< Jozue 9 >

1 Pripetilo se je, ko so vsi kralji, ki so bili na tej strani Jordana, na hribih, v dolinah in po vseh pokrajinah vélikega morja nasproti Libanonu, Hetejci, Amoréjci, Kánaanci, Perizéjci, Hivéjci in Jebusejci, slišali o tem,
Then all the kings who lived beyond the Jordan in the hill country, and in the lowlands along the shore of the Great Sea toward Lebanon—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites—
2 da so se zbrali skupaj, da se soglasno bojujejo z Józuetom in z Izraelom.
these joined together under one command, to wage war against Joshua and Israel.
3 Ko so prebivalci Gibeóna slišali, kaj je Józue storil Jerihi in Aju,
When the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai,
4 so prebrisano storili in odšli ter se naredili kakor, da so bili predstavniki in na svoje osle dali stare vreče in vinske mehove, stare in raztrgane ter jih povezali
they acted with a cunning plan. They went as messengers. They took worn-out sacks and put them on their donkeys. They also took old wineskins that were worn, torn, and had been repaired.
5 in stare čevlje, zakrpane na njihovih stopalih in stare obleke na njih in ves kruh njihove popotnice je bil suh in drobljiv.
They put old and patched sandals on their feet, and dressed in old, worn-out clothing. All the bread in their food supply was dry and moldy.
6 Odšli so k Józuetu v tabor pri Gilgálu, in rekli njemu in Izraelovim možem: »Prišli smo iz daljne dežele, zdaj torej sklenite zavezo z nami.«
Then they went to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal and said to him and to the men of Israel, “We have traveled from a very far country, so now make a covenant with us.”
7 Možje iz Izraela so rekli Hivéjcem: »Morda prebivate med nami in kako naj sklenemo zavezo z vami?«
The men of Israel said to the Hivites, “Perhaps you live near us. How can we make a covenant with you?”
8 Ti so Józuetu rekli: »Mi smo tvoji služabniki.« Józue jim je rekel: »Kdo ste? In od kod ste prišli?«
They said to Joshua, “We are your servants.” Joshua said to them, “Who are you? Where did you come from?”
9 Rekli so mu: »Iz zelo oddaljene dežele so prišli tvoji služabniki zaradi imena Gospoda, tvojega Boga, kajti slišali smo sloves o njem in vse, kar je storil v Egiptu
They said to him, “Your servants have come here from a land very far away, because of the name of Yahweh your God. We have heard a report about him and about everything that he did in Egypt—
10 in vse, kar je storil dvema kraljema Amoréjcev, ki sta bila onkraj Jordana, hešbónskemu kralju Sihónu in bašánskemu kralju Ogu, ki je bil pri Aštarótu.
and everything that he did to the two kings of the Amorites on the other side of the Jordan—to Sihon king of Heshbon, and to Og king of Bashan who was at Ashtaroth.
11 Zato so nam naši starešine in vsi prebivalci dežele govorili, rekoč: ›S seboj vzemite živež za potovanje in pojdite, da jih srečate in jim recite: ›Mi smo vaši služabniki, zato zdaj sklenite zavezo z nami.‹‹
Our elders and all the inhabitants of our country said to us, 'Take provisions in your hand for the journey. Go to meet them and say to them, “We are your servants. Make a treaty with us.”
12 Ta naš kruh smo vzeli še vročega za našo popotnico iz naših hiš na dan, ko smo šli, da gremo k vam, toda sedaj, glejte, je ta suh in drobljiv.
This is our bread, it was still warm when we took it from our houses on the day we set out to come to you. But now, see, it is dry and moldy.
13 Ti vinski mehovi, ki smo jih napolnili, so bili novi, in glejte, raztrgani so. Te naše obleke in naši čevlji so postali stari zaradi razloga zelo dolgega potovanja.«
These wineskins were new when we filled them, and look, now they are leaking. Our garments and our sandals are worn-out from a very long journey.'”
14 Možje so vzeli od njihovega živeža, niso pa vprašali za nasvet pri Gospodovih ustih.
So the Israelites took some of their provisions, but they did not consult with Yahweh for guidance.
