< 3 Mojzes 25 >

1 Gospod je na gori Sinaj spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
And the Lord spoke to Moses in the mount Sina, saying,
2 »Govori Izraelovim otrokom in jim reci: ›Ko pridete v deželo, ki sem vam jo dal, potem bo dežela ohranjala šabat Gospodu.
Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, Whenever you shall have entered into the land, which I give to you, then the land shall rest which I give to you, for its sabbaths to the Lord.
3 Šest let boš sejal svoje polje in šest let boš obrezoval svoj vinograd in zbiral njegov sad,
Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vine, and gather in its fruit.
4 toda v sedmem letu bo šabatni počitek deželi, šabat za Gospoda. Niti ne boš sejal svojega polja niti obrezal svojega vinograda.
But in the seventh year [shall be] a sabbath, it shall be a rest to the land, a sabbath to the Lord: you shall not sow your field, and you shall not prune your vine.
5 Tega, kar raste samo od sebe od tvoje žetve, ne boš požel niti nabiral grozdja iz svoje neobrezane trte, kajti to je za deželo leto počitka.
And you shall not gather the spontaneous produce of your field, and you shall not gather fully the grapes of your dedication: it shall be a year of rest to the land.
6 Šabatni [pridelek] dežele bo zate hrana; zate, za tvojega služabnika, za tvojo služkinjo, za tvojega najetega služabnika in za tvojega tujca, ki začasno biva s teboj
And the sabbaths of the land shall be food for you, and for your man-servant, and for your maidservant, and your hireling, and the stranger that abides with you.
7 in ves njegov narast bo hrana za tvojo živino in za živali, ki so na tvoji zemlji.
And for your cattle, and for the wild beats that are in your land, shall every fruit of it be for food.
8 Štel si boš sedem šabatnih let, sedemkrat sedem let; in obdobje sedmih šabatnih let ti bodi devetinštirideset let.
And you shall reckon to yourself seven sabbaths of years, seven times seven years; and they shall be to you seven weeks of years, nine and forty years.
9 Potem bo šofar jubileja zadonel na deseti dan sedmega meseca. Na dan sprave boste naredili, da zvok šofarja zadoni po vsej vaši deželi.
In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall make a proclamation with the sound of a trumpet in all your land; on the day of atonement you shall make a proclamation with a trumpet in all your land.
10 Posvetili boste petdeseto leto in razglasili svobodo po vsej deželi, vsem njenim prebivalcem. To vam bo jubilej, vi pa se boste vrnili vsak mož k svoji posesti in vrnili se boste vsak mož k svoji družini.
And you shall sanctify the year, the fifties year, and you shall proclaim a release upon the land to all that inhabit it; it shall be given a year of release, a jubilee for you; and each one shall depart to his possession, and you shall go each to his family.
11 Vam bo to petdeseto leto jubilej. Ne boste niti sejali niti želi tega, kar zraste samo od sebe niti nabirali grozdja v njem od vaše neobrezane trte.
This is a jubilee of release, the year shall be to you the fifties year: you shall not sow, nor reap the produce that comes of itself from the land, neither shall you gather its dedicated fruits.
12 Kajti to je jubilej; ta vam bo svet. Jedli boste njegov donos iz polja.
For it is a jubilee of release; it shall be holy to you, you shall eat its fruits off the fields.
13 V letu tega jubileja se bo vsak človek vrnil k svoji posesti.
In the year of the release [even] the jubilee of it, shall [each] one return to his possession.
14 Če kaj prodaš svojemu bližnjemu, ali kaj kupiš iz roke svojega bližnjega, ne boste zatirali drug drugega.
And if you should sell a possession to your neighbor, or if you should buy of your neighbor, let not a man oppress his neighbor.
15 Glede na število let po jubileju boš kupil od svojega bližnjega in glede na število let sadov ti bo prodal.
According to the number of years after the jubilee shall you buy of your neighbor, according to the number of years of the fruits shall he sell to you.
16 Glede na množino let boš povečal njegovo ceno in glede na manjše število let boš zmanjšal njegovo ceno, kajti glede na število let sadov ti jo bo prodal.
According as [there may be] a greater number of years he shall increase [the value of] his possession, and according as [there may be] a less number of years he shall lessen [the value of] his possession; for according to the number of his crops, so shall he sell to you.
17 Zatorej ne boste zatirali drug drugega, temveč se boš bal svojega Boga, kajti jaz sem Gospod, tvoj Bog.
Let not a man oppress his neighbor, and you shall fear the Lord your God: I am the Lord your God.
18 Zatorej boste izpolnjevali moje zakone in se držali mojih sodb in jih izvrševali, in v varnosti boste prebivali v deželi.
And you shall keep all my ordinances, and all my judgments; and do you observe them, and you shall keep them, and dwell securely in the land.
19 Dežela bo obrodila svoj sad in jedli boste svoje obilje in v njej varno prebivali.
And the land shall yield her increase, and you shall eat to fullness, and shall dwell securely in it.
