it in the city and in the villages: and they came out to see what had occurred.
15 In prišli so k Jezusu ter zagledali tega, ki je bil obseden s hudičem in imel legijo, kako je sedel oblečen in pri zdravi pameti; in bili so prestrašeni.
And: they came to Jesus, and saw him in whom the demons had been, him in whom had been the legion, clothed, and sober, and sitting; and they were afraid.
16 Tisti, ki so to videli, so jim povedali, kako se je pripetilo temu, ki je bil obseden s hudičem in tudi glede svinj.
And those who had seen it told them how it occurred to him who had the demons, and also concerning the swine.
17 In začeli so ga prositi, naj odide iz njihovih krajev.
And they began to request him, that he would go from their border.
18 Ko je prišel na ladjo, ga je ta, ki je bil obseden s hudičem, prosil, da bi bil lahko z njim.
And as he ascended the ship, the late demoniac requested that he might continue with him.
19 Vendar mu Jezus ni dovolil, temveč mu reče: »Pojdi domov k svojim prijateljem in jim povej, kako velike stvari je Gospod storil zate in je imel sočutje do tebe.«
And he suffered him not, but said to him: Go home to thy people, and tell them what the Lord hath done for thee, and hath compassionated thee.
20 In ta je odšel ter v Deseteromestju začel razglašati, kako velike stvari je Jezus storil zanj, in vsi ljudje so se čudili.
And he went, and began to publish in Decapolis, what Jesus had done for him. And they were all amazed.
21 Ko je Jezus z ladjo ponovno prešel na drugo stran, se je k njemu zbralo mnogo ljudi; bil pa je blizu morja.
And when Jesus had passed by ship to the other side, great multitudes again assembled about him as he was on the shore of the sea.
22 In glej, prihajal je eden izmed predstojnikov sinagoge, Jaír po imenu; in ko ga je ta zagledal, je padel k njegovim stopalom
And one of the rulers of the synagogue, whose name was Jairus, came, and, on seeing him, fell at his feet,
23 in ga silno rotil, rekoč: »Moja majhna hčerka leži na točki smrti. Prosim te, pridi in nanjo položi svoje roke, da bo lahko ozdravljena in da bo živela.«
and besought him much, and said to him: My daughter is very sick; but come and lay thy hand on her, and she will be cured, and will live.
24 In Jezus je odšel z njim in sledilo mu je veliko ljudi ter pritiskalo nanj.
And Jesus went with him; and a great company attended him, and pressed upon him.
25 In neka ženska, ki je imela dvanajst let težavo s krvjo
And a woman who had had a defluxion of blood twelve years,
26 in je od mnogih zdravnikov pretrpela mnoge stvari in porabila vse, kar je imela, pa se ni nič izboljšalo, temveč raje postalo huje,
and who had suffered much from many physicians, and had expended all she possessed, and was not profited, but was even the more afflicted;
27 je, ko je slišala o Jezusu, prišla v gnečo za njim in se dotaknila njegove obleke.
when she heard of Jesus, came behind him in the press of the crowd, and touched his garment
28 Kajti rekla je: »Če se lahko samo dotaknem njegovih oblek, bom zdrava.«
For she said: If I but touch his garment, I shall live.
29 In studenec njene krvi je bil nemudoma posušen; in v svojem telesu je začutila, da je bila ozdravljena od te nadloge.
And immediately the fountain of her blood dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her plague.
30 Jezus pa je v sebi takoj vedel, da je iz njega odšla moč, se v gneči obrnil in rekel: »Kdo se je dotaknil mojih oblačil?«
And Jesus at once knew in himself, that virtue had issued from him: and he turned to the throng, and said: Who touched my clothes?
31 Njegovi učenci pa so mu rekli: »Množico vidiš, ki pritiska nate, pa praviš: ›Kdo se me je dotaknil?‹«
And his disciples said to him: Thou seest the throngs that press upon thee; and sayest thou, Who touched me?
32 Pogledal je naokoli, da bi videl tisto, ki je storila to stvar.
And he looked around, to see who had done this.
33 Toda ženska, prestrašena in trepetajoča, ker je vedela, kaj se je v njej zgodilo, je pristopila in padla dol pred njim ter mu povedala vso resnico.
And the woman, fearing and trembling, for she knew what had taken place in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
34 In rekel ji je: »Hči, tvoja vera te je naredila zdravo; pojdi v miru in bodi ozdravljena od svoje nadloge.«
And he said to her: My daughter, thy faith hath made thee live: go in peace; and be thou healed of thy plague.
35 Medtem ko je še govoril, je od hiše predstojnika sinagoge prišel nekdo, ki je rekel: »Tvoja hči je mrtva, zakaj še vedno vznemirjaš Učitelja?«
And while he was speaking, some domestics of the ruler of the synagogue came, and said: Thy daughter is dead: why therefore troublest thou the teacher?
36 Brž ko je Jezus slišal besedo, ki je bila izgovorjena, reče predstojniku sinagoge: »Ne boj se, samo veruj.«
But Jesus heard the word they spoke, and said to the ruler of the synagogue: Fear not; only believe.
37 In nobenemu človeku ni dovolil, da mu sledi, razen Petru in Jakobu in Janezu, Jakobovemu bratu.
And he suffered no one to go with him, except Simon Cephas, and James, and John the brother of James.
38 In pride v hišo predstojnika sinagoge in vidi hrup ter te, ki so jokali in silno tarnali.
And they came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue; and he saw, that they were in a tumult, and weeping, and howling.
39 In ko je vstopil, jim reče: »Zakaj delate ta trušč in jok? Gospodična ni mrtva, temveč spi.«
And he entered in and said to them: Why are ye in a tumult, and weep? The maid is not dead, but is asleep.
40 In smejali so se mu do norčevanja. Toda ko jih je vse postavil ven, vzame očeta in mater od gospodične in te, ki so bili z njim in vstopi tja, kjer je ležala gospodična.
And they laughed at him. But Jesus put them all out. And he took the maids father, and her mother, and those that accompanied him, and entered into where the maid lay.
41 In gospodično je prijel za roko ter ji rekel: »Talíta kumi, « kar je prevedeno: »Gospodična, « rečem ti, »vstani.«
And he took the maid's hand, and said to her: Maiden, arise.
42 In gospodična je nemudoma vstala ter hodila, kajti bila je stara dvanajst let. Oni pa so bili osupli z veliko osuplostjo.
And immediately the maid arose, and walked; for she was twelve years old. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
43 In strogo jim je naročil, naj noben človek ne izve za to; in velel je, da naj ji bo nekaj dano za jesti.
And he enjoined it upon them much, that no one should know of it. And he directed, that they should give her to eat.

< Marko 5 >