< Žalostinke 3 >

1 Jaz sem človek, ki je videl stisko s palico njegovega besa.
I am the man who has experienced suffering under the rod of God's anger.
2 Vodil me je in me privedel v temo, toda ne v svetlobo.
He has driven me away, forcing me to walk in darkness instead of the light.
3 Zagotovo je obrnjen zoper mene; svojo roko je obračal zoper mene ves dan.
In fact he hits me again and again all day long.
4 Postaral je moje meso in mojo kožo, zlomil je moje kosti.
He has worn me out; he has broken me in pieces.
5 Zidal je zoper mene in me obdal z žolčem in muko.
He has besieged me, surrounding me with bitterness and misery.
6 Postavil me je v temne kraje, kakor tiste, ki so mrtvi od davnine.
He has forced me to live in darkness like those long dead.
7 Ogradil me je naokoli, da ne morem priti ven. Mojo verigo je naredil težko.
He has built a wall around me so I can't escape; he has bound me with heavy chains.
8 Tudi ko jokam in vpijem, on ustavlja mojo molitev.
Even when I keep on crying out for help, he refuses to listen to my prayer.
9 Moje steze je obdal s klesanim kamnom, moje poti je storil sprijene.
He has put stone blocks in my way and sends me down crooked paths.
10 Bil mi je kakor medved, ki preži v zasedi in kakor lev na skrivnih krajih.
He is a bear that lies in wait for me, a lion in hiding ready to attack,
11 Moje poti je obrnil vstran in me raztrgal. Naredil me je zapuščenega.
He dragged me from my path and ripped me to pieces, leaving me helpless.
12 Upognil je svoj lok in me postavil kakor tarčo za puščico.
He loaded his bow with an arrow and used me as his target,
13 Puščicam svojega tula je storil, da vstopijo v mojo notranjost.
He shot me in my kidneys with his arrows.
14 Bil sem v posmeh vsemu svojemu ljudstvu in ves dan njihova pesem.
Now everyone laughs at me, singing songs that mock me all day long.
15 Nasičeval me je z grenkobo, opijanjal me je s pelinom.
He has filled me with bitterness; he has filled me up with bitter wormwood.
16 Prav tako je moje zobe zlomil z ostrimi kamni, pokril me je s pepelom.
He has broken my teeth with grit; he has trampled me in the dust.
17 Mojo dušo si odstranil daleč stran od miru. Pozabil sem uspevanje.
Peace has been torn away from me; I've forgotten all that's good in life.
18 Rekel sem: »Moja moč in moje upanje je izginilo od Gospoda,
That's why I say, “My expectation of a long life is gone, along with all that I hoped for from Lord.
19 spominjajoč se moje stiske in moje bede, pelina in žolča.
Don't forget everything I've suffered in my wandering, as bitters as wormwood and poison.
20 Moja duša jih ima še vedno v spominu in je ponižana v meni.
I certainly haven't forgotten. I remember it all too well, so I sink into depression.
21 To si ponovno kličem v svoj um, zato imam upanje.
But I still hope when I think about this:
22 To je od Gospodovih milosti, da nismo použiti, ker njegova sočutja ne odnehajo.
It's because of the Lord's trustworthy love that our lives are not finished, for through his merciful actions he never lets us down.
23 Ta so nova vsako jutro. Velika je tvoja zvestoba.
He renews them every morning. How wonderfully trustworthy you are, Lord!
24 Gospod je moj delež, pravi moja duša, zato bom upal vanj.
The Lord is all I need,” I tell myself, “so I will put my hope in him.”
25 Gospod je dober vsem tistim, ki čakajo nanj; duši, ki ga išče.
The Lord is good to those who trust in him, to anyone who seeks to follow him.
26 Dobro je, da bi človek upal in tiho čakal na Gospodovo rešitev duše.
It is good to wait quietly for the Lord's salvation.
27 Dobro je za človeka, da nosi jarem v svoji mladosti.
It is good for people to learn to patiently bear discipline while they're still young.
28 Sedi sam in molči, ker ga je nosil na sebi.
They should sit by themselves in silence, because it's God who has disciplined them.
29 Svoja usta polaga v prah, morda bi bilo lahko še upanje.
They should bow low with their faces to the ground, for there may still be hope.
30 Svoje lice daje tistemu, ki ga udarja, napolnjen je z grajo.
They should turn a cheek to someone who wants to slap them; they should take the insults of others.
31 Kajti Gospod ne bo zavrgel na veke,
For the Lord won't abandon us forever.
32 toda čeprav je povzročil žalost, bo vendar imel sočutje glede na množico svojih usmiljenj.
Even though he may bring sadness, he shows us mercy because his trustworthy love is so great.
33 Kajti on ni voljan prizadeti niti užalostiti človeških otrok.
For he doesn't willingly hurt people, or cause them grief.