20 In če boste rekli: ›Kaj bomo jedli sedmo leto? Glej, ne bomo sejali niti zbrali v našem narastu, ‹
And if you should say, What shall we eat in this seventh year, if we do not sow nor gather in our fruits?
21 potem bom v šestem letu zapovedal nad vami svoj blagoslov in ta bo prinesel sad za tri leta.
Then will I send my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and the land shall produce its fruits for three years.
22 Sejali boste osmo leto in še jedli od starih sadov do devetega leta, dokler ne pridejo njeni sadovi, boste jedli iz starih zalog.
And you shall sow in the eighth year, and eat old fruits till the ninth year: until its fruit come, you shall eat old fruits of the old.
23 Dežela naj ne bo prodana na veke, kajti dežela je moja, kajti vi ste tujci in začasni prebivalci z menoj.
And the land shall not be sold for a permanence; for the land is mine, because you are strangers and sojourners before me.
24 In po vsej deželi svoje posesti boste zagotovili odkupitev za deželo.
And in every land of your possession, you shall allow ransoms for the land.
25 Če tvoj brat postane reven in je prodal nekaj od svoje posesti in če pride katerikoli njegov sorodnik, da to odkupi, potem bo odkupil to, kar je njegov brat prodal.
And if your brother who is with you be poor, and should have sold [part] of his possession, and his kinsman who is near to him come, then he shall redeem the possession which his brother has sold.
26 Če mož nima nikogar, da to odkupi in je sam zmožen to odkupiti,
And if one have no near kinsman, and he prosper with his hand, and he find sufficient money, [even] his ransom;
27 potem naj prešteje leta od njegove prodaje in povrne presežek človeku, ki mu jo je prodal, da se on lahko vrne v svojo posest.
then shall he calculate the years of his sale, and he shall give what is due to the man to whom he sold it, and he shall return to his possession.
28 Toda če mu on tega ne bo zmožen povrniti, potem bo to, kar je prodal, ostalo v roki tistega, ki je to kupil, do jubilejnega leta. Na jubilej bo odšlo in on se bo vrnil v svojo posest.
But if his hand have not prospered sufficiently, so as that he should restore the money to him, then he that bought the possessions shall have them till the sixth year of the release; and it shall go out in the release, and the owner shall return to his possession.
29 Če mož proda hišo za prebivanje v mestu z obzidjem, potem jo lahko odkupi znotraj celotnega leta potem, ko je bila ta prodana. Znotraj polnega leta jo lahko odkupi.
And if any one should sell an inhabited house in a walled city, then there shall be the ransom of it, until [the time] is fulfilled: its time of ransom shall be a full year.
30 Če pa ta ne bo odkupljena znotraj časa polnega leta, potem bo hiša, ki je v mestu z obzidjem, utrjena na veke tistemu, ki jo je kupil, skozi vse njegove rodove. Ta v jubileju ne bo odšla.
And if it be not ransomed until there be completed of its time a full year, the house which is in the walled city shall be surely confirmed to him that bought it, throughout his generations; and it shall not go out in the release.
31 Toda vaške hiše, ki naokoli nimajo obzidja, bodo štete kakor polja dežele. Lahko so odkupljene in na jubilej bodo odšle.
But the houses in the villages which have not a wall round about them, shall be reckoned as the fields of the country: they shall always be redeemable, and they shall go out in the release.
32 Vendar lahko mesta Lévijevcev in hiše mest njihove posesti Lévijevci kadarkoli odkupijo.
And the cities of the Levites, the houses of the cities in their possession, shall be always redeemable to the Levites.
33 Če človek kupi od Lévijevcev, potem bo hiša, ki je bila prodana in mesto njegove posesti, odšlo v jubilejnem letu, kajti hiše mest Lévijevcev so njihova posest med Izraelovimi otroki.
And if any one shall redeem a house of the Levites, then shall their sale of the houses of their possession go out in the release; because the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession in the midst of the children of Israel.
34 Toda polje predmestij njihovih mest ne more biti prodano, kajti to je njihova neprestana posest.
And the lands set apart for their cities shall not be sold, because this is their perpetual possession.
35 Če tvoj brat postane reven in je zaradi tebe propadel, potem ga boš razbremenil; da, čeprav je tujec ali začasni prebivalec, da bo lahko živel s teboj.
And if your brother who is with you become poor, and he fail in resources with you, you shall help him as a stranger and a sojourner, and your brother shall live with you.
36 Nobenih obresti ne vzemi od njega ali narasta, temveč se boj svojega Boga, da bo tvoj brat lahko živel s teboj.
You shall not receive from him interest, nor increase: and you shall fear your God: I [am] the Lord: and your brother shall live with you.
37 Svojega denarja mu ne boš dal na obresti niti svojega živeža posodil za dobiček.
You shall not lend your money to him at interest, and you shall not lend your meat to him to be returned with increase.
