< Janez 9 >
1 In ko je Jezus šel mimo, je zagledal človeka, ki je bil slep od svojega rojstva.
And as he passed by, he saw a man that had been blind from his birth.
2 In njegovi učenci so ga vprašali, rekoč: »Učitelj, kdo je storil greh, ta človek ali njegovi starši, da je bil rojen slep.«
And his disciples asked him, saying: Rabbi, who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
3 Jezus je odgovoril: »Niti ni ta človek grešil niti njegovi starši, temveč, da bi se na njem razodela Božja dela.
Jesus answered: Neither this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God might be made manifest in him.
4 Dokler je dan, moram delati dela tistega, ki me je poslal. Prihaja noč, ko noben človek ne more delati.
I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day; the night comes, when no man can work.
5 Kolikor dolgo sem na svetu, sem svetloba sveta.«
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
6 Ko je to izgovoril, je pljunil na tla in iz sline naredil blato in z blatom mazilil oči slepega človeka
Having said this, he spit on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and spread the clay on the eyes of the blind man,
7 ter mu rekel: »Pojdi, umij se v bazenu Síloi, « (kar je po razlagi: ›Poslani.‹) Odšel je torej svojo pot in se umil in prišel ter videl.
and said to him: Go, wash in the pool of Siloam; which, translated, means Sent. He went, therefore, and washed and came seeing.
8 Torej sosedje in tisti, ki so ga prej videli, da je bil slep, so rekli: »Ali ni to tisti, ki je sedel in beračil?«
Then his neighbors, and those who had before seen him, that he was blind, said: Is not this he that sat and begged?
9 Nekateri so rekli: »To je on, « drugi so rekli: »Podoben mu je.« Toda on je rekel: »Jaz sem.«
Some said: It is he. Others: He is like him. But he said: I am he.
10 Zaradi tega so mu rekli: »Kako so bile tvoje oči odprte?«
Then they said to him: How were your eyes opened?
11 Odgovoril je in rekel: »Človek, ki se imenuje Jezus, je naredil blato ter mazilil moje oči in mi rekel: ›Pojdi k bazenu Síloa in umij.‹ In odšel sem in umil ter prejel vid.«
He answered and said: A man called Jesus made clay and spread it on my eyes, and said to me: Go to the pool of Siloam and wash. After I had gone and washed, I received my sight.
12 Potem so mu rekli: »Kje je tisti?« Rekel je: »Ne vem.«
Then they said to him: Where is he? He said: I know not.
13 K farizejem so privedli tistega, ki je bil poprej slep.
They brought to the Pharisees him that had formerly been blind.
14 In bil je šabatni dan, ko je Jezus naredil blato in odprl njegove oči.
And it was the sabbath when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes.
15 Tedaj so ga tudi farizeji ponovno vprašali, kako je prejel svoj vid. Rekel jim je: »Na moje oči je položil blato in sem umil ter vidim.«
Then again the Pharisees also inquired of him how he had received his sight. He said to them: He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.
16 Zato so nekateri izmed farizejev rekli: »Ta človek ni od Boga, ker se ne drži šabatnega dne.« Drugi so rekli: »Kako lahko človek, ki je grešnik, dela takšne čudeže?« In med njimi je bilo nesoglasje.
Then some of the Pharisees said: This man is not from God, for he keeps not the sabbath. Others said: How can a man that is a sinner do such signs? And there was a division among them?
17 Slepemu možu so ponovno rekli: »Kaj praviš o tistem, ki ti je odprl tvoje oči?« Rekel je: »Prerok je.«
Again they said to the blind man: What say you of him, seeing that he opened your eyes? He said: He is a prophet.
18 Toda Judje glede njega niso verjeli, da je bil slep in je prejel svoj vid, dokler niso poklicali staršev tega, ki je prejel svoj vid.
The Jews did not, therefore, believe concerning him, that he had been blind, and had received his sight, till they called the parents of him that had received his sight,
19 In vprašali so ju, rekoč: »Je to vajin sin, o katerem pravite, da je bil rojen slep? Kako potem sedaj vidi?«
and asked them, saying: Is this your son, who, you say, was born blind? How, then, does he now see?
20 Njegova starša sta jim odgovorila in rekla: »Midva veva, da je to najin sin in da je bil rojen slep,
His parents answered them, and said: We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind;
21 toda na kakšen način on sedaj vidi, midva ne veva; ali kdo je odprl njegove oči, midva ne veva. Dovolj je star, njega vprašajte, on bo govoril zase.«
but how he now sees we know not; or who opened his eyes we know not. He is of age; ask him; he will speak for himself.