15 Józue je z njimi sklenil mir in z njimi sklenil zavezo, da jih pusti žive, in princi skupnosti so jim prisegli.
Joshua made peace with them and made a covenant with them, to let them live. The leaders of the people also made a vow to them.
16 Pripetilo pa se je ob koncu treh dni, potem ko so z njimi sklenili zavezo, da so slišali, da so bili njihovi sosedje in da so prebivali med njimi.
Three days after the Israelites made this covenant with them, they learned that they were their neighbors and that they lived nearby.
17 Izraelovi otroci so odpotovali in na tretji dan prišli v njihova mesta. Torej njihova mesta so bila Gibeón, Kefíra, Beerót in Kirját Jearím.
Then the people of Israel set out and came to their cities on the third day. Their cities were Gibeon, Kephirah, Beeroth, and Kiriath Jearim.
18 Izraelovi otroci jih niso udarili, ker so jim princi skupnosti prisegli pri Gospodu, Izraelovemu Bogu. In vsa skupnost je godrnjala zoper prince.
The people of Israel did not attack them because their leaders had taken an oath about them before Yahweh, the God of Israel. All the Israelites were grumbling against their leaders.
19 Toda vsi princi so vsej skupnosti rekli: »Prisegli smo jim pri Gospodu, Izraelovem Bogu. Sedaj se jih torej ne smemo dotakniti.
But all the leaders said to all the people, “We have taken an oath concerning them by Yahweh, the God of Israel, and now we cannot harm them.
20 To jim bomo storili. Celo žive jih bomo pustili, da ne bi bil nad nami bes zaradi prisege, ki smo jim jo prisegli.«
This is what we will do to them: To avoid any wrath that may come on us because of the oath we swore to them, we will let them live.”
21 Princi so jim rekli: »Naj živijo, toda naj bodo drvarji in prinašalci vode vsej skupnosti, « kakor so jim princi obljubili.
The leaders said to their people, “Let them live.” So, the Gibeonites became cutters of wood and drawers of water for all the Israelites, just as the leaders said about them.
22 Józue jih je dal poklicati in jim spregovoril, rekoč: »Zakaj ste nas preslepili, rekoč: ›Mi smo zelo daleč od vas, ‹ ko prebivate med nami?
Joshua called for them and said, “Why did you deceive us when you said, 'We are very far from you', when you live right here among us?
23 Zdaj ste torej prekleti in nihče izmed vas naj ne bo prost pred tem, da bi bili sužnji, drvarji in prinašalci vode za hišo mojega Boga.«
Now, because of this, you are cursed and some of you will always be slaves, those who cut wood and draw water for the house of my God.”
24 Józuetu so odgovorili in rekli: »Ker je bilo tvojim služabnikom zagotovo povedano to, kako je Gospod, tvoj Bog, zapovedal svojemu služabniku Mojzesu, da vam da vso deželo in da pred seboj uničite vse prebivalce dežele, zato smo bili zaradi vas boleče prestrašeni za svoja življenja in smo storili to stvar.
They answered Joshua and said, “Because it was told to your servants that Yahweh your God commanded his servant Moses to give you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land before you—so we were very afraid for our lives because of you. That is why we did this thing.
25 In sedaj glej, mi smo v tvoji roki. Kakor se ti zdi dobro in pravilno, da nam storiš, stôri.«
Now, look, you hold us in your power. Whatever seems good and right for you to do to us, do it.”
26 Tako jim je storil in jih osvobodil iz roke Izraelovih otrok, da jih niso pobili.
So Joshua did this for them: He delivered them out of the control of the people of Israel, so that the Israelites did not kill them.
27 Józue jih je ta dan naredil za drvarje in prinašalce vode za skupnost in za Gospodov oltar, celo do tega dne, na kraju, ki bi ga izbral.
That day Joshua made the Gibeonites cutters of wood and drawers of water for the community, and for the altar of Yahweh, to this day, in the place that Yahweh chooses.

< Jozue 9 >