38 Jaz sem Gospod, vaš Bog, ki vas je privedel iz egiptovske dežele, da vam dam kánaansko deželo in, da bi bil vaš Bog.
I [am] the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Chanaan, so as to be your God.
39 Če tvoj brat, ki prebiva pri tebi, postane reven in ti je prodan, ga ne boš prisilil, da služi kakor služabnik,
And if your brother by you be lowered, and be sold to you, he shall not serve you with the servitude of a slave.
40 temveč kakor najeti služabnik in kakor začasni prebivalec bo on s teboj in ti bo služil do jubilejnega leta.
He shall be with you as a hireling or a sojourner, he shall work for you till the year of release:
41 Potem bo odšel od tebe tako on in njegovi otroci z njim in se bo vrnil k svoji lastni družini in se bo vrnil na posest svojih očetov.
and he shall go out in the release, and his children with him; and he shall go to his family, he shall hasten back to his patrimony.
42 Kajti oni so moji služabniki, ki sem jih privedel iz egiptovske dežele. Ne bodo prodani kakor tlačani.
Because these are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt; such an one shall not be sold as a [common] servant.
43 Nad njim ne boš vladal s krutostjo, temveč se boš bal svojega Boga.
You shall not oppress him with labor, and shall fear the Lord your God.
44 Tako tvoji služabniki in tvoje služabnice, ki jih boš imel, bodo izmed poganov, ki so naokoli vas; izmed njih si kupujte služabnike in služabnice.
And whatever number of menservants and maidservants you shall have, you shall purchase male and female servants from the nations that are round about you.
45 Poleg tega izmed otrok tujcev, ki začasno prebivajo med vami, od njih boste kupovali in od njihovih družin, ki so z vami, ki so jih zaplodili v vaši deželi; in oni bodo vaša posest.
And of the sons of the sojourners that are among you, of these you shall buy and of their relations, all that shall be in your lands; let them be to you for a possession.
46 Vzeli jih boste kakor dediščino za svoje otroke za seboj, da jih podedujejo za posest; ti bodo vaši služabniki na veke, toda nad svojimi brati, Izraelovimi otroki, ne boste s krutostjo vladali drug nad drugim.
And you shall distribute them to your children after you, and they shall be to you permanent possessions for ever: but of your brethren the children of Israel, one shall not oppress his brother in labors.
47 Če začasni prebivalec ali tujec poleg tebe obogati, tvoj brat, ki prebiva ob njem pa obuboža in se proda tujcu ali začasnemu prebivalcu ob tebi ali rodu tujčeve družine,
And if a stranger or sojourner with you wax rich, and your brother in distress be sold to the stranger or the sojourner that is with you, or to a proselyte by extraction;
48 potem, ko je ta prodan, je lahko ponovno odkupljen. Eden izmed njegovih bratov ga lahko odkupi.
after he is sold to him there shall be redemption for him, one of his brethren shall redeem him.
49 Odkupi ga lahko njegov stric ali sin njegovega strica ali kdorkoli, ki je blizu sorodstva njegovi družini, ga lahko odkupi, ali če je zmožen, se lahko odkupi sam.
A brother of his father, or a son of his father's brother shall redeem him; or let one of his near kin of his tribe redeem him, and if he should be rich and redeem himself,
50 Poračunal bo z njim, ki ga je kupil od leta, ko mu je bil prodan, do jubilejnega leta. Cena njegove prodaje bo glede na število let, glede na čas najetega služabnika bo ta z njim.
then shall he calculate with his purchaser from the year that he sold himself to him until the year of release: and the money of his purchase shall be as that of a hireling, he shall be with him from year to year.
51 Če je zadaj še veliko let, glede na njihovo [število], bo povrnil ceno svoje odkupitve od denarja, za katerega je bil kupljen.
And if any have a greater number of years [than enough], according to these he shall pay his ransom out of his purchase-money.
52 Če bo preostalo le nekaj let do jubilejnega leta, potem bo z njim obračunal in glede na njegova leta mu bo povrnil ceno njegove odkupitve.
And if but a little time be left of the years to the year of release, then shall he reckon to him according to his years, and shall pay his ransom
53 In kakor letno najeti služabnik bo z njim, in drugi nad njim v tvojem pogledu ne bo vladal s krutostjo.
as a hireling; he shall be with him from year to year; you shall not oppress him with labor before you.
54 Če pa ne bo odkupljen v teh letih, potem bo odšel v jubilejnem letu, tako on in njegovi otroci z njim.
And if he do not pay his ransom accordingly, he shall go out in the year of his release, he and his children with him.
55 Kajti Izraelovi otroci so mi služabniki; oni so moji služabniki, ki sem jih privedel iz egiptovske dežele. Jaz sem Gospod, vaš Bog.‹«
For the children of Israel are my servants: they are my attendants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt.

< 3 Mojzes 25 >