< Jozue 6 >
1 Torej Jeriha je bila strogo zaprta zaradi Izraelovih otrok. Nihče ni odšel ven in nihče ni prišel noter.
And Jericho shuts itself up, and is shut up, because of the presence of the sons of Israel—none going out, and none coming in.
2 Gospod je rekel Józuetu: »Poglej, v tvojo roko sem izročil Jeriho in njenega kralja in močne junaške može.
And YHWH says to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho and its king into your hand—mighty men of valor,
3 Obdali boste mesto, vsi vi bojevniki in enkrat obhodili mesto. Tako boste počeli šest dni.
and you have surrounded the city—all the men of battle—going around the city once; thus you do [for] six days;
4 Sedem duhovnikov bo pred skrinjo nosilo sedem šofarjev iz ovnovih rogov, in sedmi dan boste sedemkrat obkrožili mesto in duhovniki bodo zatrobili s šofarji.
and seven priests carry seven horns of the rams before the Ark, and on the seventh day you go around the city seven times, and the priests blow with the horns,
5 In zgodilo se bo, da ko bodo z ovnovim rogom naredili dolgo trobljenje in ko zaslišite zvok šofarja, naj vse ljudstvo zavpije z velikim krikom in mestno obzidje bo plosko padlo dol in ljudstvo se bo povzpelo, vsak človek naravnost pred seboj.«
and it has been, in the prolonging of the horn of the ram, in your hearing the voice of the horn, all the people shout [with] a great shout, and the wall of the city has fallen under it, and the people have gone up, each straight before him.”
6 Nunov sin Józue je poklical duhovnike ter jim rekel: »Vzdignite skrinjo zaveze in sedem duhovnikov naj pred Gospodovo skrinjo nosi sedem šofarjev iz ovnovih rogov.«
And Joshua son of Nun calls to the priests and says to them, “Carry the Ark of the Covenant, and seven priests carry seven horns of the rams before the Ark of YHWH”;
7 Ljudstvu pa je rekel: »Pojdite naprej in obkrožite mesto in naj tisti, ki je oborožen, gre naprej pred Gospodovo skrinjo.«
and He said to the people, “Pass over, and go around the city, and he who is armed passes over before the Ark of YHWH.”
8 Pripetilo se je, ko je Józue govoril ljudstvu, da je sedem duhovnikov, nosečih sedem šofarjev iz ovnovih rogov, šlo naprej pred Gospodom in trobilo s šofarji in skrinja Gospodove zaveze jim je sledila.
And it comes to pass, when Joshua speaks to the people, that the seven priests carrying seven horns of the rams before YHWH have passed over and blown with the horns, and the Ark of the Covenant of YHWH is going after them;
9 Oboroženi možje so šli pred duhovniki, ki so trobili na šofarje in zadnja straža je prišla za skrinjo. Duhovniki pa so hodili in trobili s šofarji.
and he who is armed is going before the priests blowing the horns, and he who is gathering up is going after the Ark, going on and blowing with the horns;
10 Józue je zapovedal ljudstvu, rekoč: »Ne boste kričali niti naredili nobenega hrupa z vašim glasom niti ne bo nobena beseda izšla iz vaših ust do dneva, ko vam zapovem kričati; potem boste kričali.«
and Joshua has commanded the people, saying, “Do not shout, nor cause your voice to be heard, nor does a word go out from your mouth, until the day of my saying to you, Shout! Then you have shouted.”
11 Tako je Gospodova skrinja obkrožila mesto, ga enkrat obhodila in prišli so v tabor in prenočili v taboru.
And the Ark of YHWH goes around the city, going around once, and they come into the camp, and lodge in the camp.
12 Józue je vstal zgodaj zjutraj in duhovniki so dvignili Gospodovo skrinjo.
And Joshua rises early in the morning, and the priests carry the Ark of YHWH,
13 Sedem duhovnikov, ki so pred Gospodovo skrinjo nosili sedem šofarjev iz ovnovih rogov, je nenehno hodilo naprej in trobilo s šofarji in oboroženi možje so šli pred njimi, toda zadnja straža je prišla za Gospodovo skrinjo, duhovniki hodeč naprej in trobeč s šofarji.
and seven priests carrying seven horns of the rams before the Ark of YHWH are walking, going on, and they have blown with the horns—and he who is armed is going before them, and he who is gathering up is going behind the Ark of YHWH—going on and blowing with the horns.
14 Drugi dan so enkrat obkrožili mesto in se vrnili v tabor. Tako so počeli šest dni.
And they go around the city once on the second day, and return to the camp; thus they have done [for] six days.
