< Job 33 >

1 Zatorej Job, prosim te, prisluhni mojim govorom in prisluhni vsem mojim besedam.
So now, Job, I beg you, hear my speech; listen to all my words.
2 Glej, sedaj sem odprl svoja usta, moj jezik je spregovoril v mojih ustih.
See now, I have opened my mouth; my tongue has spoken in my mouth.
3 Moje besede bodo iz iskrenosti mojega srca in moje ustnice bodo jasno izgovarjale spoznanje.
My words come from the uprightness of my heart; my lips speak pure knowledge.
4 Božji Duh me je naredil in dih Vsemogočnega mi je dal življenje.
The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty has given me life.
5 Če mi lahko odgovoriš, uredi svoje besede pred menoj. Vstani.
If you can, answer me; set your words in order before me and stand up.
6 Glej, jaz sem glede na tvojo željo namesto Boga. Tudi jaz sem oblikovan iz ila.
See, I am just as you are in God's sight; I also have been formed out of the clay.
7 Glej, moja strahota te ne bo prestrašila niti ne bo moja roka težka na tebi.
See, terror of me will not make you afraid; neither will my pressure be heavy upon you.
8 Zagotovo si govoril v mojem slišanju in slišal sem glas tvojih besed, rekoč:
You have certainly spoken in my hearing; I have heard the sound of your words saying,
9 ›Čist sem, brez prestopka, nedolžen sem niti v meni ni krivičnosti.
'I am clean and without transgression; I am innocent, and there is no sin in me.
10 Glej, zoper mene najde priložnosti, šteje me za svojega sovražnika,
See, God finds opportunities to attack me; he regards me as his enemy.
11 moja stopala polaga v klade, zaznamuje vse moje steze.‹
He puts my feet in stocks; he watches all my paths.'
12 Glej, v tem nisi pravičen. Odgovoril ti bom, da je Bog večji kakor človek.
See, in this you are not right—I will answer you, for God is greater than man.
13 Zakaj se prepiraš zoper njega? Kajti on ne daje računa o katerikoli izmed svojih zadev.
Why do you struggle against him? He does not account for any of his doings.
14 Kajti Bog govori enkrat, da, dvakrat, vendar človek tega na zazna.
For God speaks once— yes, twice, though man does not notice it.
15 V sanjah in v videnju ponoči, ko na ljudi pade globoko spanje, v dremanjih na postelji.
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumber on the bed—
16 Takrat on odpira ljudem ušesa in pečati njihovo poučevanje,
then God opens the ears of men, and frightens them with threats,
17 da bi lahko odvrnil človeka od njegovega namena in pred človekom skril ponos.
in order to pull man back from his sinful purposes, and keep pride from him.
18 Njegovo dušo zadržuje pred jamo in njegovo življenje pred pogubo z mečem.
God keeps man's life back from the pit, his life from crossing over to death.
19 Okaran je tudi z bolečino na svoji postelji in množica njegovih kosti z močno bolečino,
Man is punished also with pain on his bed, with constant agony in his bones,
20 tako da njegovo življenje prezira kruh in njegova duša okusno hrano.
so that his life abhors food, and his soul abhors delicacies.
21 Njegovo meso je použito, da ga ni moč videti in njegove kosti, ki jih ni bilo videti, štrlijo ven.
His flesh is consumed away so that it cannot be seen; his bones, once not seen, now stick out.
22 Da, njegova duša se približuje grobu in njegovo življenje k uničevalcem.
Indeed, his soul draws close to the pit, his life to those who wish to destroy it.
23 Če bo z njim poslanec, tolmač, eden med tisočimi, da pokaže človeku njegovo poštenost,
But if there is an angel who can be a mediator for him, a mediator, one from among the thousands of angels, to show him what is right to do,
24 potem mu je on milostljiv in pravi: ›Osvobodi ga pred pogrezanjem dol k jami. Našel sem odkupnino.‹
and if the angel is kind to him and says to God, 'Save this person from going down to the pit; I have found a ransom for him,'
25 Njegovo meso bo mladostnejše kakor otrokovo. Vrnil se bo k dnem svoje mladosti.
then his flesh will become fresher than a child's; he will return to the days of his youthful strength.
26 Molil bo k Bogu in mu bo naklonjen in z radostjo bo videl njegov obraz, kajti človeku bo povrnil njegovo pravičnost.
He will pray to God, and God will be kind to him, so that he sees God's face with joy. God will give the person his triumph.
27 On pogleda na ljudi in če kdorkoli reče: ›Grešil sem in izkrivljal to, kar je bilo pravilno, pa mi to ni koristilo,
Then that person will sing in front of other people and say, 'I sinned and perverted that which was right, but my sin was not punished.
28 bo njegovo dušo osvobodil pred pogrezanjem v jamo in njegovo življenje bo videlo svetlobo.‹
God has rescued my soul from going down into the pit; my life will continue to see light.'
29 Glej, vse te stvari Bog pogosto dela s človekom,
See, God does all these things with a person, twice, yes, even three times,
30 da njegovo dušo privede nazaj iz jame, da bi bil razsvetljen s svetlobo živih.
to bring his soul back from the pit, so that he may be enlightened with the light of life.
31 Dobro pazi, oh Job, prisluhni mi. Umolkni in jaz bom govoril.
Pay attention, Job, and listen to me; be silent and I will speak.
32 Če mi imaš karkoli reči, mi odgovori. Govori, kajti želim te opravičiti.
If you have anything to say, answer me; speak, for I wish to prove that you are in the right.
33 Če ne, mi prisluhni. Umolkni in učil te bom modrosti.«
If not, then listen to me; remain silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”

< Job 33 >