< Job 5 >
1 »Sedaj kliči, če bo tam kdorkoli, ki ti bo odgovoril. H kateremu izmed svetih se boš obrnil?
“Call out if you please, but who will answer? To which of the holy ones will you turn?
2 Kajti bes ubija nespametnega človeka in zavist ubija neumnega.
For resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.
3 Videl sem nespametnega, da se ukoreninja, toda nenadoma sem preklel njegovo prebivališče.
I have seen a fool taking root, but suddenly his house was cursed.
4 Njegovi otroci so daleč od varnosti in zdrobljeni so pri velikih vratih niti tam ni nikogar, da jih osvobodi.
His sons are far from safety, crushed in court without a defender.
5 Katerega žetev pojedo lačni in jo pobirajo celo iz trnja in ropar požira njihovo imetje.
The hungry consume his harvest, taking it even from the thorns, and the thirsty pant after his wealth.
6 Čeprav stiska ne prihaja iz prahu niti težava ne poganja iz tal,
For distress does not spring from the dust, and trouble does not sprout from the ground.
7 vendar je človek rojen za stisko, kakor iskrice letijo navzgor.
Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.
8 Iskal bi Boga in Bogu bi izročil svojo zadevo,
However, if I were you, I would appeal to God and lay my cause before Him—
9 ki dela velike stvari in nedoumljive, čudovite stvari brez števila,
the One who does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number.
10 ki daje dež na zemljo in vode pošilja na polja,
He gives rain to the earth and sends water upon the fields.
11 da tiste, ki so nizki, postavi visoko; da bi tisti, ki žalujejo, lahko bili povišani do varnosti.
He sets the lowly on high, so that mourners are lifted to safety.
12 On razočara naklepe prebrisanega, tako da njihove roke ne morejo opravljati svoje podjetnosti.
He thwarts the schemes of the crafty, so that their hands find no success.
13 Modre jemlje v njihovi prebrisanosti in nasvet kljubovalnega je naglo izvršen.
He catches the wise in their craftiness, and sweeps away the plans of the cunning.
14 Srečajo se s temo podnevi in tipajo opoldan kakor ponoči.
They encounter darkness by day and grope at noon as in the night.
15 Toda on rešuje ubogega pred mečem, pred njihovimi usti in pred roko mogočnih.
He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth and from the clutches of the powerful.
16 Tako ima ubogi upanje in krivičnost ustavlja svoja usta.
So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth.
17 Glej, srečen je človek, ki ga Bog graja, zatorej ne preziraj karanja Vsemogočnega.
Blessed indeed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.
18 Kajti on dela rane in jih povezuje, on ranja in njegove roke ozdravljajo.
For He wounds, but He also binds; He strikes, but His hands also heal.
19 Osvobodil te bo v šestih težavah. Da, v sedmi se te nobeno zlo ne bo dotaknilo.
He will rescue you from six calamities; no harm will touch you in seven.
20 V lakoti te bo odkupil pred smrtjo in v vojni pred močjo meča.
In famine He will redeem you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword.
21 Skrit boš pred bičanjem jezika niti se ne boš bal uničenja, kadar to prihaja.
You will be hidden from the scourge of the tongue, and will not fear havoc when it comes.
22 Ob uničenju in lakoti se boš smejal niti se ne boš bal zemeljskih zveri.
You will laugh at destruction and famine, and need not fear the beasts of the earth.
23 Kajti v zavezi boš s kamni polja in poljske zveri bodo v miru s teboj.
For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
24 Vedel boš, da bo tvoj šotor v miru in obiskal boš svoje prebivališče in ne boš grešil.
You will know that your tent is secure, and find nothing amiss when inspecting your home.
25 Vedel boš tudi, da bo tvojega semena veliko in tvojega potomstva kakor trave zemlje.
You will know that your offspring will be many, your descendants like the grass of the earth.
26 K svojemu grobu boš prišel v polni starosti, podobno kakor kopica žita prihaja v svojem obdobju.
You will come to the grave in full vigor, like a sheaf of grain gathered in season.
27 Glej to, mi smo to preiskali, tako je to. Poslušaj to in spoznaj to v svoje dobro.«
Indeed, we have investigated, and it is true! So hear it and know for yourself.”