< Job 6 >

1 Toda Job je odgovoril in rekel:
Bvt Iob answered, and said,
2 »Oh, da bi bila moja žalost temeljito stehtana in moja katastrofa skupaj položena na tehtnico!
Oh that my griefe were well weighed, and my miseries were layed together in the balance.
3 Kajti sedaj bi bila ta težja kakor morski pesek. Zato so moje besede požrte.
For it woulde be nowe heauier then the sande of the sea: therefore my wordes are swallowed vp.
4 Kajti puščice Vsemogočnega so znotraj mene, njihov strup vpija mojega duha. Strahote od Boga se postrojujejo zoper mene.
For the arrowes of the Almightie are in me, the venime whereof doeth drinke vp my spirit, and the terrours of God fight against me.
5 Mar divji osel riga, kadar jé travo? Mar muka vol nad svojo krmo?
Doeth the wilde asse bray when he hath grasse? or loweth the oxe when he hath fodder?
6 Mar se lahko to, kar je neokusno, jé brez soli? Ali je sploh kaj okusa v jajčnem beljaku?
That which is vnsauerie, shall it be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egge?
7 Stvari, ki se jih moja duša ni hotela dotikati, so kakor moja hrana žalosti.
Such things as my soule refused to touch, as were sorowes, are my meate.
8 Oh, da bi lahko imel svojo zahtevo in da bi mi Bog zagotovil stvar, po kateri hrepenim!
Oh that I might haue my desire, and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!
9 Celo da bi to ugajalo Bogu, da me uniči, da bi popustil svojo roko in me odrezal!
That is, that God would destroy me: that he would let his hand go, and cut me off.
10 Potem bi vendar imel tolažbo; da, otrdil bi se v bridkosti. Naj mi ne prizanese, kajti nisem prikrival besed Svetega.
Then should I yet haue comfort, (though I burne with sorowe, let him not spare) because I haue not denyed the wordes of the Holy one.
11 Kaj je moja moč, da bi upal? Kaj je moj konec, da bi podaljšal svoje življenje?
What power haue I that I should endure? or what is mine end, if I should prolong my life?
12 Mar je moja moč moč kamnov? Ali je moje meso iz brona?
Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my flesh of brasse?
13 Mar ni moja pomoč v meni? In ali je modrost popolnoma pregnana od mene?
Is it not so, that there is in me no helpe? and that strength is taken from me?
14 Tistemu, ki peša, naj bi bilo izkazano usmiljenje od njegovega prijatelja, toda on zapušča strah Vsemogočnega.
He that is in miserie, ought to be comforted of his neighbour: but men haue forsaken the feare of the Almightie.
15 Moji bratje so varljivo postopali kakor potok in kakor tok potokov so prešli,
My brethre haue deceiued me as a brook, and as the rising of the riuers they passe away.
16 ki so potemneli zaradi razloga ledu in na katerih je skrit sneg.
Which are blackish with yee, and wherein the snowe is hid.
17 Kadar se ogrejejo, izginejo. Ko je vroče, so použiti iz svojega kraja.
But in time they are dryed vp with heate and are consumed: and when it is hote they faile out of their places,
18 Steze njihove poti so obrnjene stran; gredo v nič in izginejo.
Or they depart from their way and course, yea, they vanish and perish.
19 Krdela iz Temá so gledala, skupine iz Sabe so čakale nanje.
They that go to Tema, considered them, and they that goe to Sheba, waited for them.
20 Zbegani so bili, ker so upali. Prišli so tja in bili osramočeni.
But they were confounded: when they hoped, they came thither and were ashamed.
21 Kajti sedaj ste nič, vidite moje zavračanje in ste prestrašeni.
Surely nowe are ye like vnto it: ye haue seene my fearefull plague, and are afraide.
22 Mar sem rekel: ›Prinesite k meni?‹ ali ›Dajte mi nagrado iz svojega imetja?‹
Was it because I said, Bring vnto me? or giue a rewarde to me of your substance?
23 ali: ›Osvobodite me pred sovražnikovo roko?‹ ali ›Odkupite med pred roko mogočnega?‹
And deliuer me from the enemies hande, or ransome me out of the hand of tyrants?
24 Účite me in držal bom svoj jezik in dajte mi razumeti, kje sem se motil.
Teach me, and I wil hold my tongue: and cause me to vnderstande, wherein I haue erred.
25 Kako prepričljive so prave besede! Toda kaj vaše razpravljanje ošteva?
Howe stedfast are the wordes of righteousnes? and what can any of you iustly reproue?
26 Mar si domišljate, da grajate besede in govore tistega, ki je obupan, ki so kakor veter?
Doe ye imagine to reproue wordes, that the talke of the afflicted should be as the winde?
27 Da, vi nadvladate osirotelega in kopljete jamo za svojega prijatelja.
Ye make your wrath to fall vpon the fatherlesse, and dig a pit for your friende.
28 Zdaj torej bodite zadovoljni. Poglejte name, kajti to vam je očitno, če lažem.
Nowe therefore be content to looke vpon me: for I will not lie before your face.
29 Vrnite se, prosim vas, naj to ne bo krivičnost. Da, ponovno se vrnite, moja pravičnost je v tem.
Turne, I pray you, let there be none iniquitie: returne, I say, and ye shall see yet my righteousnesse in that behalfe.
30 Mar je na mojem jeziku krivičnost? Ne more moj okus razločevati sprevrženih stvari?
Is there iniquitie in my tongue? doeth not my mouth feele sorowes?

< Job 6 >