15 Na sedmi dan se je pripetilo, da so vstali zgodaj, ob jutranjem svitanju in na isti način sedemkrat obkrožili mesto. Samo ta dan so mesto obkrožili sedemkrat.
And it comes to pass, on the seventh day, that they rise early, at the ascending of the dawn, and go around the city, according to this manner, seven times; (only on that day have they gone around the city seven times);
16 Pripetilo se je sedmič, ko so duhovniki zatrobili s šofarji, da je Józue rekel ljudstvu: »Kričite, kajti Gospod vam je dal mesto.
and it comes to pass, at the seventh time, the priests have blown with the horns, and Joshua says to the people, “Shout! For YHWH has given the city to you;
17 Mesto bo prekleto Gospodu, celó to in vse, kar je v njem. Samo pocestnica Rahába bo živela, ona in vsi, ki so z njo v hiši, ker je skrila poslanca, ki smo ju poslali.
and the city has been devoted, it and all that [is] in it, to YHWH; only Rahab the harlot lives, she and all who [are] with her in the house, for she hid the messengers whom we sent;
18 Vi pa se zagotovo zadržite pred prekleto stvarjo, da se ne bi naredili preklete, ko vzamete od preklete stvari in naredite tabor Izraelcev prekletstvo in ga vznemirite.
and surely you have kept from the devoted thing, lest you devote [yourselves], and have taken from the devoted thing, and have made the camp of Israel become a devoted thing, and have troubled it;
19 Toda vse srebro, zlato in posode iz brona in železa so posvečeni Gospodu. Pridejo naj v Gospodovo zakladnico.«
and all the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron—it [is] holy to YHWH; it comes into the treasury of YHWH.”
20 Tako je ljudstvo zakričalo, ko so duhovniki zatrobili s šofarji in pripetilo se je, ko je ljudstvo zaslišalo zvok šofarja in je ljudstvo zavpilo z velikim krikom, da je obzidje plosko padlo dol, tako da je ljudstvo odšlo gor v mesto, vsak mož naravnost pred seboj in zavzeli so mesto.
And the people shout, and blow with the horns, and it comes to pass, when the people hear the voice of the horn, that the people shout [with] a great shout, and the wall falls under it, and the people goes up into the city, each straight before him, and they capture the city;
21 Popolnoma so uničili vse, kar je bilo v mestu, tako moškega kakor žensko, mladega, starega, vola, ovco in osla, z ostrino meča.
and they devote all that [is] in the city, from man even to woman, from young even to aged, even to ox, and sheep, and donkey, by the mouth of the sword.
22 Toda Józue je rekel dvema možema, ki sta ogledovala deželo: »Pojdita v hišo pocestnice in od tam privedita žensko in vse, kar ima, kakor sta ji prisegla.«
And Joshua said to the two men who are spying out the land, “Go into the house of the woman, the harlot, and bring out the woman from there, and all whom she has, as you have sworn to her.”
23 Mladeniča, ki sta bila oglednika, sta vstopila in privedla ven Rahábo, njenega očeta, njeno mater, njene brate in vse, kar je imela in ven sta privedla vse njeno sorodstvo in jih pustila zunaj tabora Izraelcev.
And the young men, those spying, go in and bring out Rahab, and her father, and her mother, and her brothers, and all whom she has; indeed, they have brought out all her relatives, and place them at the outside of the camp of Israel.
24 Mesto pa so požgali z ognjem in vse, kar je bilo v njem. Samo srebro, zlato in posode iz brona in iz železa, so dali v zakladnico Gospodove hiše.
And they have burned the city with fire, and all that [is] in it; only, the silver and the gold, and the vessels of bronze, and of iron, they have given [to] the treasury of the house of YHWH;
25 Józue je rešil pocestnico Rahábo živo in družino njenega očeta in vse, kar je imela. V Izraelu prebiva do današnjega dne, ker je skrila poslanca, ki ju je Józue poslal, da ogledata Jeriho.
and Rahab the harlot, and the house of her father, and all whom she has, Joshua has kept alive; and she dwells in the midst of Israel to this day, for she hid the messengers whom Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.
26 Ob tistem času jih je Józue zaprisegel, rekoč: »Preklet bodi mož pred Gospodom, ki dvigne in pozida to mesto Jeriho. Njen temelj bo položil v svojem prvorojencu in v njegovem najmlajšem sinu bo postavil njena velika vrata.«
And Joshua adjures [them] at that time, saying, “Cursed [is] the man before YHWH who raises up and has built this city, [even] Jericho; he lays its foundation in his firstborn, and he sets up its doors in his youngest.”
27 Tako je bil Gospod z Józuetom in njegova slava je bila razglašena po vsej deželi.
And YHWH is with Joshua, and his fame is in all the land.