< Jeremija 43 >

1 Pripetilo se je, da ko je Jeremija končal govorjenje vsemu ljudstvu vse besede Gospoda, njihovega Boga, za katere ga je Gospod, njihov Bog, poslal k njim, celó vse te besede,
It happened that Jeremiah finished proclaiming to all the people all the words of Yahweh their God that Yahweh their God had told him to say.
2 so potem spregovorili Hošajájev sin Azarjá, Karéahov sin Johanán in vsi ponosni možje, rekoč Jeremiju: »Napačno govoriš. Gospod, naš Bog, te ni poslal, da rečeš: ›Ne pojdite v Egipt, da začasno prebivate tam, ‹
Azariah son of Hoshaiah, Johanan son of Kareah, and all the arrogant men said to Jeremiah, “You are telling lies. Yahweh our God has not sent you to say, 'Do not go to Egypt to live there.'
3 temveč te je Nerijájev sin Baruh naravnal zoper nas, da nas izročiš v roko Kaldejcev, da bi nas oni lahko usmrtili in nas odvedli ujetnike v Babilon.«
For Baruch son of Neriah is inciting you against us to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, for you to cause our death and to make us captives in Babylon.”
4 Tako Karéahov sin Johanán, vsi poveljniki sil in vse ljudstvo niso ubogali glasu Gospoda, da prebivajo v Judovi deželi,
So Johanan son of Kareah, all the princes of the army, and all the people refused to listen to Yahweh's voice to live in the land of Judah.
5 temveč so Karéahov sin Johanán in vsi poveljniki sil vzeli ves Judov preostanek, ki se je vrnil iz vseh narodov, kamor so bili pognani, da prebivajo v Judovi deželi;
Johanan son of Kareah and all the army commanders took away all the remnant of Judah who had returned from all the nations where they had been scattered to live in the land of Judah.
6 celó može, ženske, otroke, kraljeve hčere in vsako osebo, ki jih je Nebuzaradán, poveljnik straže, pustil z Gedaljájem, sinom Ahikáma, sinom Šafána in prerokom Jeremijem in Nerijájevim sinom Baruhom.
They took the men and women, the children and the king's daughters, and every person whom Nebuzaradan, the commander of the king's bodyguards, had let remain with Gedaliah son of Ahikam son of Shaphan. They also took Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch son of Neriah.
7 Tako so prišli v egiptovsko deželo, kajti niso ubogali glasu Gospoda. Tako so prišli celó v Tahpanhés.
They went to the land of Egypt, to Tahpanhes, because they did not listen to Yahweh's voice.
8 Potem je prišla beseda od Gospoda Jeremiju v Tahpanhésu, rekoč:
So the word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,
9 »V svojo roko vzemi velike kamne in jih skrij v ilo v opekarsko peč, ki je pri vhodu faraonove hiše v Tahpanhésu, pred očmi Judovih mož
“Take some large stones in your hand, and, in the sight of the people of Judah, hide them in the mortar in the pavement at the entrance to Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes.”
10 in jim reci: ›Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog: ›Glejte, poslal bom in vzel babilonskega kralja Nebukadnezarja, svojega služabnika in njegov prestol bom postavil na teh kamnih, ki sem jih skril; in on bo nad njimi razpel svoj kraljevi paviljon.
Then say to them, “Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this, 'See, I am about to send messengers to take Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon as my servant. I will place his throne over these stones that you, Jeremiah, have buried. Nebuchadnezzar will place his pavilion over them.
11 In ko pride, bo udaril egiptovsko deželo in izročil tiste, ki so za smrt, k smrti; in tiste, ki so za ujetništvo, k ujetništvu; in tiste, ki so za meč, k meču.
For he will come and attack the land of Egypt. Anyone who is assigned to death will be given to death. Anyone who is assigned to captivity will be taken captive. Anyone who is assigned to the sword will be given to the sword.
12 In jaz bom prižgal ogenj v hišah egiptovskih bogov in on jih bo sežgal in jih odvedel proč ujetnike; in odel se bo z egiptovsko deželo, kakor si pastir nadene svojo obleko; in od tod bo šel naprej v miru.
Then I will light a fire in the temples of Egypt's gods. Nebuchadnezzar will burn them or capture them. He will clean out the land of Egypt just as shepherds clean vermin off their clothes. He will go out from that place in victory.
13 Zlomil bo tudi podobe Bet Šemeša, ki je v egiptovski deželi; in hiše egipčanskih bogov bo sežgal z ognjem.«
He will break the stone pillars at Heliopolis in the land of Egypt. He will burn the temples of Egypt's gods.'”

< Jeremija 43 >