< Žalostinke 2 >

1 Kako je Gospod v svoji jezi pokril sionsko hčer z oblakom in vrgel dol z neba na zemljo Izraelovo lepoto in se ni spominjal svoje pručke na dan svoje jeze!
Oh how hath the Lord covered in his anger the daughter of Zion with a cloud; he hath cast down from heaven unto the earth the ornament of Israel; and he hath not remembered his footstool on the day of his anger!
2 Gospod je požrl vsa Jakobova prebivališča in se ni usmilil. V svojem besu je zrušil oporišča Judove hčere; privedel jih je dol do tal. Oskrunil je kraljestvo in njegove prince.
The Lord hath destroyed and hath not pitied all the habitation of Jacob: he hath thrown down in his wrath the strong-holds of the daughter of Judah: he hath thrown them down to the ground; he hath defiled the kingdom and its princes.
3 V svoji kruti jezi je odrezal ves Izraelov rog. Svojo desnico je umaknil izpred sovražnika in zoper Jakoba je gorel plameneč ogenj, ki požira vsenaokrog.
He hath hewn away in his fierce anger the whole horn of Israel; he hath drawn back his right hand before the enemy; and he burnt against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devoureth round about.
4 Svoj lok je upognil kakor sovražnik. S svojo desnico je stal kakor nasprotnik in usmrtil vse, ki so bili prijetni za oko v šotorskem svetišču sionske hčere. Svojo razjarjenost je izlil kakor ogenj.
He bent his bow like an enemy; he held out his right hand as an adversary, and slew all that were pleasant to the eye: in the tent of the daughter of Zion did he pour out like fire his fury.
5 Gospod je bil kakor sovražnik. Požrl je Izraela, požrl je vse njegove palače. Uničil je vsa njegova oporišča in v Judovi hčeri je povečal žalovanje in objokovanje.
The Lord became like an enemy; he destroyed Israel, he destroyed all her palaces, he ruined her strong-holds, and he increased in the midst of the daughter of Judah groaning and wailing.
6 Nasilno je odvzel svoje šotorsko svetišče, kakor če bi bil ta od vrta. Uničil je njegove kraje zborovanja. Gospod je storil, da se slovesni prazniki in šabate pozabijo v Sionu in v ogorčenju svoje jeze je preziral kralja in duhovnika.
And he violently wasted, as if it were a garden, his tabernacle; he destroyed his place of assembly: [yea, ] the Lord hath caused to be forgotten in Zion the solemn feast and the day of rest, and hath despised in the indignation of his anger both king and priest.
7 Gospod je zavrgel svoj oltar, preziral svoje svetišče, zidove svoje palače je predal v roko sovražnika; v Gospodovi hiši so vzdignili hrup kakor na dan slovesnega praznika.
The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath made void his sanctuary, he hath surrendered into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces: they have made their voice to resound in the house of the Lord, as on a day of a solemn feast.
8 Gospod se je namenil, da uniči obzidje sionske hčere. Iztegnil je vrvico, svoje roke ni umaknil pred uničevanjem. Zato je naredil obrambni zid in obzidje za žalovanje; skupaj so slabeli.
The Lord hath resolved to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion; he stretched out the measuring-line, he withdrew not his hand from destroying: and he caused the rampart and the wall to mourn; together they languish.
9 Njena velika vrata so se pogreznila v tla; uničeni in zlomljeni so njeni zapahi. Njen kralj in njeni princi so med pogani. Postave ni več, tudi njeni preroki ne najdejo videnja od Gospoda.
Sunk into the ground are her gates, he hath ruined and broken her bars: her king and her princes are among the nations without any law; her prophets also obtain no more any vision from the Lord.
10 Starešine hčere sionske sedijo na tleh in molčijo. Na svoje glave so metali prah. Opasali so se z vrečevino. Device [prestolnice] Jeruzalem svoje glave povešajo k tlom.
The elders of the daughter of Zion sit upon the ground, they keep silence: they have thrown dust upon their head; they have girt themselves with sackcloth: the virgins of Jerusalem have brought down low their head to the ground.
11 Moje oči pešajo s solzami, moja notranjost je vznemirjena, moja jetra so izlita na zemljo zaradi uničenja hčere mojega ljudstva; ker so otroci in dojenčki omedlevali na ulicah mesta.
My eyes do fail with tears, my bowels are heated, my liver is poured upon the earth because of the breach of the daughter of my people; because babes and sucklings faint away in the streets of the town.
