< Jeremija 52 >

1 Sedekíja je bil star enaindvajset let, ko je začel kraljevati in v Jeruzalemu je kraljeval enajst let. Ime njegove matere je bilo Hamutála, hči Jeremija iz Libne.
It was the twenty-first year of Sedekias, when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Amitaal, the daughter of Jeremias, of Lobena.
2 Počel je to, kar je bilo zlo v Gospodovih očeh, glede na vse, kar je storil Jojakím.
3 Kajti zaradi Gospodove jeze se je to zgodilo v Jeruzalemu in v Judu, dokler jih ni zavrgel izpred svoje prisotnosti, da se je Sedekíja uprl zoper babilonskega kralja.
4 Pripetilo se je v devetem letu njegovega kraljevanja, v desetem mesecu, na deseti dan meseca, da je prišel babilonski kralj Nebukadnezar, on in vsa njegova vojska, zoper [prestolnico] Jeruzalem in se utaboril zoper njo in zoper njo naokoli zgradil trdnjave.
And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the ninth month, on the tenth day of the month, [that] Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon came, and all his host, against Jerusalem, and they made a rampart round it, and built a wall round about it with large stones.
5 Tako je bilo mesto oblegano do enajstega leta kralja Sedekíja.
So the city was besieged, until the eleventh year of king Sedekias,
6 In v četrtem mesecu, na deveti dan meseca, je bila huda lakota v mestu, tako da ni bilo kruha za ljudstvo dežele.
on the ninth day of the month, and [then] the famine was severe in the city, and there was no bread for the people of the land.
7 Potem je bilo mesto predrto in vsi bojevniki so pobegnili in ponoči odšli ven iz mesta, po poti velikih vrat med dvema zidovoma, kar je bilo poleg kraljevega vrta; (torej Kaldejci so bili pri mestu naokoli) in odšli so po poti ravnine.
And the city was broken up, and all the men of war went out by night by the way of the gate, between the wall and the outworks, which were by the king's garden; and the Chaldeans were by the city round about; and they went by the way [leading] to the wilderness.
8 Toda vojska Kaldejcev je zasledovala kralja in Sedekíja dohitela na ravninah Jerihe; in vsa njegova vojska je bila razkropljena od njega.
But the host of the Chaldeans pursued after the king, and overtook him in the [country] beyond Jericho; and all his servants were dispersed from [about] him.
9 Potem so prijeli kralja in ga odvedli gor k babilonskemu kralju v Riblo, v deželo Hamát; kjer je izrekel sodbo nad njim.
And they took the king, and brought him to the king of Babylon to Deblatha, and he judged him.
10 Babilonski kralj je Sedekíjeve sinove usmrtil pred njegovimi očmi. Usmrtil je tudi vse Judove prince v Ribli.
And the king of Babylon killed the sons of Sedekias before his eyes; and he killed all the princes of Juda in Deblatha.
11 Potem je iztaknil Sedekíjeve oči; in babilonski kralj ga je zvezal v verige in ga odvedel v Babilon in ga vtaknil v ječo do dneva njegove smrti.
And he put out the eyes of Sedekias, and bound him in fetters; and the king of Babylon brought him to Babylon, and put him into the grinding-house, until the day when he died.
12 Torej v petem mesecu, na deseti dan meseca, kar je bilo devetnajsto leto babilonskega kralja Nebukadnezarja je prišel Nebuzaradán, poveljnik straže, ki je služil babilonskemu kralju, v Jeruzalem.
And in the fifth month, on the tenth day of the month, Nabuzardan the captain of the guard, who waited on the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem;
13 Požgal je Gospodovo hišo, kraljevo hišo, vse jeruzalemske hiše in vse hiše velikih mož je požgal z ognjem.
and he burnt the house of the Lord, and the king's house; and all the houses of the city, and every great house he burnt with fire.
14 Vsa vojska Kaldejcev, ki je bila s poveljnikom straže, je porušila vse zidove naokoli Jeruzalema.
And the host of the Chaldeans that was with the captain of the guard pulled down all the wall of Jerusalem round about.
15 Potem je Nebuzaradán, poveljnik straže, odvedel proč ujetništvo, nekatere izmed revnega ljudstva in preostanek ljudstva, ki je ostalo v mestu in tiste, ki so pobegnili proč, ki so pobegnili k babilonskemu kralju in preostanek množice.
16 Toda Nebuzaradán, poveljnik straže, je pustil nekatere izmed revnih dežele za obrezovalce trte in za poljedelce.
But the captain of the guard left the remnant of the people to be vinedressers and husbandmen.
17 Tudi stebre iz brona, ki so bili v Gospodovi hiši in podnožja in bronasto morje, ki je bilo v Gospodovi hiši, so Kaldejci zlomili in ves bron od tega odnesli v Babilon.
And the Chaldeans broke in pieces the brazen pillars that were in the house of the Lord, and the bases, and the brazen sea that was in the house of the Lord, and they took the brass thereof, and carried it away to Babylon.