22 Te besede so njegovi starši govorili zato, ker so se bali Judov, kajti Judje so se že sporazumeli, da če bi katerikoli človek priznal, da je bil on Kristus, bi bil le-ta izločen iz sinagoge.
His parents said this, because they feared the Jews. For the Jews had already agreed, that if any one should confess him to be the Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue.
23 Zaradi tega so njegovi starši rekli: »Dovolj je star, njega vprašajte.«
For this reason his parents said: He is of age; ask him.
24 Tedaj so ponovno poklicali moža, ki je bil slep in mu rekli: »Daj Bogu hvalo. Mi vemo, da je ta človek grešnik.«
Then, the second time, they called the man who had been blind, and said to him: Give glory to God; we know that this man is a sinner.
25 Odgovoril je in rekel: »Če je grešnik ali ne, ne vem. Eno stvar vem, glede na to, da sem bil slep, sedaj vidim.«
He answered and said: If he is a sinner, I know it not. One thing I do know, that having been blind, I now see.
26 Tedaj so mu ponovno rekli: »Kaj ti je storil? Kako je odprl tvoje oči?«
They said to him again: What did he for you? How did he open your eyes?
27 Odgovoril jim je: »Povedal sem vam že, pa niste poslušali. Zakaj bi to radi ponovno slišali? Hočete biti tudi vi njegovi učenci?«
He answered them: I have already told you, and you did not understand; why would you hear it again? Do you also wish to become his disciples?
28 Tedaj so ga zasramovali in rekli: »Ti si njegov učenec, toda mi smo Mojzesovi učenci.
They reviled him, and said: You are the disciple of that man; but we are the disciples of Moses.
29 Mi vemo, da je Mojzesu govoril Bog; glede tega pa ne vemo, od kod je.«
We know that God spoke to Moses; but as for this man, we know not whence he is.
30 Človek je odgovoril in jim rekel: »Zakaj v tem je čudovita stvar, da vi ne veste, od kod je, pa je vendar odprl moje oči.
The man answered and said to them: Why, there is something wonderful in this, that you know not whence he is, and yet he has opened my eyes.
31 Torej vemo, da Bog ne sliši grešnikov; toda če je katerikoli človek oboževalec Boga in izvršuje njegovo voljo, njega on sliši.
We know that God hears not sinners; but if any one be a worshiper of God, and do his will, him he hears.
32 Odkar je svet nastal, se ni slišalo, da bi katerikoli človek odprl oči nekoga, ki je bil rojen slep. (aiōn )
Since the beginning it has not been heard that any one opened the eyes of one who had been born blind. (aiōn )
33 Če ta človek ne bi bil od Boga, ne bi mogel ničesar storiti.«
If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.
34 Odgovorili so mu in mu rekli: »Povsem si bil rojen v grehih in nas ti učiš?« In vrgli so ga ven.
They answered and said to him: You were wholly born in sins, and do you teach us? And they cast him out.
35 Jezus je slišal, da so ga vrgli ven. In ko ga je našel, mu je rekel: »Ali veruješ v Božjega Sina?«
Jesus heard that they had cast him out. And having found him, he said to him: Do you believe on the Son of God?
36 Odgovoril je in rekel: »Kdo je ta, Gospod, da bi lahko veroval vanj?«
He answered and said: Who is he, sir, that I may believe on him?
37 Jezus mu je rekel: »Ti si ga oboje [in] videl in ta je, ki govori s teboj.«
Jesus said to him: You have seen him; and it is he that talks with you.
38 In rekel je: »Gospod, verujem.« In ga je oboževal.
He said: Lord, I believe; and he worshiped him.
39 Jezus je rekel: »Za sodbo sem prišel na ta svet, da bi tisti, ki ne vidijo, lahko videli in da bi tisti, ki vidijo, lahko oslepeli.«
And Jesus said: For judgment have I come into this world, that those who see not, may see; and that those who see, may become blind.
40 Nekateri izmed farizejev, ki so bili z njim, so slišali te besede in mu rekli: »Ali smo tudi mi slepi?«
And some of the Pharisees who were with him, heard these things, and said to him: Are we also blind?
41 Jezus jim je rekel: »Če bi bili slepi, ne bi imeli greha, toda sedaj pravite: ›Vidimo, ‹ zato vaš greh ostaja.«
Jesus said to them: If you were blind, you would not have sin; but now you say, We see; therefore your sin remains.