< Sodniki 12 >

1 Možje iz Efrájima so se zbrali skupaj in odšli proti severu in rekli Jefteju: »Zakaj prehajaš preko, da se boriš zoper Amónove otroke, nas pa nisi poklical, da gremo s teboj? Nad teboj bomo tvojo hišo požgali z ognjem.«
A call went out to the men of Ephraim; they passed through Zaphon and said to Jephthah, “Why did you pass through to fight against the people of Ammon and did not call us to go with you? We will burn your house down over you.”
2 Jefte jim je rekel: »Jaz in moje ljudstvo smo bili v velikem boju z Amónovimi otroki in ko sem vas poklical, me niste osvobodili iz njihovih rok.
Jephthah said to them, “I and my people were in a great conflict with the people of Ammon. When I called you, you did not rescue me from them.
3 Ko sem videl, da me niste osvobodili, sem svoje življenje vzel v svoje roke in šel preko, proti Amónovim otrokom in Gospod jih je izročil v mojo roko. Zakaj ste torej vi ta dan prišli gor do mene, da se borite zoper mene?«
When I saw that you did not rescue me, When I saw that you did not rescue me, I put my life in my own hand and passed through against the people of Ammon, and Yahweh gave me victory. Why have you come to fight against me today?”
4 Potem je Jefte zbral skupaj vse gileádske može in se bojeval z Efrájimom in gileádski možje so udarili Efrájim, ker so rekli: »Vi Gileádčani ste ubežniki iz Efrájima med Efrájimci in Manásejci.«
Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead and he fought against Ephraim. The men of Gilead attacked the men of Ephraim because they said, “You Gileadites are fugitives in Ephraim—in Ephraim and Manasseh.”
5 Gileádčani so pred Efrájimci zavzeli jordanske prehode. In bilo je tako, da ko so tisti Efrájimci, ki so pobegnili, rekli: »Naj grem preko, « da so mu gileádski možje rekli: » Ali si Efrájimec?« Če je rekel: »Ne, «
The Gileadites captured the fords of the Jordan leading to Ephraim. When any of the survivors of Ephraim said, “Let me go over the river,” the men of Gilead would say to him, “Are you an Ephraimite?” If he said, “No,”
6 potem so mu rekli: »Reci sedaj Šibólet« in je rekel »Sibólet, « kajti tega ni mogel pravilno naglasiti. Potem so ga prijeli in usmrtil pri jordanskih prehodih in tam jih je ob tistem času izmed Efrájimcev padlo dvainštirideset tisoč.
then they would say to him, “Say: Shibboleth,” and if he said “Sibboleth” (for he could not pronounce the word correctly), the Gileadites would seize him and kill him at the fords of the Jordan. Forty-two thousand Ephraimites were killed at that time.
7 Jefte je Izraelu sodil šest let. Potem je Gileádčan Jefte umrl in bil pokopan v enem izmed mest Gileáda.
Jephthah served as a judge over Israel for six years. Then Jephthah the Gileadite died and was buried in one of the cities of Gilead.
8 Za njim je Izraelu sodil Ibcán iz Betlehema.
After him, Ibzan of Bethlehem served as a judge over Israel.
9 Ta je imel trideset sinov in trideset hčera, ki jih je poslal naokrog in za svoje sinove je vzel trideset hčera od drugod. Izraelu je sodil sedem let.
He had thirty sons. He gave away thirty daughters in marriage, and he brought in thirty daughters of other men for his sons, from the outside. He judged Israel for seven years.
10 Potem je Ibcán umrl in je bil pokopan pri Betlehemu.
Ibzan died and was buried at Bethlehem.
11 Za njim je Izraelu sodil Zábulonec Elón. Izraelu je sodil deset let.
After him Elon the Zebulunite served as judge over Israel. He judged Israel for ten years.
12 Zábulonec Elón je umrl in je bil pokopan v Ajalónu, v deželi Zábulon.
Elon the Zebulunite died and was buried in Aijalon in the land of Zebulun.
13 Za njim je Izraelu sodil Abdón, sin Piratónca Hiléla.
After him, Abdon son of Hillel the Pirathonite served as a judge over Israel.
14 Ta je imel štirideset sinov in trideset nečakov, ki so jahali na sedemdesetih osličjih žrebetih. Izraelu je sodil osem let.
He had forty sons and thirty grandsons. They rode on seventy donkeys, and he judged Israel for eight years.
15 Abdón, sin Piratónca Hiléla, je umrl in je bil pokopan v Piratónu, v deželi Efrájim, na gori Amalečanov.
Abdon son of Hillel the Pirathonite died and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim in the hill country of the Amalekites.

< Sodniki 12 >