< 3 Mojzes 15 >
1 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu in Aronu, rekoč:
And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, and unto Aaron, saying,
2 »Govorita Izraelovim otrokom in jim recita: ›Kadar ima katerikoli moški tekoč izliv iz svojega mesa, je zaradi svojega izliva nečist.
'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and ye have said unto them, When there is an issue out of the flesh of any man, [for] his issue he [is] unclean;
3 To bo njegova nečistost v njegovem izlivu; bodisi iz njegovega mesa teče z njegovim izlivom, ali se v njegovem mesu ustavlja izliv, je to nečistost.
and this is his uncleanness in his issue — his flesh hath run with his issue, or his flesh hath stopped from his issue; it [is] his uncleanness.
4 Vsaka postelja, na kateri leži ta, ki ima izliv, je nečista, in vsaka stvar, na kateri on sedi, bo nečista.
'All the bed on which he lieth who hath the issue is unclean, and all the vessel on which he sitteth is unclean;
5 Kdorkoli se dotakne njegove postelje, naj opere svoja oblačila in se okopa v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
and any one who cometh against his bed doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
6 Kdor sedi na katerikoli stvari, na kateri je sedel tisti, ki ima izliv, bo opral svoja oblačila in se okopal v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
'And he who is sitting on the vessel on which he sitteth who hath the issue, doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
7 Kdor se dotika mesa tistega, ki ima izliv, bo opral svoja oblačila in se okopal v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
'And he who is coming against the flesh of him who hath the issue, doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and hath been unclean till the evening.
8 Če tisti, ki ima izliv, pljune na tistega, ki je čist, potem bo ta opral svoja oblačila in se okopal v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
'And when he who hath the issue spitteth on him who is clean, then he hath washed his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
9 Kdor osedla karkoli, na čemer jaha tisti, ki ima izliv, bo nečist.
'And all the saddle on which he rideth who hath the issue is unclean;
10 Kdorkoli se dotakne česarkoli, kar je bilo pod njim, bo nečist do večera, in kdor nosi katerokoli izmed teh stvari, naj opere svoja oblačila in se okopa v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
and any one who is coming against anything which is under him is unclean till the evening, and he who is bearing them doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
11 Kogarkoli se dotakne tisti, ki ima izliv in si rok ni umil v vodi, bo opral svoja oblačila in se okopal v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
'And anyone against whom he cometh who hath the issue (and his hands hath not rinsed with water) hath even washed his garments, and bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
12 Lončena posoda, ki se je dotakne tisti, ki ima izliv, bo razbita; vsaka lesena posoda pa bo umita v vodi.
'And the earthen vessel which he who hath the issue cometh against is broken; and every wooden vessel is rinsed with water.
13 In ko se je ta, ki ima izliv, očistil svojega izliva, potem si bo štel sedem dni za svoje očiščevanje, opral svoja oblačila, svoje meso okopal v tekoči vodi in bo čist.
'And when he who hath the issue is clean from his issue, then he hath numbered to himself seven days for his cleansing, and hath washed his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with running water, and been clean.
14 Osmi dan si bo vzel dve grlici ali dva mlada goloba in bo prišel pred Gospoda, k vratom šotorskega svetišča skupnosti in ju bo dal duhovniku.
'And on the eighth day he taketh to himself two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, and hath come in before Jehovah unto the opening of the tent of meeting, and hath given them unto the priest;
15 Duhovnik ju bo daroval, enega za daritev za greh in drugega za žgalno daritev. Duhovnik bo pred Gospodom zaradi njegovega izliva zanj opravil spravo.
and the priest hath made them, one a sin-offering, and the one a burnt-offering; and the priest hath made atonement for him before Jehovah, because of his issue.
16 Če iz kateregakoli moškega steče seme združenja, potem bo vse svoje meso umil v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
'And when a man's seed of copulation goeth out from him, then he hath bathed with water all his flesh, and been unclean till the evening.
17 Vsaka obleka in vsako usnje, na katerem je seme združenja, bo oprano v vodi in bo nečisto do večera.
'And any garment, or any skin on which there is seed of copulation, hath also been washed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
18 Tudi ženska, s katero moški leži s semenom združenja, se bosta oba okopala v vodi in bosta nečista do večera.
'And a woman with whom a man lieth with seed of copulation, they also have bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
19 Če ima ženska izliv in je njen izliv v njenem mesu kri, bo ločena posebej za sedem dni. Kdorkoli se je dotakne, bo nečist do večera.
