< Janez 8 >

1 Jezus je odšel k Oljski gori.
And Iesus went vnto mounte Olivete
2 Zgodaj zjutraj je ponovno prišel v tempelj in vsi ljudje so prišli k njemu, in usedel se je ter jih učil.
and erly in ye mornynge came agayne into ye temple and all the people came vnto him and he sate doune and taught them.
3 In pisarji in farizeji so k njemu privedli žensko, zasačeno v zakonolomstvu; in ko so jo postavili v sredo,
And the scribes and ye pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in advoutry and set hyr in the myddes
4 so mu rekli: »Učitelj, ta ženska je bila zasačena v zakonolomstvu, pri samem dejanju.
and sayde vnto him: Master this woman was taken in advoutry even as the dede was a doyng.
5 Torej Mojzes nam je v postavi ukazal, da naj bi bili taki kamnani. Toda kaj praviš ti?«
Moses in the lawe comaunded vs yt suche shuld be stoned. What sayest thou therfore?
6 To so rekli, ker so ga skušali, da bi ga lahko obtožili. Jezus pa se je sklonil in s svojim prstom pisal po tleh, kakor da jih ni slišal.
And this they sayde to tempt him: that they myght have wherof to accuse him. Iesus stouped doune and with his fynger wrote on the grounde.
7 Torej, ko so ga še naprej spraševali, se je vzravnal in jim rekel: »Kdor je med vami brez greha, naj prvi vrže kamen vanjo.«
And whyll they continued axynge him he lyfte him selfe vp and sayde vnto them: let him yt is amoge you wt out synne cast the fyrst stone at her.
8 In ponovno se je sklonil ter pisal po tleh.
And agayne he stouped doune and wrote on ye grounde.
9 In ti, ki so to slišali, so obsojeni po svoji lastni vesti, drug za drugim odšli ven, s pričetkom pri najstarejših, celó do zadnjega; in Jezus je ostal sam ter ženska, stoječa v sredi.
And assone as they hearde that they went out one by one the eldest fyrst. And Iesus was lefte a lone and the woman stondynge in ye myddes.
10 Ko se je Jezus dvignil in ni videl nikogar razen ženske, ji je rekel: »Ženska, kje so ti tvoji tožniki? Ali te nihče ni obsodil?«
When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe agayne and sawe no man but the woman he sayde vnto hyr. Woman where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the?
11 Rekla je: »Noben človek, Gospod.« In Jezus ji je rekel: »Niti te jaz ne obsojam. Pojdi in ne greši več.«
She sayde: No man Lorde. And Iesus sayde: Nether do I condempne the. Goo and synne no moare.
12 Potem jim je Jezus ponovno spregovoril, rekoč: »Jaz sem svetloba sveta. Kdor sledi meni, ne bo hodil v temi, temveč bo imel svetlobo življenja.«
Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them sayinge: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me shall not walke in darcknes: but shall have the light of lyfe.
13 Farizeji so mu torej rekli: »Ti prinašaš pričevanje o sebi; tvoje pričevanje ni resnično.«
The pharises sayde vnto him: thou bearest recorde of thy sylfe thy recorde is not true.
14 Jezus je odgovoril in jim rekel: »Četudi pričujem o samem sebi, je vendarle moje pričevanje resnično, kajti jaz vem, od kod sem prišel in kam grem, toda vi ne morete povedati, od kod sem prišel in kam grem.
Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of my selfe yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whece I came and whyther I goo. But ye cannot tell whece I come and whyther I goo.
15 Vi sodite po mesu; jaz ne sodim nobenega človeka.
Ye iudge after ye flesshe. I iudge no man
16 Če pa vendarle sodim, je moja sodba resnična, kajti nisem sam, temveč jaz in Oče, ki me je poslal.
though I iudge yet is my iudgmet true. For I am not alone: but I and the father that sent me.
17 Tudi v vaši postavi je zapisano, da je pričevanje dveh ljudi resnično.
It is also written in youre lawe that the testimony of two men is true.
18 Jaz sem nekdo, ki pričuje o samem sebi in Oče, ki me je poslal, prinaša pričevanje o meni.«
I am one yt beare witnes of my selfe and the father that sent me beareth witnes of me.
19 Tedaj so mu rekli: »Kje je tvoj Oče?« Jezus je odgovoril: »Vi ne poznate niti mene niti mojega Očeta. Če bi poznali mene, bi poznali tudi mojega Očeta.«
Then sayde they vnto him: where is thy father? Iesus answered: ye nether knowe me nor yet my father. Yf ye had knowen me ye shuld have knowen my father also.
20 Te besede je Jezus govoril v zakladnici, medtem ko je učil v templju. In nanj noben človek ni položil rok, kajti njegova ura še ni prišla.
These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury as he taught in the temple and no man layde hondes on him for his tyme was not yet come.
