< Jeremija 26 >

1 Na začetku kraljevanja Jojakíma, Jošíjevega sina, Judovega kralja, je prišla ta beseda od Gospoda, rekoč:
In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, this word came from Yahweh, saying,
2 »Tako govori Gospod: ›Stoj na dvoru Gospodove hiše in govori vsem Judovim mestom, ki pridejo oboževat v Gospodovo hišo, vse besede, ki sem ti jih zapovedal, da jim jih govoriš; ne zmanjšaj niti besede.
“Yahweh says this: Stand in the courtyard of my house and speak about all the cities of Judah who come to worship at my house. Proclaim all the words that I have commanded you to say to them. Do not cut short any word!
3 Če bo tako, bodo prisluhnili in se obrnili, vsak človek iz svoje zle poti, da se lahko pokesam od zla, ki sem jim ga namenil storiti zaradi zla njihovih početij.
It may be that they will listen, that each man will turn from his wicked ways, so I will relent concerning the disaster that I am planning to bring on them because of the wickedness of their practices.
4 Rekel jim boš: ›Tako govori Gospod: ›Če mi ne boste prisluhnili, da se ravnate po moji postavi, ki sem jo postavil pred vas,
So you must say to them, 'Yahweh says this: If you do not listen to me so as to walk in my law that I have placed before you—
5 da prisluhnete besedam mojih služabnikov prerokov, ki sem jih pošiljal k vam; zgodaj sem jih vzdigoval in jih pošiljal, toda niste prisluhnili;
if you do not listen to the words of my servants the prophets whom I am persistently sending to you—but you have not listened!—
6 potem bom to hišo naredil podobno Šilu in to mesto naredil prekletstvo vsem narodom zemlje.‹«
then I will make this house like Shiloh; I will turn this city into a curse in the sight of all the nations on earth.'”
7 Tako so duhovniki, preroki in vse ljudstvo slišali Jeremija govoriti te besede v Gospodovi hiši.
The priests, the prophets, and all the people heard Jeremiah announcing these words in Yahweh's house.
8 Pripetilo se je torej, ko je Jeremija končal govorjenje vsega, kar mu je Gospod zapovedal, da govori vsemu ljudstvu, da so ga duhovniki in preroki in vse ljudstvo zgrabili, rekoč: »Zagotovo boš umrl.
So it happened that when Jeremiah had finished announcing all that Yahweh commanded him to say to all the people, the priests, prophets, and all the people seized him and said, “You will certainly die!
9 Zakaj si prerokoval v Gospodovem imenu, rekoč: ›Ta hiša bo podobna Šilu in to mesto bo zapuščeno, brez prebivalca?‹« In vse ljudstvo je bilo zbrano zoper Jeremija v Gospodovi hiši.
Why have you prophesied in Yahweh's name and said that this house will become like Shiloh and this city will become desolate, with no inhabitant?” For all the people had formed a mob against Jeremiah in Yahweh's house.
10 Ko so Judovi princi slišali te stvari, potem so prišli gor iz kraljeve hiše h Gospodovi hiši in se usedli pri vhodu novih velikih vrat Gospodove hiše.
Then the officials of Judah heard these words and went up from the king's house to Yahweh's house. They sat in the gateway at the New Gate of Yahweh's house.
11 Potem so duhovniki in preroki spregovorili princem in vsemu ljudstvu, rekoč: »Ta mož je vreden, da umre, kajti prerokoval je zoper to mesto, kakor ste slišali s svojimi ušesi.«
The priests and the prophets spoke to the officials and to all the people. They said, “It is right for this man to die, for he prophesied against this city, just as you heard with your own ears!”
12 Potem je Jeremija spregovoril vsem princem in vsemu ljudstvu, rekoč: » Gospod me je poslal, da prerokujem zoper to hišo in zoper to mesto vse besede, ki ste jih slišali.
So Jeremiah spoke to all the officials and all the people and said, “Yahweh has sent me out to prophesy against this house and this city, to say all the words that you have heard.
