< Job 11 >
1 Potem je odgovoril Cofár Naámčan in rekel:
And he answered Zophar the Naamathite and he said.
2 »Mar ne bo množica besed odgovorjena? Mar naj bo mož, poln govora, opravičen?
¿ A multitude of words not will it be answered and or? a man of lips will he be acquitted.
3 Mar naj tvoje laži naredijo možem, da molčijo? In ko zasmehuješ, ali te noben človek ne bo osramotil?
Empty boasts your men will they silence? and have you mocked? and there not [is one who] puts to shame.
4 Kajti rekel si: ›Moj nauk je čist in jaz sem čist v tvojih očeh.‹
And you have said [is] pure teaching my and clean I am in view your.
5 Toda oh, da bi Bog spregovoril in zoper tebe odprl svoje ustnice
And but who? will he give God to speak and he may open lips his with you.
6 in da bi ti pokazal skrivnosti modrosti, da so dvojne temu kar je! Vedi torej, da Bog od tebe terja manj, kakor zasluži tvoja krivičnost.
And may he tell to you - [the] secrets of wisdom for double [belongs] to sound wisdom and know that he will cause to forget to you God some of iniquity your.
7 Mar lahko z iskanjem najdeš Boga? Mar lahko do popolnosti spoznaš Vsemogočnega?
¿ [the] searching of God will you find or? to [the] end of [the] Almighty will you find.
8 To je tako visoko kakor nebo. Kaj lahko storiš? Globlje kakor pekel. Kaj lahko spoznaš? (Sheol )
[the] heights of [the] heavens What? will you do deep more than Sheol what? will you know. (Sheol )
9 Njegova mera je daljša kakor zemlja in širša kakor morje.
[is] long More than [the] earth measure its and broad more than [the] sea.
10 Če odseka in zapre, ali zbere skupaj, kdo ga potem lahko ovira?
If he will pass by and he may shut up so he may summon an assembly and who? will he turn back him.
11 Kajti pozna praznoglave ljudi. Tudi zlobnost vidi. Mar ne bo potem tega preudaril?
For he he knows men of falsehood and he has seen wickedness and not he shows himself attentive.
12 Kajti praznoglav človek bi bil moder, čeprav bi bil človek rojen kakor žrebe divjega osla.
And a person hollow he will become intelligent and a male donkey of a wild donkey a human being it will be born.
13 Če pripraviš svoje srce in svoje roke iztegneš k njemu,
If you you have directed heart your and you will spread out to him palms your.
14 če je krivičnost v tvoji roki, jo odloži daleč proč in naj zlobnost ne prebiva v tvojih šotorih.
If wickedness [is] in hand your put far away it and may not you cause to dwell in tents your injustice.
15 Kajti potem boš povzdignil svoj obraz brez madeža. Da, neomajen boš in se ne boš bal,
For then - you will lift up face your from blemish and you will be firmly established and not you will fear.
16 ker boš pozabil svojo bedo in se je boš spominjal kakor vode, ki tečejo mimo,
For you trouble you will forget like waters [which] they have passed away you will remember [it].
17 in tvoja starost bo jasnejša kakor opoldan; svetil boš naprej, ti boš kakor jutro.
And more than noon it will rise lifespan it will be dark like the morning it will become.
18 Ti boš varen, ker je upanje. Da, kopal boš okoli sebe in svoj počitek si boš vzel v varnosti.
And you will be secure for there [is] hope and you will be well protected to security you will lie down.
19 Tudi ulegel se boš in nihče te ne bo strašil. Da, mnogi te bodo obžalovali.
And you will lie down and there not [will be one who] disturbs and they will entreat face your many [people].
20 Toda oči zlobnih bodo odpovedale in ne bodo pobegnili in njihovo upanje bo kakor izročitev duha.«
And [the] eyes of wicked [people] they will fail and a place of escape it will be lost from them and hope their [will be] a gasp of life.