< 3 Mojzes 4 >

1 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 »Govori Izraelovim otrokom, rekoč: ›Če bo duša zaradi nevednosti grešila zoper katerekoli izmed Gospodovih zapovedi, glede stvari, ki se ne bi smele storiti, in bo storila zoper katerokoli izmed njih;
Say to the sons of Israel: The soul which will have sinned through ignorance, and concerning any of the commandments of the Lord that he instructed not to be done, if anything at all has been done:
3 če duhovnik, ki je maziljen, stori greh glede na greh ljudstva, potem naj za svoj greh, ki ga je zagrešil, privede mladega bikca brez pomanjkljivosti Gospodu za daritev za greh.
if the priest, who is anointed, will have sinned, causing the people to commit a transgression, he shall offer to the Lord for his sin an immaculate calf.
4 Bikca bo privedel k vratom šotorskega svetišča skupnosti pred Gospoda in svojo roko bo položil bikcu na glavo in pred Gospodom bo bikca zaklal.
And he shall lead it to the door of the tabernacle of the testimony in the sight of the Lord. And he shall place his hand upon its head, and he shall immolate it to the Lord.
5 Duhovnik, ki je maziljen, bo vzel od krvi bikca in jo prinesel do šotorskega svetišča skupnosti
Likewise, he shall take from the blood of the calf, carrying it into the tabernacle of the testimony,
6 in duhovnik bo svoj prst pomočil v kri in pred zagrinjalom svetišča kri sedemkrat poškropil pred Gospodom.
and having dipped his finger into the blood, he shall sprinkle it seven times in the sight of the Lord, opposite the veil of the Sanctuary.
7 Duhovnik bo nekaj krvi dal na rogove oltarja prijetnega vonja pred Gospodom, ki je v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti; in vso kri bikca bo izlil ob vznožju oltarja žgalne daritve, ki je ob vratih šotorskega svetišča skupnosti.
And he shall place some of the same blood over the horns of the altar of most pleasing incense to the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of the testimony. Then he shall pour out the remainder of the blood at the base of the altar of holocaust at the entrance of the tabernacle.
8 Iz njega bo vzel vso tolščo bikca za daritev za greh; tolščo, ki pokriva drobovje in vso tolščo, ki je na drobovju,
And, on behalf of the sin, he shall take the fat of the calf, both that which covers the vital organs and all that is interior,
9 dve ledvici in tolščo, ki je na njiju, ki je ob bokih in opno nad jetri, z ledvicama, to bo vzeto proč,
the two little kidneys, and the mesh that is on them near the sides, and the fat of the liver with the little kidneys,
10 kot je bilo vzeto od bikca žrtvovanja mirovnih daritev. Duhovnik jih bo sežgal na oltarju žgalne daritve.
just as it is taken from the calf of the sacrifice of peace offerings. And he shall burn them upon the altar of holocaust.
11 In kožo bikca in vse njegovo meso z njegovo glavo, z njegovimi nogami, njegovim drobovjem in njegovim iztrebkom.
Yet truly, the skin and all the flesh, with the head and the feet, and the intestines and the dung,
12 Celo celotnega bikca bo odnesel naprej, zunaj tabora, na čist prostor, kjer je bil izsut pepel in ga z ognjem sežgal na lesu. Sežgan bo kjer je izsut pepel.
and the remainder of the body, he shall carry away, beyond the camp, to the clean place where the ashes are usually poured out. And he shall burn them upon a stack of wood. There, in the place where the ashes have been poured out, they will be burned.
13 Če celotna Izraelova skupnost greši zaradi nevednosti in bo stvar skrita pred očmi zbora in so storili nekaj zoper katerokoli izmed Gospodovih zapovedi glede stvari, ki ne bi smele biti storjene in so krivi;
But if all the crowd of Israel will have been ignorant, and through inexperience will have done what is contrary to the commandment of the Lord,
14 ko je greh, ki so ga zagrešili zoper njega znan, potem bo skupnost darovala mladega bikca za greh in ga privedla pred šotorsko svetišče skupnosti.
and afterwards shall understand their sin: they shall offer a calf on behalf of their sin, and they shall lead it to the door of the tabernacle.
15 Starešine skupnosti bodo pred Gospodom svoje roke položili na glavo bikca in bikec bo zaklan pred Gospodom.
And the elders of the people shall place their hands upon its head in the sight of the Lord. And when the calf has been immolated in the sight of the Lord,
16 Duhovnik, ki je maziljen, bo k šotorskemu svetišču skupnosti prinesel od krvi bikca
the priest who is anointed shall carry some of its blood into the tabernacle of the testimony.
17 in duhovnik bo svoj prst pomočil v nekaj od krvi in jo sedemkrat poškropil pred Gospodom, torej pred zagrinjalom.
and he shall dip his finger in it, sprinkling it seven times opposite the veil.
18 Nekaj krvi bo dal na rogove oltarja, ki je pred Gospodom, to je v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti in vso kri bo izlil ob vznožju oltarja žgalne daritve, ki je ob vratih šotorskega svetišča skupnosti.
And he shall place some of the same blood on the horns of the altar, which is in the presence of the Lord in the tabernacle of the testimony. But the remainder of the blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar of holocaust, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony.
