< Job 9 >

1 Potem je Job odgovoril in rekel:
Then Job answered and said,
2 »Vem, to je tako res. Toda kako bi človek mogel biti pravičen z Bogom?
I know it is so truthfully: but how should man be just with God?
3 Če se hoče pričkati z njim, mu ne more odgovoriti eno od tisočih.
If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand.
4 On je moder v srcu in mogočen v moči; kdo se je utrdil zoper njega in je uspel?
He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who has hardened himself against him, and has prospered?
5 Ki odstranja gore in ne vedo, ki jih prevrača v svoji jezi.
Which removes the mountains, and they know not: which overturns them in his anger.
6 Ki trese zemljo iz njenega kraja in njeni stebri trepetajo.
Which shakes the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.
7 Ki zapoveduje soncu in ta ne vzhaja in pečati zvezde.
Which commands the sun, and it rises not; and seals up the stars.
8 Ki sam razprostira nebo in stopa po valovih morja.
Which alone spreads out the heavens, and treads upon the waves of the sea.
9 Ki dela Arktur, Orion, Gostosevce in južne sobe.
Which makes Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
10 Ki dela velike stvari neodkrite, da, in čudeže brez števila.
Which does great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.
11 Glej! Hodi poleg mene, jaz pa ga ne vidim; gre tudi naprej, toda jaz ga ne zaznavam.
Lo, he goes by me, and I see him not: he passes on also, but I perceive him not.
12 Glej, odvzema, kdo ga lahko ovira? Kdo mu bo rekel: ›Kaj delaš?‹
Behold, he takes away, who can hinder him? who will say unto him, What do you?
13 Če Bog ne bo umaknil svoje jeze, se ponosni pomočniki sklonijo pod njim.
If God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers do stoop under him.
14 Kako mnogo manj bi mu jaz mogel odgovoriti in izbrati svoje besede, da razpravljam z njim?
How much less shall I answer him, and choose out my words to reason with him?
15 Kateremu, čeprav bi bil pravičen, vendar ne bi mogel odgovoriti, temveč bi naredil ponižno prošnjo svojemu sodniku.
Whom, though I were righteous, yet would I not answer, but I would make supplication to my judge.
16 Če sem klical in mi je odgovoril, vendar ne bi verjel, da je prisluhnil mojemu glasu.
If I had called, and he had answered me; yet would I not believe that he had hearkened unto my voice.
17 Kajti lomi me z viharjem in brez razloga množi moje rane.
For he breaks me with a tempest, and multiplies my wounds without cause.
18 Ne bo mi pustil, da zajamem sapo, temveč me napolnjuje z grenkobo.
He will not suffer me to take my breath, but fills me with bitterness.
19 Če govorim o moči, glej, on je močan, če pa o sodbi, kdo mi bo določil čas zagovarjanja?
If I speak of strength, lo, he is strong: and if of judgment, who shall set me a time to plead?
20 Če jaz sebe opravičim, me bodo moja lastna usta obsodila. Če rečem: ›Jaz sem popoln, ‹ se bo izkazalo, da sem sprevržen.
If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.
21 Čeprav bi bil popoln, vendar ne bi poznal svoje duše; preziral bi svoje življenje.
Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life.
22 To je ena stvar, zato sem rekel to: ›On uničuje popolnega in zlobnega.‹
This is one thing, therefore I said it, He destroys the perfect and the wicked.
23 Če nadloga nenadoma ubije, se bo posmehoval ob sojenju nedolžnih.
If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent.
24 Zemlja je dana v roko zlobnega. On zakriva obličja njenih sodnikov. Če ne, kje in kdo je on?
The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covers the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he?
25 Torej moji dnevi so hitrejši kakor tekač. Odletijo proč, ničesar dobrega ne vidijo.
Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away, they see no good.
26 Minili so kakor nagle ladje, kakor orel, ki hiti k plenu.
They are passed away as the swift ships: as the eagle that hastes to the prey.
27 Če rečem: ›Pozabil bom svojo pritožbo, prenehal bom s svojo potrtostjo in se potolažil, ‹
If I say, I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness, and comfort myself:
28 se bojim vseh svojih bridkosti, vem, da me ne boš imel za nedolžnega.
I am afraid of all my sorrows, I know that you will not hold me innocent.
29 Če sem zloben, zakaj se potem trudim zaman?
If I be wicked, why then labour I in vain?
30 Če se umijem s snežnico in svoje roke naredim čiste kot še nikoli,
If I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean;
31 me boš vendar pahnil v jarek in moja lastna oblačila me bodo prezirala.
Yet shall you plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall detest me.
32 Kajti on ni človek, kakor sem jaz, da bi mu odgovoril in bi skupaj prišla na sodbo.
For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment.
33 Niti ni tukaj kakršnegakoli razsodnika med nama, da bi lahko svojo roko položil na naju oba.
Neither is there any arbitrator between us, that might lay his hand upon us both.
34 Naj svojo palico vzame od mene in naj me njegov strah ne straši.
Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his fear terrify me:
35 Potem bi govoril in se ga ne bi bal, toda z menoj ni tako.
Then would I speak, and not fear him; but it is not so with me.

< Job 9 >