21 Potem jim je Jezus ponovno rekel: »Jaz grem svojo pot in iskali me boste in umrli boste v svojih grehih. Kamor grem jaz, vi ne morete priti.«
Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them. I goo my waye and ye shall seke me and shall dye in youre synnes. Whyther I goo thyther can ye not come.
22 Tedaj so Judje rekli: »Ali bo samega sebe ubil, ker pravi: ›Kamor grem jaz, vi ne morete priti.‹«
Then sayde the Iewes: will he kyll him selfe because he sayth: whyther I goo thyther can ye not come?
23 In rekel jim je: »Vi ste od spodaj, jaz sem od zgoraj; vi ste od tega sveta, jaz nisem od tega sveta.
And he sayde vnto the: ye are fro beneth I am from above. Ye are of this worlde I am not of this worlde.
24 Povedal sem vam torej, da boste umrli v svojih grehih; kajti če ne verujete, da jaz sem, boste umrli v svojih grehih.«
I sayde therfore vnto you that ye shall dye in youre synnes. For except ye beleve that I am he ye shall dye in youre synnes.
25 Tedaj so mu rekli: »Kdo si?« In Jezus jim reče: »Celo isti, kakor sem vam povedal od začetka.
Then sayde they vnto him who arte thou? And Iesus sayde vnto them: Even ye very same thinge yt I saye vnto you.
26 Povedati vam imam mnogo besed in soditi o vas, toda tisti, ki me je poslal, je resničen in svetu govorim te besede, ki sem jih slišal od njega.«
I have many thinges to saye and to iudge of you. But he yt sent me is true. And I speake in ye worlde those thinges which I have hearde of him.
27 Niso pa razumeli, da jim je govoril o Očetu.
They understode not that he spake of his father.
28 Tedaj jim je Jezus rekel: »Ko boste povzdignili Sina človekovega, potem boste spoznali, da jaz sem in da ničesar ne delam sam od sebe, temveč te stvari govorim, kakor me je naučil moj Oče.
Then sayde Iesus vnto them: when ye have lyft vp an hye the sonne of man then shall ye knowe that I am he and that I do nothinge of my selfe: but as my father hath taught me even so I speake:
29 In tisti, ki me je poslal, je z menoj. Oče me ni pustil samega, kajti vedno delam te stvari, ki mu ugajajo.«
and he that sent me is with me. The father hath not lefte me alone for I do alwayes those thinges that please him.
30 Ko je govoril te besede, so mnogi verovali vanj.
As he spake these wordes many beleved on him.
31 Tem Judom, ki so verovali vanj, je tedaj Jezus rekel: »Če ostanete v moji besedi, potem ste zares moji učenci
Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleved on him. If ye cotinue in my wordes then are ye my very disciples
32 in spoznali boste resnico in resnica vas bo osvobodila.«
and shall knowe the trueth: and the trueth shall make you free.
33 Odgovorili so mu: »Mi smo Abrahamovo seme in nikoli nismo bili nobenemu človeku v suženjstvu. Kako praviš: ›Osvobojeni boste?‹«
They answered him: We be Abrahams seede and were never bonde to eny man: why sayest thou then ye shalbe made fre.
34 Jezus jim je odgovoril: »Resnično, resnično, povem vam: ›Kdorkoli zagreši greh, je služabnik greha.
Iesus answered them: verely verely I saye vnto you that whosoever committeth synne is the servaunt of synne.
35 In služabnik v hiši ne ostaja za vedno, toda Sin ostaja večno. (aiōn g165)
And the servaunt abydeth not in the housse for ever: But ye sonne abydeth ever. (aiōn g165)
36 Če vas bo torej Sin osvobodil, boste zares svobodni.
If the sonne therfore shall make you fre then are ye fre in dede.
37 Vem, da ste Abrahamovo seme, toda vi si prizadevate, da me ubijete, ker moja beseda v vas nima prostora.
I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: But ye seke meanes to kyll me because my sayinges have no place in you.
38 Jaz govorim to, kar sem videl pri svojem Očetu, vi pa delate to, kar ste videli pri svojem očetu.‹«
I speake that I have sene with my father: and ye do that which ye have sene with youre father.
39 Odgovorili so in mu rekli: »Naš oče je Abraham.« Jezus jim reče: »Če bi bili Abrahamovi otroci, bi delali Abrahamova dela.
They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them. If ye were Abrahams chyldren ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham.
40 Toda sedaj si prizadevate, da me ubijete, človeka, ki vam je povedal resnico, ki sem jo slišal od Boga. Tega Abraham ni storil.
But now ye goo about io kyll me a man that have tolde you the truthe which I have herde of god: this dyd not Abraham.