19 Iz njega bo vzel vso njegovo tolščo in jo sežgal na oltarju.
And he shall take all its fat and burn it upon the altar,
20 Z bikcem bo storil kakor je storil z bikcem daritve za greh; tako bo storil s tem. In duhovnik bo zanje opravil spravo in to jim bo odpuščeno.
doing so with this calf in the same manner as he did before. And while the priest is praying for them, the Lord will forgive them.
21 Bikca bo odnesel zunaj tabora in ga sežgal kakor je sežgal prvega bikca. To je daritev za greh za skupnost.
But the calf itself he shall carry away, beyond the camp, and he shall also burn it, just as with the previous calf, because it is for the sin of the multitude.
22 Ko je voditelj grešil in storil nekaj zaradi nevednosti zoper katerokoli izmed zapovedi Gospoda, svojega Boga, glede stvari, ki naj ne bi bile storjene in je kriv,
If a leader will have sinned, and through ignorance will have done one of the many things which the law of the Lord prohibits,
23 ali če njegov greh, v čemer je grešil, pride k njegovemu spoznanju; bo prinesel svoj dar, kozlička izmed koz, samca brez pomanjkljivosti.
and afterwards he shall understand his sin: he shall offer an immaculate he-goat from among the goats, as a sacrifice to the Lord.
24 Svojo roko bo položil na glavo kozla in ga zaklal na kraju, kjer koljejo žgalno daritev pred Gospodom. To je daritev za greh.
And he shall place his hand upon its head. And when he will have immolated it, in the place where the holocaust is usually slain, in the sight of the Lord, because it is for sin,
25 Duhovnik bo s svojim prstom vzel od krvi daritve za greh in to dal na rogove oltarja žgalne daritve in njegovo kri bo izlil ob vznožju oltarja žgalne daritve.
the priest shall dip his finger in the blood of the victim for sin, touching the horns of the altar of holocaust, and pouring out the remainder at its base.
26 Vso njegovo tolščo bo sežgal na oltarju, kakor tolščo žrtvovanja mirovnih daritev. Duhovnik bo zanj opravil spravo, glede na njegov greh in ta mu bo odpuščen.
Yet truly, the fat he shall burn upon it, just as is usually done with the victims of peace offerings. And the priest shall pray for him and for his sin, and he shall be released from it.
27 Če kdorkoli izmed preprostega ljudstva greši zaradi nevednosti, medtem ko stori nekaj zoper katerokoli izmed Gospodovih zapovedi, glede stvari, ki ne bi smele biti storjene in je kriv;
But if a soul from the people of the land will have sinned through ignorance, so as to have done any of those things that the law of the Lord prohibits, and so commit a transgression,
28 ali če njegov greh, ki ga je zagrešil, pride v njegovo spoznanje; potem bo za svoj greh, ki ga je zagrešil, prinesel svoj dar, kozlička od koz, samico brez pomanjkljivosti.
and he shall realize his sin: he shall offer an immaculate she-goat.
29 Svojo roko bo položil na glavo daritve za greh in na kraju žgalne daritve bo zaklal daritev za greh.
And he shall place his hand upon the head of the victim which is for sin. And he shall immolate it in the place of the holocaust.
30 Duhovnik bo s prstom vzel od njegove krvi in to dal na rogove oltarja žgalne daritve in vso njegovo kri bo izlil ob vznožju oltarja.
And the priest shall take some of the blood with his finger, and touching the horns of the altar of holocaust, he shall pour out the remainder at its base.
31 Odvzel bo vso njegovo tolščo, kakor je odvzeta tolšča žrtvovanja mirovnih daritev, in duhovnik jo bo sežgal na oltarju v prijeten vonj Gospodu, in duhovnik bo zanj opravil spravo in to mu bo odpuščeno.
But taking away all the fat, just as it is usually taken away from the victims of peace offerings, he shall burn it upon the altar as a sweet odor to the Lord. And he shall pray for him, and he shall be released from it.
32 Če privede jagnje v dar za greh, bo prinesel samico, brez pomanjkljivosti.
But if instead he will offer from the flock a victim for his sin, specifically, an immaculate female sheep:
33 Svojo roko bo položil na glavo daritve za greh in jo na kraju, kjer koljejo žgalno daritev, zaklal v daritev za greh.
he shall place his hand upon its head, and he shall immolate it in the place where the victims of holocausts are usually slain.
34 Duhovnik bo s svojim prstom vzel od krvi daritve za greh in to dal na rogove oltarja žgalne daritve in vso kri izlil ob vznožju oltarja.
And the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, and touching the horns of the altar of holocaust, he shall pour out the remainder at its base.
35 Odvzel bo vso njeno tolščo, kakor je tolšča jagnjeta odvzeta od žrtvovanja mirovnih daritev, in duhovnik jih bo sežgal na oltarju, glede na daritve, narejene z ognjem Gospodu, in duhovnik bo opravil spravo za njegov greh, ki ga je zagrešil in ta mu bo odpuščen.
Likewise, all of the fat shall be taken away, just as the fat of the ram, which is immolated for peace offerings, is usually taken away. And he shall burn it upon the altar as an incense of the Lord. And he shall pray for him and for his sin, and he shall be released from it.

< 3 Mojzes 4 >