< Job 11 >
1 Potem je odgovoril Cofár Naámčan in rekel:
Then answered Zophar the Na'amathite, and said.
2 »Mar ne bo množica besed odgovorjena? Mar naj bo mož, poln govora, opravičen?
Shall a multitude of words not be answered? and is it so that a man full of talk shall be deemed in the right?
3 Mar naj tvoje laži naredijo možem, da molčijo? In ko zasmehuješ, ali te noben človek ne bo osramotil?
Thy inventions are to bring men to silence; and when thou utterest thy mocking no one is to cause thee to feel abashed!
4 Kajti rekel si: ›Moj nauk je čist in jaz sem čist v tvojih očeh.‹
For thou hast said [to God], My doctrine is pure, and I am become clean in thy eyes.
5 Toda oh, da bi Bog spregovoril in zoper tebe odprl svoje ustnice
But oh that God would but speak, and open his lips against thee;
6 in da bi ti pokazal skrivnosti modrosti, da so dvojne temu kar je! Vedi torej, da Bog od tebe terja manj, kakor zasluži tvoja krivičnost.
And that he would declare unto thee the secrets of wisdom; for it is double to that which is really in our possession: and thou wouldst experience that God overlooketh unto thee much of thy iniquity.
7 Mar lahko z iskanjem najdeš Boga? Mar lahko do popolnosti spoznaš Vsemogočnega?
Canst thou find out the experience of God? or canst thou find [the way] unto the utmost limit of the Almighty?
8 To je tako visoko kakor nebo. Kaj lahko storiš? Globlje kakor pekel. Kaj lahko spoznaš? (Sheol )
It is as high as heaven; what canst thou effect? it is deeper than the nether world; what canst thou know? (Sheol )
9 Njegova mera je daljša kakor zemlja in širša kakor morje.
Longer than the earth is its measure, and broader than the sea.
10 Če odseka in zapre, ali zbere skupaj, kdo ga potem lahko ovira?
If he pass by, and surrender [one to suffering], and call together an assembly, who can hinder him?
11 Kajti pozna praznoglave ljudi. Tudi zlobnost vidi. Mar ne bo potem tega preudaril?
For he knoweth the men of vanity: he seeth the wrong-doer and him who considereth not;
12 Kajti praznoglav človek bi bil moder, čeprav bi bil človek rojen kakor žrebe divjega osla.
And the heartless who acquireth intelligence, and him who is [like] the colt of the wild ass who is transformed into a man.
13 Če pripraviš svoje srce in svoje roke iztegneš k njemu,
If thou truly direct [aright] thy heart, and spread out thy hands toward him: —
14 če je krivičnost v tvoji roki, jo odloži daleč proč in naj zlobnost ne prebiva v tvojih šotorih.
If wrong be in thy hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tents.
15 Kajti potem boš povzdignil svoj obraz brez madeža. Da, neomajen boš in se ne boš bal,
For then canst thou lift up thy face free from blemish: yea, thou wilt stand steadfast, and needest not to fear;
16 ker boš pozabil svojo bedo in se je boš spominjal kakor vode, ki tečejo mimo,
Because thou wilt truly forget thy trouble, and as a waterflood that is passed away wilt thou remember it;
17 in tvoja starost bo jasnejša kakor opoldan; svetil boš naprej, ti boš kakor jutro.
And brighter than the noon of day will thy earthly existence arise; and thy obscurity will be like thy morning.
18 Ti boš varen, ker je upanje. Da, kopal boš okoli sebe in svoj počitek si boš vzel v varnosti.
And thou wilt feel trust, because there is hope: yea, thou wilt search about carefully, and thou wilt lie down in safety.
19 Tudi ulegel se boš in nihče te ne bo strašil. Da, mnogi te bodo obžalovali.
Also thou wilt stretch thyself out [to rest], with none to make thee afraid; and many will entreat thy favor.
20 Toda oči zlobnih bodo odpovedale in ne bodo pobegnili in njihovo upanje bo kakor izročitev duha.«
But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and the means of escape will vanish from them, and their [sole] hope shall be the breathing out of their soul.