18 Tudi kotle in lopate in utrinjala in skledice in žlice in vse posode iz brona, s katerimi so služili, so vzeli proč.
Also the rim, and the bowls, and the flesh hooks, and all the brazen vessels, wherewith they ministered;
19 In umivalnike in ponve za žerjavico in skledice in kotle in svečnike in žlice in čaše; to, kar je bilo iz zlata, v zlatu in to, kar je bilo iz srebra, v srebru, je vzel proč poveljnik straže.
and the basins, and the snuffers, and the oil-funnels, and the candlesticks, and the censers, and the cups, the golden, of gold, and the silver, of silver, the captain of the guard took away.
20 Dva stebra, eno morje in dvanajst bronastih bikov, ki so bili pod podnožji, ki jih je kralj Salomon naredil v Gospodovi hiši: brona vseh teh posod je bilo brez teže.
And the two pillars, and the one sea, and the twelve brazen oxen under the sea, which [things] king Solomon made for the house of the Lord; the brass of which [articles] was without weight.
21 In glede stebrov, višina enega stebra je bila osemnajst komolcev; in obdajal ga je okrasni trak dvanajstih komolcev; in njegova debelina je bila štiri prste; bil je votel.
And as for the pillars, the height of one pillar was thirty-five cubits; and a line of twelve cubits compassed it round; and the thickness of it [all] round was four fingers.
22 Na njem je bil kapitel iz brona; in višina enega kapitela je bila pet komolcev, z mrežo in granatnimi jabolki naokoli na kapitelih, vsi iz brona. Tudi drugi steber in granatna jabolka so bili podobni tem.
And [there was] a brazen chapiter upon them, and the length was five cubits, [even] the height of one chapiter; and [there were] on the chapiter round about network and pomegranates, all of brass: and correspondingly the second pillar [had] eight pomegranates to a cubit for the twelve cubits.
23 In tam je bilo šestindevetdeset granatnih jabolk na eni strani; in vseh granatnih jabolk na mreži je bilo sto naokoli.
And the pomegranates were ninety-six on a side; and all the pomegranates on the network round about were a hundred.
24 In poveljnik straže je vzel vélikega duhovnika Serajája in drugega duhovnika Cefanjája in tri čuvaje vrat.
And the captain of the guard took the chief priest, and the second priest, and those that kept the way;
25 Iz mesta je vzel tudi evnuha, ki je bil zadolžen za bojevnike in sedem mož izmed njih, ki so bili blizu kraljevi osebi, ki so bili najdeni v mestu; in glavnega pisarja vojske, ki je nabiral ljudstvo dežele; in šestdeset mož izmed ljudstva dežele, ki so bili najdeni v sredi mesta.
and one eunuch, who was over the men of war, and seven men of renown, who were in the king's presence that were found in the city; and the scribe of the forces, who did the part of a scribe to the people of the land; and sixty men of the people of the land, who were found in the midst of the city.
26 Tako jih je Nebuzaradán, poveljnik straže, vzel in jih privedel k babilonskemu kralju v Riblo.
And Nabuzardan the captain of the king's guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Deblatha.
27 Babilonski kralj jih je udaril in jih usmrtil v Ribli, v deželi Hamát. Tako je bil Juda ujet odveden proč iz svoje lastne dežele.
And the king of Babylon struck them in Deblatha, in the land of Aemath.
28 To je ljudstvo, ki ga je Nebukadnezar odvedel proč ujete: v sedmem letu tri tisoč triindvajset Judov;
29 v osemnajstem letu Nebukadnezarja je iz Jeruzalema odvedel zajetih osemsto dvaintrideset oseb;
30 v triindvajsetem letu Nebukadnezarja je Nebuzaradán, poveljnik straže, odvedel proč judovske ujetnike, sedemsto petinštirideset oseb. Vseh oseb je bilo štiri tisoč šeststo.
31 Pripetilo se je v sedemintridesetem letu ujetništva Judovega kralja Jojahína, v dvanajstem mesecu, na petindvajseti dan meseca, da je babilonski kralj Evíl Merodáh v prvem letu svojega kraljevanja povzdignil glavo Judovega kralja Jojahína in ga privedel iz ječe.
And it came to pass in the thirty-seventh year after that Joakim king of Juda had been carried away captive, in the twelfth month, on the four and twentieth [day] of the month, [that] Ulaemadachar king of Babylon, in the year in which he began to reign, raised the head of Joakim king of Juda, and shaved him, and brought him out of the house where he was kept,
32 Prijazno je govoril z njim in njegov prestol postavil nad prestole kraljev, ki so bili z njim v Babilonu.
and spoke kindly to him, and set his throne above the kings that were with him in Babylon,
33 Spremenil je njegove jetniške obleke in nenehno je jedel kruh pred njim, vse dni svojega življenja.
and changed his prison garments: and he ate bread continually before him all the days that he lived.
34 Glede njegove prehrane mu je bil od babilonskega kralja dan nenehen delež hrane, vsak dan obrok do dneva njegove smrti, vse dni njegovega življenja.
And his appointed portion was given him continually by the king of Babylon from day to day, until the day when he died.

< Jeremija 52 >