< Job 13 >

1 Glej, moje oko je vse to videlo, moje uho je to slišalo in razumelo.
Behold, mine eye has seen these things, and mine ear has heard [them].
2 Kar veste vi, isto vem tudi jaz. Nisem slabši od vas.
And I know all that you too know; and I have not less understanding than you.
3 Zagotovo bi govoril Vsemogočnemu in želim si, da bi razpravljal z Bogom.
Nevertheless I will speak to the Lord, and I will reason before him, if he will.
4 Toda vi ste ponarejevalci laži, vi vsi ste zdravniki brez vrednosti.
But you are all bad physicians, and healers of diseases.
5 Oh, da bi vsi skupaj molčali! To bi bila vaša modrost.
But would that you were silent, and it would be wisdom to you in the end.
6 Poslušajte torej moje zagovarjanje in prisluhnite prošnjam mojih ustnic.
But hear you the reasoning of my mouth, and attend to the judgement of my lips.
7 Mar boste zlobno govorili za Boga? In varljivo govorili zanj?
Do you not speak before the Lord, and utter deceit before him?
8 Mar boste sprejeli njegovo osebo? Mar se boste potegovali za Boga?
Or will you draw back? nay do, you yourselves be judges.
9 Ali je dobro, da bi vas on preiskal? Ali kakor en človek zasmehuje drugega ali tako vi zasmehujete njega?
For [it were] well if he would thoroughly search you: for though doing all things [in your power] you should attach yourselves to him,
10 Zagotovo vas bo grajal, če naskrivaj sprejemate osebe.
he will not reprove you at all the less: but if moreover you should secretly respect persons,
11 Mar vas ne bo njegova odličnost prestrašila? In njegova groza padla na vas?
shall not his whirlpool sweep you round, and terror from him fall upon you?
12 Vaši spomini so podobni pepelu, vaša telesa ilovnatim telesom.
And your glorying shall prove in the end to you like ashes, and your body [like a body] of clay.
13 Molčite, pustite me samega, da lahko govorim in naj pride name kar hoče.
Be silent, that I may speak, and cease from [mine] anger,
14 Čemu jemljem svoje meso v svoje zobe in svoje življenje polagam v svojo roko?
while I may take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hand.
15 Čeprav me ubije, bom jaz vendar zaupal vanj; toda svoje lastne poti bom ohranil pred njim.
Though the Mighty One should lay hand upon me, forasmuch as he has begun, verily I will speak, and plead before him.
16 On bo tudi rešitev moje duše, kajti hinavec ne bo prišel predenj.
And this shall turn to me for salvation; for fraud shall have no entrance before him.
17 Marljivo prisluhnite mojemu govoru in moji izjavi s svojimi ušesi.
Hear, hear you my words, for I will declare in your hearing.
18 Glejte torej, zapovedal sem svojo stvar; vem, da bom opravičen.
Behold, I am near my judgement: I know that I shall appear evidently just.
19 Kdo je tisti, ki se bo pravdal z menoj? Kajti sedaj, če zadržim svoj jezik, bom izročil duha.
For who is he that shall plead with me, that I should now be silent, and expire?
20 Samo ne storite mi dveh stvari, potem se ne bom skril pred teboj.
But grant me two things: then I will not hide myself from your face.
21 Umakni svojo roko daleč od mene in naj me tvoja groza ne stori prestrašenega.
Withhold [your] hand from me: and let not your fear terrify me.
22 Potem kliči in jaz ti bom odgovoril. Ali naj jaz govorim in ti mi odgovori.
Then shall you call, and I will listen to you: or you shall speak, and I will give you an answer.
23 Kako številne so moje krivičnosti in grehi? Naredi mi, da spoznam svoj prestopek in svoj greh.
How many are my sins and my transgressions? teach me what they are.
24 Zakaj skrivaš svoj obraz in me šteješ za svojega sovražnika?
Therefore hide you yourself from me, and deem me your enemy?
25 Hočeš zlomiti list, gnan sem ter tja? Hočeš zasledovati suho strnišče?
Will you be startled [at me], as [at] a leaf shaken by the wind? or will you set yourself against me as against grass borne upon the breeze?
26 Kajti zoper mene pišeš grenke stvari in me delaš, da posedujem krivičnosti svoje mladosti.
for you have written evil things against me, and you have compassed me with the sins of my youth.
27 Moja stopala polagaš v klade in ozko gledaš na vse moje steze. Odtis postavljaš na pete mojih stopal.
And you have placed my foot in the stocks; and you have watched all my works, and have penetrated my heels.
28 In on, kakor razpadajoča stvar, požira kakor obleko, ki je pojedena od molja.
[I am as] that which waxes old like a bottle, or like a moth-eaten garment.

< Job 13 >