41 Vi opravljate dela svojega očeta.« Tedaj so mu rekli: »Mi nismo rojeni iz prešuštva; mi imamo enega Očeta, celó Boga.«
Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: we were not borne of fornicacion. We have one father which is God.
42 Jezus jim je rekel: »Če bi bil vaš Oče Bog, bi me ljubili, kajti jaz sem izšel in sem prišel od Boga; niti nisem prišel sam od sebe, temveč me je on poslal.
Iesus sayde vnto them: yf God were youre father then wolde ye love me. For I proceaded forthe and come from God. Nether came I of my selfe but he sent me.
43 Zakaj ne razumete mojega govora? Zato ker celó ne morete poslušati moje besede.
Why do ye not knowe my speache? Even because ye cannot abyde the hearynge of my wordes.
44 Vi ste od svojega očeta, hudiča in počeli boste poželjivosti svojega očeta. On je bil od začetka morilec in ni ostal v resnici, ker v njem ni resnice. Ko govori laž, govori iz svojega lastnega, kajti on je lažnivec in oče le-te.
Ye are of youre father the devyll and the lustes of youre father ye will folowe. He was a murtherer from the beginnynge and aboode not in the trueth because ther is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye then speaketh he of his awne. For he is a lyar and the father therof.
45 In ker vam govorim resnico, mi ne verjamete.
And because I tell you ye trueth therfore ye beleve me not.
46 Kdo izmed vas me prepričuje o grehu? Če pa govorim resnico, zakaj mi ne verjamete?
Which of you can rebuke me of synne? If I saye ye trueth why do not ye beleve me?
47 Kdor je iz Boga, posluša Božje besede. Vi jih torej ne poslušate, ker niste iz Boga.«
He that is of God heareth goddes wordes Ye therfore heare them not because ye are not of God.
48 Tedaj so Judje odgovorili in mu rekli: »Ali ne govorimo prav, da si Samarijan in imaš hudiča?«
Then answered the Iewes and sayde vnto him: Saye we not well that thou arte a Samaritane and hast the devyll?
49 Jezus je odgovoril: »Jaz nimam hudiča, temveč častim svojega Očeta, vi pa me onečaščate.
Iesus answered: I have not the devyll: but I honour my father and ye have dishonoured me.
50 In ne iščem svoje lastne slave; obstaja nekdo, ki išče in sodi.
I seke not myne awne prayse: but ther is one that seketh and iudgeth.
51 Resnično, resnično, povem vam: ›Če se človek drži moje besede, nikoli ne bo videl smrti.‹« (aiōn g165)
Verely verely I saye vnto you yf a man kepe my sayinges he shall never se deeth. (aiōn g165)
52 Tedaj so mu Judje rekli: »Torej, mi vemo, da imaš hudiča. Abraham je mrtev in preroki; ti pa praviš: ›Če se človek drži moje besede, nikoli ne bo okusil smrti.‹ (aiōn g165)
Then sayde the Iewes to him: Now knowe we that thou hast the devyll. Abraha is deed and also the Prophetes: and yet thou sayest yf a man kepe my sayinge he shall never tast of deeth. (aiōn g165)
53 Ali si ti večji kakor naš oče Abraham, ki je mrtev? In tudi preroki so mrtvi. Koga se ti sam delaš?«
Arte thou greater then oure father Abraham which is deed? and the Prophetes are deed. Whome makest thou thy selfe?
54 Jezus je odgovoril: »Če jaz častim samega sebe, moja čast ni nič. Moj Oče je ta, ki me časti, o katerem vi pravite, da je on vaš Bog.
Iesus answered: Yf I honoure my selfe myne honoure is nothinge worth. It is my father that honoureth me which ye saye is youre God
55 Vendarle ga vi niste spoznali, toda jaz ga poznam. In če bi rekel: ›Ne poznam ga, ‹ bi bil lažnivec, podoben vam. Toda jaz ga poznam in se držim njegove besede.
and ye have not knowen him: but I knowe him. And yf I shuld saye I knowe him not I shuld be a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him and kepe his sayinge.
56 Vaš oče Abraham se je razveselil, da vidi moj dan. In videl ga je in je bil vesel.«
Youre father Abraham was glad to se my daye and he sawe it and reioysed.
57 Tedaj so mu Judje rekli: »Še petdeset let nisi star in si videl Abrahama?«
Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: thou arte not yet. l. yere olde and hast thou sene Abraham?
58 Jezus jim je rekel: »Resnično, resnično, povem vam: ›Preden je bil Abraham, jaz sem.‹«
Iesus sayd vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you: yer Abraham was I am.
59 Tedaj so pobrali kamne, da bi jih vrgli vanj, toda Jezus se je skril in odšel iz templja, gredoč skozi njihovo sredo in tako odšel mimo.
Then toke they vp stones to caste at him. But Iesus hid him selfe and went out of ye temple.

< Janez 8 >