12 Svojim materam pravijo: »Kje sta žito in vino?« ko so omedlevali kakor ranjeni na ulicah mesta, ko so bile njihove duše izlite v naročje njihovih mater.
To their mothers they say, Where is corn and wine? when they faint away like the deadly wounded in the streets of the city, when their soul is poured out on the bosom of their mother.
13 Kakšno stvar bom vzel, da pričuje zate? S kakšno stvarjo te bom primerjal, oh hči [prestolnice] Jeruzalem? Kaj bom enačil s teboj, da bi te lahko potolažil, oh devica, hči sionska, kajti tvoja vrzel je velika kakor morje. Kdo te lahko ozdravi?
What shall I take to witness for thee? what shall I compare unto thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I find equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for great like the sea is thy breach; who can bring healing to thee?
14 Tvoji preroki so zate videli prazne in bedaste stvari in niso odkrili tvoje krivičnosti, da odvrnejo tvoje ujetništvo, temveč so zate videli napačna bremena in razloge izgnanstva.
Thy prophets foresaw for thee vain and deceptive things; and they did not lay open thy iniquity, to cause thy backsliders to return: but they foresaw for thee prophecies of falsehood and seduction.
15 Vsi, ki gredo mimo, s svojimi rokami ploskajo nad teboj, sikajo in s svojimi glavami zmajujejo ob jeruzalemski hčeri, rekoč: »Ali je to mesto, ki ga ljudje imenujejo Popolnost lepote, Radost celotne zemlje?«
All that pass by [this] way clap their hands on account of thee; they hiss and shake their head over the daughter of Jerusalem: [saying, ] Is this the city that men called The perfection of beauty. The joy for all the earth?
16 Vsi tvoji sovražniki so odprli svoja usta zoper tebe. Sikajo in škripajo z zobmi. Pravijo: »Požrli smo jo. Zagotovo, to je dan, ki smo se ga veselili; našli smo, videli smo to.
All thy enemies open wide their mouth against thee; they hiss and gnash their teeth; they say, We have swallowed her up: ah, truly this is the day that we hoped for; we have found, we have seen it.
17 Gospod je storil to, kar je načrtoval. Izpolnil je svojo besedo, ki jo je zapovedal od dni davnine. Zrušil je in se ni usmilil in tvojemu sovražniku je dal, da se veseli nad teboj, vzdignil je rog tvojih nasprotnikov.
The Lord hath done what he had resolved; he hath accomplished his word which he had ordained already in the days of old; he hath thrown down, and hath not pitied; and he hath caused to rejoice over thee thy enemy, he hath raised on high the horn of thy adversaries.
18 Njihovo srce je klicalo h Gospodu, oh obzidje hčere sionske, naj solze tečejo kakor reka, podnevi in ponoči. Ne daj si počitka, naj punčica tvojega očesa ne preneha.
Their heart crieth unto the Lord, O thou wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a stream day and night; allow thyself no rest; let not the apple of thy eye be still.
19 Vstani, zavpij ponoči. Ob začetku straž izlij svoje srce kakor vodo pred Gospodovim obrazom. Dvigni svoje roke k njemu zaradi življenja svojih mladih otrok, ki slabijo zaradi lakote na vrhu vsake ulice.
Arise, complain aloud in the night, in the beginning of the watches; pour out like water thy heart before the face of the Lord: lift up toward him thy hands because of the life of thy babes, that faint away for hunger at the corner of all the streets.
20 Glej, oh Gospod in preudari, komu si to storil. Mar bodo ženske jedle svoj sad, otroke pedenj dolge? Mar bosta duhovnik in prerok umorjena v Gospodovem svetišču?
See, O Lord, and behold! to whom hast thou ever done the like? Shall women, then, eat their own fruit, the babes they have tenderly nursed? or shall there be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord the priest and the prophet?
21 Mladi in stari ležijo po tleh na ulicah. Moje device in moji mladeniči so padli pod mečem; umoril si jih na dan svoje jeze, pobil si jih in se nisi usmilil.
There lie down on the ground in the streets the lad and the ancient: my virgins and my young men are fallen by the sword: thou hast slain on the day of thy anger; thou hast slaughtered, thou hast not pitied.
22 Poklical si kakor na slovesen dan moje strahote naokoli, tako da na dan Gospodove jeze nihče ni pobegnil niti preostal. Tiste, ki sem jih povil in vzgojil, je použil moj sovražnik.
Thou hast called, as it were on a festive day, my evil neighbors from round about; and there was not on the day of the Lord's anger one that escaped or remained: those that I had tenderly nursed and reared up my enemy brought to their end.

< Žalostinke 2 >