< Joel 3 >

1 »Kajti glej, v tistih dneh in v tistem času, ko bom ponovno privedel ujetništvo Juda in Jeruzalema,
“Yes, in those days and at that time, when I restore Judah and Jerusalem from captivity,
2 bom prav tako zbral vse narode in jih privedel dol v dolino Józafat in tam se bom pravdal z njimi zaradi svojega ljudstva in zaradi svoje dediščine Izraela, ki so jih razkropili med narode in razdelili mojo deželo.
I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning My people, My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations as they divided up My land.
3 Za moje ljudstvo so metali žrebe in dajali fanta za pocestnico in punco prodajali za vino, da bi lahko pili.
They cast lots for My people; they bartered a boy for a prostitute and sold a girl for wine to drink.
4 Da, in kaj imate vi z menoj, oh Tir in Sidón in vse obale Palestine? Ali mi boste vrnili povračilo? In če mi povrnete, bom brez odlašanja in hitro vaše povračilo povrnil na vašo lastno glavo,
Now what do you have against Me, O Tyre, Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you rendering against Me a recompense? If you retaliate against Me, I will swiftly and speedily return your recompense upon your heads.
5 zato ker ste jemali moje srebro in moje zlato in ste v svoje templje odnesli čudovite, prijetne stvari.
For you took My silver and gold and carried off My finest treasures to your temples.
6 Prav tako ste Grkom prodajali Judove otroke in jeruzalemske otroke, da bi jih lahko spravili daleč proč od njihove meje.
You sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks, to send them far from their homeland.
7 Glej, dvignil jih bom iz kraja, kamor ste jih prodali in povrnil vam bom vaše povračilo na vašo lastno glavo.
Behold, I will rouse them from the places to which you sold them; I will return your recompense upon your heads.
8 Vaše sinove in vaše hčere bom prodal v roko Judovih otrok in prodali jih bodo Sabejcem, ljudstvu, ki je daleč proč, « kajti Gospod je to govoril.
I will sell your sons and daughters into the hands of the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans—to a distant nation.” Indeed, the LORD has spoken.
9 Razglasite to med pogani: »Pripravite vojno, prebudite mogočne može, naj se vsi bojevniki približajo, naj pridejo gor.
Proclaim this among the nations: “Prepare for war; rouse the mighty men; let all the men of war advance and attack!
10 Prekujte svoje lemeže v meče in svoje obrezovalne kavlje v sulice. Naj slabotni reče: ›Močan sem.‹«
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weak say, ‘I am strong!’
11 Zberite se in pridite vsi vi pogani in zberite se skupaj naokrog. Tamkaj primoraj svoje mogočne, da pridejo dol, oh Gospod.
Come quickly, all you surrounding nations, and gather yourselves. Bring down Your mighty ones, O LORD.
12 Naj bodo pogani prebujeni in pridejo gor v dolino Józafat, kajti tam bom sedel, da sodim vsem poganom naokoli.
Let the nations be roused and advance to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit down to judge all the nations on every side.
13 Nastavite srp, kajti žetev je zrela. Pridite, spustite se, kajti stiskalnica je polna, maščoba preplavlja, kajti njihova zlobnost je velika.
Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the winepress is full; the wine vats overflow because their wickedness is great.
14 Množice, množice v dolini odločitve; kajti dan Gospodov je blizu v dolini odločitve.
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the Day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
15 Sonce in luna bosta otemnela in zvezde bodo umaknile svoje svetlikanje.
The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will no longer shine.
16 Gospod bo tudi rjovel iz Siona in izustil svoj glas iz Jeruzalema, in nebo in zemlja se bosta tresla, toda Gospod bo upanje svojemu ljudstvu in moč Izraelovim otrokom.
The LORD will roar from Zion and raise His voice from Jerusalem; heaven and earth will tremble. But the LORD will be a refuge for His people, a stronghold for the people of Israel.
17 Tako boste vedeli, da jaz sem Gospod, vaš Bog, ki prebivam na Sionu, moji sveti gori. Potem bo Jeruzalem svet in nikakršni tujci ne bodo več hodili skozenj.
Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who dwells in Zion, My holy mountain. Jerusalem will be holy, never again to be overrun by foreigners.
18 Na tisti dan se bo zgodilo, da bodo gore kapljale novo vino in z gričev se bo cedilo mleko in v vseh Judovih rekah bodo tekle vode in studenec bo izviral iz Gospodove hiše in namakal dolino Šitím.
And in that day the mountains will drip with sweet wine, and the hills will flow with milk. All the streams of Judah will run with water, and a spring will flow from the house of the LORD to water the Valley of Acacias.
19 Egipt bo opustošenje in Edóm bo zapuščena divjina zaradi nasilja zoper Judove otroke, ker so v njihovi deželi prelivali nedolžno kri.
Egypt will become desolate, and Edom a desert wasteland, because of the violence done to the people of Judah, in whose land they shed innocent blood.
20 Toda Juda bo prebival na veke in Jeruzalem od roda do roda.
But Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.
21 Kajti jaz bom očistil njihovo kri, ki je nisem očistil, kajti Gospod prebiva na Sionu.
For I will avenge their blood, which I have not yet avenged.”

< Joel 3 >