< Sodniki 17 >

1 Tam je bil mož z gore Efrájim, katerega ime je bilo Miha.
And there was a man of mount Ephraim, and his name was Michaias.
2 Ta je rekel svoji materi: »Tisoč sto šeklov srebra, ki so bili vzeti od tebe, glede katerih si preklinjala in glede katerih si govorila tudi v moja ušesa, glej, srebro je z menoj. Jaz sem ga vzel.« Njegova mati je rekla: »Blagoslovljen bodi od Gospoda, moj sin.«
And he said to his mother, The eleven hundred pieces of silver which you took of yourself, and [about which] you cursed me, and spoke in my ears, behold, the silver [is] with me; I took it: and his mother said, Blessed [be] my son of the Lord.
3 Ko je svoji materi povrnil tisoč sto šeklov srebra, je njegova mati rekla: »Srebro sem v celoti posvetila Gospodu, od svoje roke za svojega sina, da se naredi rezana podoba in ulita podoba. Sedaj ti ga bom torej povrnila.«
And he restored the eleven hundred pieces of silver to his mother; and his mother said, I had wholly consecrated the money to the Lord out of my hand for my son, to make a graven and a molten [image], and now I will restore it to you.
4 Vendar je denar vrnil svoji materi in njegova mati je vzela dvesto šeklov srebra in jih dala livarju, ki je iz njih naredil rezano podobo in ulito podobo in bili sta v Mihovi hiši.
But he returned the silver to his mother, and his mother took two hundred pieces of silver, and gave them to a silversmith, and he made it a graven and a molten image; and it was in the house of Michaias.
5 Mož Miha je imel hišo bogov in naredil efód in družinskega malika in uméstil enega izmed svojih sinov, ki je postal njegov duhovnik.
And the house of Michaias [was] to him the house of God, and he made an ephod and theraphin, and he consecrated one of his sons, and he became to him a priest.
6 V tistih dneh ni bilo kralja v Izraelu, temveč je vsak človek počel to, kar je bilo pravilno v njegovih lastnih očeh.
And in those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
7 Tam je bil mladenič iz Judovega Betlehema, iz Judove družine, ki je bil Lévijevec in se je mudil tam.
And there was a young man in Bethleem of the tribe of Juda, and he [was] a Levite, and he was sojourning there.
8 Človek je odrinil iz mesta, iz Judovega Betlehema, da začasno prebiva, kjer bi lahko našel prostor in ko je potoval, je prišel do gore Efrájim, k Mihovi hiši.
And the man departed from Bethleem the city of Juda to sojourn in whatever place he might find; and he came as far as mount Ephraim, and to the house of Michaias to accomplish his journey.
9 Miha mu je rekel: »Od kod prihajaš?« Odgovoril mu je: »Jaz sem Lévijevec iz Judovega Betlehema in grem, da začasno prebivam tam, kjer bom lahko našel prostor.«
And Michaias said to him, Whence come you? and he said to him, I am a Levite of Bethleem Juda, and I go to sojourn in any place I may find.
10 Miha mu je rekel: »Prebivaj z menoj in bodi mi oče in duhovnik, jaz pa ti bom ob letu dajal deset šeklov srebra in opremo oblačila in živež.« Tako je Lévijevec vstopil.
And Michaias said to him, Dwell with me, and be to me a father and a priest; and I will give you ten pieces of silver by the year, and a change of raiment, and your living.
11 Lévijevec je bil zadovoljen, da prebiva z možem in mladenič mu je bil kakor eden izmed njegovih sinov.
And the Levite went and began to dwell with the man; and the young man was to him as one of his sons.
12 Miha je uméstil Lévijevca in mladenič je postal njegov duhovnik in bil je v Mihovi hiši.
And Michaias consecrated the Levite, and he became to him a priest, and he was in the house of Michaias.
13 Potem je Miha rekel: »Sedaj vem, da mi bo Gospod storil dobro, glede na to, da imam Lévijevca za svojega duhovnika.«
And Michaias said, Now I know that the Lord will do me good, because a Levite has become my priest.

< Sodniki 17 >