< Sodniki 15 >

1 Toda pripetilo se je čez nekaj časa, ob času pšenične žetve, da je Samson s kozličem obiskal svojo ženo in rekel: »Šel bom noter k svoji ženi v sobo.« Toda njen oče mu ni dovolil vstopiti.
During the time that they harvested wheat, Samson took a young goat to Timnah as a present for his wife. He planned to sleep with [EUP] his wife, but her father would not let him go into [her room].
2 Njen oče je rekel: »Resnično sem mislil, da si jo popolnoma zasovražil, zato sem jo dal tvojemu družabniku. Mar ni njena mlajša sestra boljša od nje? Vzemi njo, prosim te, namesto nje.«
He said to Samson, “I really thought that you hated her. So I gave her to the man who had been your best man at the wedding, and she married him. But look, her younger sister is [RHQ] more beautiful than she is. You can marry her!”
3 Samson je glede njih rekel: »Sedaj bom bolj brez krivde kakor Filistejci, čeprav jim storim zlo.«
Samson replied, “No! And this time I have a right to get revenge on you Philistines!”
4 Samson je odšel in ujel tristo lisic in vzel kose tlečega lesa in obrnil rep k repu in kos tlečega lesa položil v sredo med dva repa.
Then he went out [into the fields] and caught 300 foxes. He tied their tails together, two-by-two. He fastened torches to each pair of tails.
5 Ko je kose tlečega lesa zažgal, jih je spustil v stoječe žito Filistejcev in zažgal tako snope, kot tudi stoječe žito, z vinogradi in oljkami.
Then he lit the torches and let the foxes run through the fields of the Philistines. The fire [from the torches] burned all the grain to the ground, including the grain that had been cut and piled in bundles. The fire also burned down their grapevines and their olive trees.
6 Potem so Filistejci rekli: »Kdo je to storil?« Odgovorili so: »Samson, zet Timnčana, ker je ta vzel njegovo ženo in jo dal njegovemu družabniku.« In Filistejci so prišli gor in z ognjem zažgali njo in njenega očeta.
The Philistines asked, “Who did this?” Someone told them, “Samson did it. He married a woman from Timnah, but then his father-in-law gave her to the man who was Samson’s best man at the wedding, and she married him.” So the Philistines went [to Timnah] and got the woman and her father, and burned them to death.
7 Samson jim je rekel: »Čeprav ste to storili, se vam bom vendarle maščeval in potem bom odnehal.«
Samson [found out about that, and he] said to them, “Because you have done this, I will not stop until I get revenge on you!”
8 Udaril jih je, golen in stegno, z velikim pokolom in odšel dol ter prebival na vrhu skale Etám.
So he attacked the Philistines furiously, and killed many of them. Then he went [to hide] in a cave in the large rock at a place called Etam.
9 Potem so Filistejci odšli gor, se utaborili v Judu in se razširili v Lehi.
The Philistines [did not know where he was, so they] went up to where the descendants of Judah lived, set up their tents near Lehi [town and then raided the town].
10 Možje iz Juda so rekli: »Zakaj ste prišli gor zoper nas?« Odgovorili so: »Gor smo prišli, da zvežemo Samsona, da mu storimo, kakor je on storil nam.«
The men there asked the Philistines, “Why have you attacked us?” The Philistines replied, “We have come to capture Samson. We have come to get revenge on him for what he did to us.”
11 Potem je tri tisoč mož iz Juda odšlo na vrh skale Etám in reklo Samsonu: »Mar ne veš, da so Filistejci vladarji nad nami? Kaj je to, kar si nam storil?« Rekel jim je: »Kakor so storili meni, tako sem jaz storil njim.«
[Someone there knew where Samson was hiding]. So 3,000 men from Judah went down to get Samson at the cave in the rock where he was hiding. They said to Samson, “Do you not realize that the people of Philistia are ruling over us? Do you not realize what they will do to us?” Samson replied, “The only thing I did was that I got revenge on them for what they did to me.”
12 Rekli so mu: »Prišli smo dol, da te zvežemo, da te lahko izročimo v roko Filistejcev.« Samson jim je rekel: »Prisezite mi, da vi sami ne boste padli name.«
But the men from Judah said to him, “We have come to tie you up and put you in the hands of the Philistines.” Samson said, “All right, but promise me that you yourselves will not kill me!”
13 Odgovorili so mu, rekoč: »Ne, temveč te bomo trdno zvezali in te izročili v njihovo roko, toda mi te zagotovo ne bomo ubili.« Zvezali so ga z dvema novima vrvema in ga od skale privedli gor.
They replied, “We will just tie you up and take you to the Philistines. We will not kill you.” So they tied him with two new ropes, and led him away from the cave.
14 Ko je prišel v Lehi, so Filistejci zavpili zoper njega in nadenj je mogočno prišel Gospodov Duh in vrvi, ki so bile na njegovih laktih, so postale kakor lan, ki je bil zažgan z ognjem in njegove vezi so se sprostile iz njegovih rok.
When they arrived at Lehi, the Philistines came toward him, shouting [triumphantly]. But Yahweh’s Spirit came upon Samson powerfully. He snapped the ropes on his arms as easily as if they were stalks of burned flax, and the ropes fell off his wrists.
15 Našel je novo oslovsko čeljustnico, iztegnil svojo roko, jo vzel in z njo usmrtil tisoč mož.
Then he saw a donkey’s jawbone lying on the ground. It was fresh, [so it was hard]. He picked it up and killed about 1,000 Philistine men with it.
16 Samson je rekel: »Z oslovsko čeljustnico, kupi na kupe, z oslovsko čeljustjo sem umoril tisoč mož.«
Then Samson wrote this poem: “With the jawbone of a donkey I have made them like a heap of [dead] donkeys. With the jawbone of a donkey I killed 1,000 men.”
17 Ko je končal z govorjenjem, se je pripetilo, da je iz svoje roke odvrgel čeljustnico in ta kraj imenoval Ramát Lehi.
When he finished killing those men, he threw the jawbone away, and later that place was called Jawbone Hill.
18 Bil pa je silno žejen in klical h Gospodu ter rekel: »Ti si dal to veliko osvoboditev v roko svojega služabnika in sedaj ali naj umrem od žeje in padem v roko neobrezancev?«
Then Samson was very thirsty, so he called out to Yahweh, “You have given me strength to win a great victory. So now must I die because of being thirsty, with the result that those heathen Philistines will take away my body [and mutilate it]?”
19 Toda Bog je razklal votel kraj, ki je bil v Čestjustnici in iz njega je pritekla voda. Ko jo je pil, je njegov duh ponovno prišel in bil je oživljen. Zato je njegovo ime imenoval En Koré, ki je v Lehiju, do današnjega dne.
So God caused water to gush out of a depression in the ground at Lehi. Samson drank from it and soon felt strong again. He named that place ‘The spring of the one who called out’. That spring is still there at Lehi.
20 V dneh Filistejcev je Izraelu sodil dvajset let.
Samson was the leader of the Israeli people for 20 years, but during that time the Philistines [were the ones who really ruled over the land].

< Sodniki 15 >