< Job 8 >

1 Potem je odgovoril Bildád Suhéjec in rekel:
Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
2 »Doklej boš govoril te stvari? In kako dolgo bodo besede iz tvojih ust podobne močnemu vetru?
“How long will you go on saying such things? The words of your mouth are a blustering wind.
3 Mar Bog izkrivlja sodbo? Mar Vsemogočni izkrivlja pravico?
Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right?
4 Če so tvoji otroci grešili zoper njega in jih je zavrgel zaradi njihovega prestopka,
When your children sinned against Him, He gave them over to their rebellion.
5 če hočeš zgodaj iskati Boga in narediti ponižno prošnjo Vsemogočnemu,
But if you would earnestly seek God and ask the Almighty for mercy,
6 če bi bil ti čist in pravičen, bi se on sedaj zaradi tebe zagotovo prebudil in prebivališče tvoje pravičnosti naredil uspešno.
if you are pure and upright, even now He will rouse Himself on your behalf and restore your righteous estate.
7 Čeprav je bil tvoj začetek majhen, bi vendar tvoj zadnji konec silno narasel.
Though your beginnings were modest, your latter days will flourish.
8 Kajti poizvedi, prosim te, o prejšnjem času in se pripravi, da preiskuješ o njihovih očetih
Please inquire of past generations and consider the discoveries of their fathers.
9 (kajti mi smo samo od včeraj in ne vemo nič, ker so naši dnevi na zemlji senca).
For we were born yesterday and know nothing; our days on earth are but a shadow.
10 Mar te ne bodo poučili in ti povedali in izustili besed iz svojega srca?
Will they not teach you and tell you, and speak from their understanding?
11 Mar lahko loček zraste brez blata? Mar lahko perunika raste brez vode?
Does papyrus grow where there is no marsh? Do reeds flourish without water?
12 Medtem ko je še v svojem zelenju in ni odtrgana, ovene pred katerimkoli drugim zeliščem.
While the shoots are still uncut, they dry up quicker than grass.
13 Takšne so steze vseh, ki pozabljajo Boga in upanje hinavca bo propadlo,
Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so the hope of the godless will perish.
14 katerega upanje bo odrezano, katerega trdno upanje bo pajkova mreža.
His confidence is fragile; his security is in a spider’s web.
15 Naslonil se bo na svojo hišo, toda ta ne bo obstala; trdno jo bo držal, toda ta ne bo zdržala.
He leans on his web, but it gives way; he holds fast, but it does not endure.
16 Zelen je pred soncem in njegova veja poganja v njegovem vrtu.
He is a well-watered plant in the sunshine, spreading its shoots over the garden.
17 Njegove korenine so ovite okoli kupa in strmi na kraj kamnov.
His roots wrap around the rock heap; he looks for a home among the stones.
18 Če ga uniči iz svojega kraja, potem ga bo ta zatajil, rekoč: ›Nisem te videl.‹
If he is uprooted from his place, it will disown him, saying, ‘I never saw you.’
19 Glej, to je radost njegove poti in iz zemlje bodo pognali drugi.
Surely this is the joy of his way; yet others will spring from the dust.
20 Glej, Bog ne bo zavrnil popolnega moža niti ne bo pomagal hudodelcem,
Behold, God does not reject the blameless, nor will He strengthen the hand of evildoers.
21 dokler tvojih ust ne napolni s smehom in tvojih ustnic z radostjo.
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with a shout of joy.
22 Tisti, ki te sovražijo, bodo oblečeni s sramoto in bivališče zlobnega bo prišlo v nič.«
Your enemies will be clothed in shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more.”

< Job 8 >