< 3 Mojzes 22 >
1 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
Then the LORD said to Moses,
2 »Govori Aronu in njegovim sinovom, da se ločijo od svetih stvari Izraelovih otrok in da ne oskrunijo mojega svetega imena v teh stvareh, ki jih posvetijo meni. Jaz sem Gospod.
“Tell Aaron and his sons to treat with respect the sacred offerings that the Israelites have consecrated to Me, so that they do not profane My holy name. I am the LORD.
3 Reci jim: ›Kdorkoli je izmed vsega vašega semena med vašimi rodovi, ki hodi k svetim stvarem, ki jih Izraelovi otroci posvetijo Gospodu in ima na sebi svojo nečistost, bo ta duša iztrebljena izpred moje prisotnosti. Jaz sem Gospod.
Tell them that for the generations to come, if any of their descendants in a state of uncleanness approaches the sacred offerings that the Israelites consecrate to the LORD, that person must be cut off from My presence. I am the LORD.
4 Katerikoli moški iz Aronovega semena je gobavec ali ima tekoč izliv, ta ne bo jedel od svetih stvari, dokler ne bo čist. In kdorkoli se dotakne kakršnekoli stvari, ki je nečista, pri mrtvem ali pri moškem, čigar seme gre od njega,
If a descendant of Aaron has a skin disease or a discharge, he may not eat the sacred offerings until he is clean. Whoever touches anything defiled by a corpse or by a man who has an emission of semen,
5 ali kdorkoli se dotika katerekoli plazeče stvari, s katero se lahko onečisti, ali človeka, od katerega lahko vzame nečistost, kakršnokoli nečistost ta ima;
or whoever touches a crawling creature or a person that makes him unclean, whatever the uncleanness may be—
6 duša, ki se je dotaknila česarkoli takega, bo nečista do večera in ne bo jedla od svetih stvari, dokler svojega mesa ne umije z vodo.
the man who touches any of these will remain unclean until evening. He must not eat from the sacred offerings unless he has bathed himself with water.
7 Ko sonce zaide bo čist in potem bo jedel od svetih stvari, ker je to njegova hrana.
When the sun has set, he will become clean, and then he may eat from the sacred offerings, for they are his food.
8 Tega, kar pogine samo od sebe ali je raztrgano z zvermi, ne bo jedel, da samega sebe s tem omadežuje. Jaz sem Gospod.
He must not eat anything found dead or torn by wild animals, which would make him unclean. I am the LORD.
9 Držali se bodo torej moje odredbe, da ne bi za to nosili greha in torej umrli, če to oskrunijo. Jaz, Gospod, jih posvečujem.
The priests must keep My charge, lest they bear the guilt and die because they profane it. I am the LORD who sanctifies them.
10 Tam noben tujec ne bo jedel od svete stvari. Duhovnikov začasni prebivalec ali najet služabnik ne bosta jedla od svete stvari.
No one outside a priest’s family may eat the sacred offering, nor may the guest of a priest or his hired hand eat it.
11 Toda če duhovnik s svojim denarjem kupi katerokoli dušo, bo ta [duša] jedla od tega in kdor je rojen v njegovi hiši. Jedli bodo od njegove hrane.
But if a priest buys a slave with his own money, or if a slave is born in his household, that slave may eat his food.
12 Če pa bo duhovnikova hči poročena k tujcu, ona ne bo jedla od daritev svetih stvari.
If the priest’s daughter is married to a man other than a priest, she is not to eat of the sacred contributions.
13 Toda če je duhovnikova hči vdova ali ločena in nima otrok in je vrnjena k hiši svojega očeta kakor v svoji mladosti, bo jedla od hrane svojega očeta, toda noben tujec ne bo jedel od tega.
But if a priest’s daughter with no children becomes widowed or divorced and returns to her father’s house, she may share her father’s food as in her youth. But no outsider may share it.
14 Če človek nevede jé od svete stvari, potem bo k temu dodal peti del in to bo s sveto stvarjo dal duhovniku.
If anyone eats a sacred offering in error, he must add a fifth to its value and give the sacred offering to the priest.
15 Oni ne bodo oskrunili svetih stvari Izraelovih otrok, ki jih darujejo Gospodu
The priests must not profane the sacred offerings that the Israelites present to the LORD
16 ali jim dopustili, da nosijo krivdo prestopka, kadar jedo njihove svete stvari, kajti jaz, Gospod, jih posvečujem.‹«
by allowing the people to eat the sacred offerings and thus to bear the punishment for guilt. For I am the LORD who sanctifies them.”