'And when a woman hath an issue — blood is her issue in her flesh — seven days she is in her separation, and any one who is coming against her is unclean till the evening.
20 Vsaka stvar, na kateri ona v svoji oddvojitvi leži, bo nečista. Tudi vsaka stvar, na kateri ona sedi, bo nečista.
'And anything on which she lieth in her separation is unclean, and anything on which she sitteth is unclean;
21 Kdorkoli se dotakne njene postelje, bo opral svoja oblačila in se okopal v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
and any one who is coming against her bed doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
22 Kdorkoli se dotakne katerekoli stvari, na kateri je sedela, bo opral svoja oblačila in se okopal v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
'And any one who is coming against any vessel on which she sitteth doth wash his garments, and hath washed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
23 In če je to na njeni postelji ali na katerikoli stvari ona sedi, ko se je ta dotakne, bo nečist do večera.
'And if it [is] on the bed, or on the vessel on which she is sitting, in his coming against it, he is unclean till the evening.
24 Če katerikoli moški sploh leži z njo in je njena nečistost nad njim, bo nečist sedem dni in vsa postelja, na kateri on leži, bo nečista.
'And if a man really lie with her, and her separation is on him, then he hath been unclean seven days, and all the bed on which he lieth is unclean.
25 Če ima ženska vir njene krvi mnogo dni dlje od časa njene oddvojitve ali če ta teče preko časa njene oddvojitve; vseh dni izliva njene nečistosti bo kakor na dneve njene oddvojitve; ona bo nečista.
'And when a woman's issue of blood floweth many days within the time of her separation, or when it floweth over her separation — all the days of the issue of her uncleanness are as the days of her separation; she [is] unclean.
26 Vsaka postelja, na kateri leži vse dni svojega izliva, ji bo kakor postelja oddvojitve in na čemerkoli ona sedi, bo nečisto, kakor nečistost njene oddvojitve.
'All the bed on which she lieth all the days of her issue is as the bed of her separation to her, and all the vessel on which she sitteth is unclean as the uncleanness of her separation;
27 Kdorkoli se dotika teh stvari bo nečist in bo opral svoja oblačila in se okopal v vodi in bo nečist do večera.
and any one who is coming against them is unclean, and hath washed his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.
28 Toda če bo očiščena svojega izliva, potem si bo štela sedem dni in potem bo čista.
'And if she hath been clean from her issue, then she hath numbered to herself seven days, and afterwards she is clean;
29 Na osmi dan si bo vzela dve grlici ali dva mlada goloba in ju prinesla k duhovniku, k vratom šotorskega svetišča skupnosti.
and on the eighth day she taketh to herself two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, and hath brought them in unto the priest, unto the opening of the tent of meeting;
30 Duhovnik bo enega daroval za daritev za greh, drugega pa za žgalno daritev. Duhovnik bo zaradi izliva njene nečistosti zanjo opravil spravo pred Gospodom.
and the priest hath made the one a sin-offering, and the one a burnt-offering, and the priest hath made atonement for her before Jehovah, because of the issue of her uncleanness.
31 Tako bodo Izraelove otroke oddvojili od njihove nečistosti, da v svoji nečistosti ne umrejo, ko omadežujejo moje šotorsko svetišče, ki je med njimi.
'And ye have separated the sons of Israel from their uncleanness, and they die not in their uncleanness, in their defiling My tabernacle which [is] in their midst.
32 To je postava za tistega, ki ima izliv in tistega, katerega seme gre od njega in je s tem omadeževan,
'This [is] the law of him who hath an issue, and of him whose seed of copulation goeth out from him, for uncleanness thereby,
33 in o tisti, ki je bolna od svoje nečistosti in o tistem, ki ima izliv, od moškega ali od ženske in o tistem, ki leži s tisto, ki je nečista.‹«
and of her who is sick in her separation, and of him who hath an issue, the issue of a male or of a female, and of a man who lieth with an unclean woman.'