34 Da bi pod svojimi stopali zdrobil vse jetnike zemlje,
Whether it's mistreating all the prisoners of the land,
35 da bi odvrnil človekovo pravico pred obrazom Najvišjega,
Or denying someone their rights as the Most High watches,
36 da človeka spodkoplje v njegovi pravdi, [tega] Gospod ne odobrava.
Or cheating someone in their legal case—these things the Lord doesn't approve of.
37 Kdo je tisti, ki pravi in se to zgodi, ko Gospod tega ne zapove?
Who spoke and it came into existence? Wasn't it the Lord who commanded it?
38 Iz ust Najvišjega ne izhaja zlo in dobro?
When the Most High speaks it can be a disaster or a blessing.
39 Zakaj se živeči človek pritožuje, človek zaradi kaznovanja svojih grehov?
Why should any human being complain about the results of their sins?
40 Preiščimo in preizkusimo svoje poti in se ponovno obrnimo h Gospodu.
We should look at ourselves, examine what we're doing, and return to the Lord.
41 Vzdignimo svoja srca s svojimi rokami k Bogu v nebesih.
Let's not just hold up our hands to God in heaven, but our minds as well, saying,
42 Pregrešili smo se in uprli. Ti nisi oprostil.
“We are the ones who sinned; we are the ones who rebelled; and you haven't forgiven us!”
43 Pokril si [nas] s svojo jezo in nas preganjal. Umoril si, nisi se usmilil.
You have wrapped yourself in anger and chased us down, killing without mercy. You have killed without pity.
44 Pokril si se z oblakom, da naša molitev ne bi šla skozi.
You have wrapped yourself with a cloud that no prayer can penetrate.
45 Naredil si nas kakor izvržek in zavrnitev v sredi ljudstev.
You have made us waste and refuse to the nations around.
46 Vsi naši sovražniki so odprli svoja usta zoper nas.
All our enemies open their mouths to criticize us.
47 Strah in zanka sta prišla nad nas, opustošenje in uničenje.
We're terrified and trapped, devastated and destroyed.
48 Moje oko teče navzdol z rekami voda, zaradi uničenja hčere mojega ljudstva.
Tears stream from my eyes over the death of my people.
49 Moje oko se izliva in ne preneha, brez kakršnegakoli predaha,
My eyes overflow with tears all the time. They won't stop
50 dokler Gospod ne pogleda dol in ne pogleda iz nebes.
Until the Lord looks down from heaven and sees what's going on.
51 Moje oko prizadeva moje srce, zaradi vseh hčera mojega mesta.
What I've seen torments me because of what's happened to all the women in my city.
52 Moji sovražniki so me boleče preganjali kakor ptico, brez vzroka.
For no reason my enemies trapped me like a bird.
53 Moje življenje so odsekali v grajski ječi in name vrgli kamen.
They tried to kill me by tossing me into a pit and throwing stones at me.
54 Vode so mi tekle čez glavo; potem sem rekel: »Odsekan sem.«
Water flooded over my head, and I thought I was going to die.
55 Klical sem k tvojemu imenu, oh Gospod, iz globine grajske ječe.
I called out for you, Lord, from deep inside the pit.
56 Slišal si moj glas. Ne skrivaj svojega ušesa ob mojem dihanju, ob mojem klicu.
You heard me when I prayed, “Please don't ignore my cry for help.”
57 Priteguješ me na dan, ko sem klical k tebi. Ti praviš: »Ne boj se.«
You came to me when I called you, and you told me, “Don't be afraid!”
58 Oh Gospod, zagovarjal si pravde moje duše, odkupil si moje življenje.
You have taken my case and defended me; you have saved my life!
59 Oh Gospod, videl si mojo krivico. Ti sodi mojo pravdo.
Lord, you have seen the injustices done to me; please vindicate me!
60 Videl si vse njihovo maščevanje in vse njihove zamisli zoper mene.
You have observed how vengeful they are and how often they've plotted against me.
61 Slišal si njihovo grajo, oh Gospod in vse njihove zamisli zoper mene;
Lord, you have heard how they've insulted me, and what they've plotted against me,
62 ustnice tistih, ki se vzdigujejo zoper mene in njihovo premišljevanje zoper mene ves dan.
How my enemies talk against me and complain about me all the time!
63 Glej, njihovo usedanje in njihovo vzdigovanje; jaz sem njihova glasba.
Just look! Whether they're sitting down and or standing up, they go on making fun of me in their songs.
64 Vrni jim povračilo, oh Gospod, glede na delo njihovih rok.
Pay them back as they deserve, Lord, for all they've done!
65 Daj jim bridkost srca, svoje prekletstvo nad njimi.
Give them a covering for their minds! May your curse be on them!
66 Preganjaj jih in jih uniči v jezi izpod Gospodovih nebes.
Chase them down in your anger, Lord, and get rid of them from the earth!

< Žalostinke 3 >