17 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
Then the LORD said to Moses,
18 »Govori Aronu, njegovim sinovom in vsem Izraelovim otrokom ter jim reci: ›Kdorkoli bo od Izraelove hiše ali od tujcev v Izraelu, ki bo svoj dar daroval za vse svoje zaobljube in za vse svoje prostovoljne daritve, ki jih bodo darovali Gospodu za žgalno daritev,
“Speak to Aaron and his sons and all the Israelites and tell them, ‘Any man of the house of Israel or any foreign resident who presents a gift for a burnt offering to the LORD, whether to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering,
19 bodo po lastni volji darovali samca brez pomanjkljivosti od goveda, od ovc ali od koz.
must offer an unblemished male from the cattle, sheep, or goats in order for it to be accepted on your behalf.
20 Toda karkoli ima pomanjkljivost, tega ne boste darovali, kajti to za vas ne bo sprejemljivo.
You must not present anything with a defect, because it will not be accepted on your behalf.
21 Kdorkoli daruje žrtvovanje mirovnih daritev Gospodu, da izpolni svojo zaobljubo ali prostovoljno daritev v govedu ali ovcah, mora biti to popolno, da bi bilo sprejeto; na tem ne bo nobene pomanjkljivosti.
When a man presents a peace offering to the LORD from the herd or flock to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering, it must be without blemish or defect to be acceptable.
22 Slepo ali zlomljeno ali pohabljeno ali kar ima rane, iz katerih se izceja ali grinto ali krasto, teh stvari ne boste darovali Gospodu niti od njih [ne boste] naredili daritve z ognjem na oltarju Gospodu.
You are not to present to the LORD any animal that is blind, injured, or maimed, or anything with a running sore, a festering rash, or a scab; you must not put any of these on the altar as an offering made by fire to the LORD.
23 Ali bikca ali jagnje, ki ima katerokoli stvar odvečno, ali karkoli manjkajočega v njegovih delih, to lahko daruješ za prostovoljno daritev, toda za zaobljubo to ne bo sprejeto.
You may present as a freewill offering an ox or sheep that has a deformed or stunted limb, but it is not acceptable in fulfillment of a vow.
24 Gospodu ne boste darovali tega, kar je poškodovano ali zdrobljeno ali zlomljeno ali odrezano niti v svoji deželi ne boste opravili nobenega takšnega darovanja.
You are not to present to the LORD an animal whose testicles are bruised, crushed, torn, or cut; you are not to sacrifice them in your land.
25 Niti iz tujčeve roke ne boste darovali kruha svojega Boga, od kateregakoli izmed njih, ker je v njih njihova izprijenost in pomanjkljivost. Ti ne bodo sprejeti za vas.‹«
Neither you nor a foreigner shall present food to your God from any such animal. They will not be accepted on your behalf, because they are deformed and flawed.’”
26 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
Then the LORD said to Moses,
27 »Kadar je priveden bikec ali ovca ali koza, potem bo ta sedem dni pod materjo. Od osmega dne in naprej pa bo to sprejeto za ognjeno daritev Gospodu.
“When an ox, a sheep, or a goat is born, it must remain with its mother for seven days. From the eighth day on, it will be acceptable as an offering made by fire to the LORD.
28 Naj bo to krava ali ovca, ne boš na isti dan zaklal nje in njenega mladega.
But you must not slaughter an ox or a sheep on the same day as its young.
29 Ko boste darovali žrtev zahvaljevanja Gospodu, to darujte po lastni volji.
When you sacrifice a thank offering to the LORD, offer it so that it may be acceptable on your behalf.
30 Istega dne bo to pojedeno; ničesar od tega ne boste pustili do naslednjega dne. Jaz sem Gospod.
It must be eaten that same day. Do not leave any of it until morning. I am the LORD.
31 Zato se boste držali mojih zapovedi in jih izpolnjevali. Jaz sem Gospod.
You are to keep My commandments and practice them. I am the LORD.
32 Niti ne boste oskrunili mojega svetega imena, temveč bom jaz posvečen med Izraelovim otroci. Jaz sem Gospod, ki vas posvečuje,
You must not profane My holy name. I must be acknowledged as holy among the Israelites. I am the LORD who sanctifies you,
33 ki vas je privedel ven iz egiptovske dežele, da bi bil vaš Bog. Jaz sem Gospod.«
who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God. I am the LORD.”