< Jona 4 >

1 Toda to je Jona silno razžalilo in bil je zelo jezen.
But this displeased Jonah and he became very angry.
2 Molil je h Gospodu ter rekel: »Prosim te, oh Gospod, ali ni bila to moja beseda, ko sem bil še v svoji deželi? Zatorej sem prej pobegnil v Taršíš, kajti vedel sem, da si milostljiv Bog in usmiljen, počasen za jezo in zelo prijazen in se kesaš zlega.
So Jonah prayed to Yahweh and said, “Ah, Yahweh, is this not just what I said when I was back in my own country? That is why I acted first and tried to flee to Tarshish—because I knew that you are a gracious God, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in covenant faithfulness, and you hold back from sending disaster.
3 Zatorej sedaj, oh Gospod, vzemi, rotim te, moje življenje od mene, kajti zame je bolje, da umrem, kakor da živim.«
Therefore now, Yahweh, I beg you, take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live.”
4 Potem je Gospod rekel: »Delaš pravilno, da si jezen?«
Yahweh said, “Is it good that you are so angry?”
5 Tako je Jona odšel ven iz mesta in se usedel na vzhodni strani mesta in si tam postavil šotor in sedèl pod njim v senco, toliko časa, da lahko vidi kaj bo iz mesta nastalo.
Then Jonah went out of the city and sat on the east side of the city. There he made a shelter and sat under it in the shade so that he could see what might become of the city.
6 Gospod Bog pa je pripravil bučo in ji storil, da vzklije nad Jona, da bi bila ta lahko senca nad njegovo glavo, da ga osvobodi pred njegovo žalostjo. Tako je bil Jona buče silno vesel.
Yahweh God prepared a plant and made it grow up over Jonah so that it might be a shade over his head to relieve his distress. Jonah was very glad because of the plant.
7 Toda ko je naslednjega dne vstalo jutro, je Bog pripravil ličinko in ta je napadla bučo, da je ovenela.
But God prepared a worm at sunrise the next morning. It attacked the plant and the plant withered.
8 Ko je sonce vstalo, se je pripetilo, da je Bog pripravil silovit vzhodnik. Sonce je udarjalo na Jonovo glavo, da je slabel in si v sebi želel, da umre ter rekel: »Zame je boljše, da umrem, kakor da živim.«
It came about that when the sun rose the next morning, God prepared a hot east wind. Also, the sun beat down on Jonah's head and he became faint. Then Jonah wished that he might die. He said to himself, “It is better for me to die than to live.”
9 Bog je Jonu rekel: »Delaš pravilno, da si jezen zaradi buče?« Ta je rekel: »Pravilno delam, da sem jezen, celó do smrti.«
Then God said to Jonah, “Is it good that you are so angry about the plant?” Then Jonah said, “It is good that I am angry, even to death.”
10 Potem je Gospod rekel: »Usmiljenje imaš za bučo, za katero nisi delal niti ji storil, da zraste, ki je v [eni] noči vzklila in v [eni] noči propadla,
Yahweh said, “You have had compassion for the plant, for which you have not labored, nor did you make it grow. It grew up in a night and died in a night.
11 jaz pa naj ne bi prizanesel Ninivam, temu velikemu mestu, v katerem je več kot sto dvajset tisoč oseb, ki ne morejo razlikovati med svojo desnico in svojo levico in tudi veliko živine?«
So as for me, should I not have compassion for Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than one hundred and twenty thousand people who do not know the difference between their right hand and their left hand, and also many cattle?”

< Jona 4 >