< Job 37 >

1 Tudi ob tem moje srce trepeta in je premaknjeno iz svojega mesta.
At this also my heart is troubled, and moved out of its place.
2 Pozorno prisluhnite hrupu njegovega glasu in zvoku, ki gre iz njegovih ust.
Hear you a report by the anger of the Lord's wrath, and a discourse shall come out of his mouth.
3 Tega usmerja pod celotnim nebom in svoje bliskanje do koncev zemlje.
His dominion is under the whole heaven, and his light is at the extremities of the earth.
4 Za tem rjovi glas. Grmi z glasom svoje odličnosti in ne bo jih zadržal, ko se zasliši njegov glas.
After him shall be a cry with a [loud] voice; he shall thunder with the voice of his excellency, yet he shall not cause men to pass away, for one shall hear his voice.
5 Bog s svojim glasom čudovito grmi. Dela velike stvari, ki jih ne moremo doumeti.
The Mighty One shall thunder wonderfully with his voice: for he has done great things which we knew not;
6 Kajti snegu pravi: ›Bodi na zemlji, ‹ podobno majhnemu dežju in velikemu dežju njegove moči.
commanding the snow, Be you upon the earth, and the stormy rain, and the storm of the showers of his might.
7 Pečati roko vsakega človeka, da bi vsi ljudje lahko poznali njegovo delo.
He seals up the hand of every man, that every man may know his own weakness.
8 Potem gredo živali v brloge in ostanejo na svojih mestih.
And the wild beasts come in under the covert, and rest in [their] lair.
9 Iz juga prihaja vrtinčast veter in mraz iz severa.
Troubles come on out of the secret chambers, and cold from the mountain-tops.
10 Z dihom Boga je dana zmrzal in širina vodá je omejena.
And from the breath of the Mighty One he will send frost; and he guides the water in whatever way he pleases.
11 Tudi z namakanjem obtežuje debel oblak. Razpršuje svoj svetli oblak.
And [if] a cloud obscures [what is] precious [to him], his light will disperse the cloud.
12 Ta je obrnjen ob njegovih nasvetih, da lahko naredijo karkoli jim zapoveduje na obličju zemeljskega [kroga] na zemlji.
And he will carry round the encircling [clouds] by his governance, to [perform] their works: whatever he shall command them,
13 Povzroča mu, da pride, bodisi za grajanje ali za njegovo deželo ali za usmiljenje.
this has been appointed by him on the earth, whether for correction, [or] for his land, or if he shall find him [an object] for mercy.
14 Prisluhni temu, oh Job. Stoj mirno in preudari čudovita Božja dela.
Listen to this, O Job: stand still, and be admonished of the power of the Lord.
15 Ali veš, kdaj jih je Bog razporedil in svetlobi svojega oblaka velel, da zasije?
We know that god has disposed his works, having made light out of darkness.
16 Mar poznaš izravnavanja oblakov, čudovita dela njega, ki je popoln v spoznanju?
And he knows the divisions of the clouds, and the signal overthrows of the ungodly.
17 Kako so tvoje obleke tople, ko z južnim vetrom umiri zemljo?
But your robe is warm, and there is quiet upon the land.
18 Ali si ti z njim razprostrl nebo, ki je močno in kakor staljeno zrcalo?
Will you establish with him [foundations] for the ancient [heavens? they are] strong as a molten mirror.
19 Pouči nas, kaj mu bomo rekli, kajti svojega govora ne moremo urediti zaradi teme.
Therefore teach me, what shall we say to him? and let us cease from saying much.
20 Mar mu bo povedano, da jaz govorim? Če človek govori, bo zagotovo požrt.
Have I a book or a scribe my me, that I may stand and put man to silence?
21 Sedaj ljudje ne vidimo svetle svetlobe, ki je v oblakih, toda veter gre mimo in jih očisti.
But the light is not visible to all: it shines afar off in the heavens, as that which is from him in the clouds.
22 Lepo vreme prihaja iz severa. Z Bogom je strašno veličanstvo.
From the [north] come the clouds shining like gold: in these great are the glory and honour of the Almighty;
23 Glede Vsemogočnega, ne moremo ga srečati. Odličen je v moči, v sodbi in v obilici pravice. Ne bo prizadel.
and we do not find another his equal in strength: [as for] him that judges justly, do you not think that he listens?
24 Ljudje se ga zato bojijo. Ne ozira se na nobenega od tistih, ki so modrega srca.«
Therefore men shall fear him; and the wise also in heart shall fear him.

< Job 37 >