13 Zato sedaj poboljšajte svoje poti in svoja dejanja in ubogajte glas Gospoda, svojega Boga, in Gospod se bo pokesal od zla, ki ga je proglasil zoper vas.
So now, improve your ways and your practices, and listen to the voice of Yahweh your God so that he will relent concerning the disaster that he has proclaimed against you.
14 Poglejte, kar se mene tiče, jaz sem v vaši roki. Z menoj storite kakor se vam zdi dobro in primerno.
I myself—look at me!—am in your hand. Do to me what is good and right in your eyes.
15 Toda zagotovo vedite, da če me boste usmrtili, boste zagotovo privedli nedolžno kri nadse, nad to mesto in nad njegove prebivalce, kajti resnično me je k vam poslal Gospod, da v vaša ušesa govorim vse te besede.«
But you must surely know that if you kill me, then you are bringing innocent blood on yourselves and on this city and its inhabitants, for Yahweh has truly sent me to you to proclaim all these words for your ears.”
16 Potem so princi in vse ljudstvo rekli duhovnikom in prerokom: »Ta mož ni vreden, da umre, kajti govoril nam je v imenu Gospoda, našega Boga.«
Then the officials and all the people said to the priests and prophets, “It is not right for this man to die, for he has proclaimed things to us in the name of Yahweh our God.”
17 Potem so vstali nekateri izmed starešin dežele in spregovorili vsemu zboru ljudstva, rekoč:
Then men from the elders of the land rose up and spoke to the entire assembly of the people.
18 »Mihej Moréšečan je prerokoval v dneh Ezekíja, Judovega kralja in govoril vsemu Judovemu ljudstvu, rekoč: ›Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki: ›Sion bo preoran kakor polje in Jeruzalem bo spremenjen v razvaline in gora hiše kakor visoki kraji gozda.
They said, “Micah the Morashite was prophesying in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah. He spoke to all the people of Judah and said, 'Yahweh of hosts says this: Zion will become a plowed field, Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, and the hill of the temple will become a thicket.'
19 Ali ga je Judov kralj Ezekíja in ves Juda sploh dal usmrtiti? Mar se ni bal Gospoda in rotil Gospoda in se je Gospod pokesal zla, ki ga je proglasil zoper njih? Tako bi lahko prihranili veliko zlo zoper naše duše.
Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all of Judah put him to death? Did he not fear Yahweh and appease the face of Yahweh so that Yahweh would relent concerning the disaster that he proclaimed to them? So will we do greater evil against our own lives?”
20 Tam pa je bil tudi človek, ki je prerokoval v Gospodovem imenu, Urijá, sin Šemajája iz Kirját Jearíma, ki je prerokoval zoper to mesto in zoper to deželo, glede na vse Jeremijeve besede.
Meanwhile there was another man who prophesied in the name of Yahweh—Uriah son of Shemaiah from Kiriath Jearim—he also prophesied against this city and this land, agreeing with all of Jeremiah's words.
21 Ko je kralj Jojakím, z vsemi svojimi mogočnimi možmi in vsemi princi, slišal njegove besede, je kralj iskal, da ga usmrti. Toda ko je Urijá to slišal, je bil prestrašen in pobegnil ter odšel v Egipt.
But when King Jehoiakim and all his soldiers and officials heard his word, then the king tried to put him to death, but Uriah heard and was afraid, so he ran away and went to Egypt.
22 Kralj Jojakím pa je poslal može v Egipt, in sicer Ahbórjevega sina Elnatána in nekatere može z njim v Egipt.
Then King Jehoiakim sent out men to go to Egypt—Elnathan son of Akbor and men to go into Egypt after Uriah.
23 Ti so Urijá spravili iz Egipta in ga privedli h kralju Jojakímu, ki ga je usmrtil z mečem in njegovo truplo vrgel v grobove preprostega ljudstva.
They took Uriah out from Egypt and brought him to King Jehoiakim. Then Jehoiakim killed him with a sword and sent his corpse out to the graves of the ordinary people.
24 Kljub temu je bila roka Šafánovega sina Ahikáma z Jeremijem, da ga ne bi predali v roko ljudstva, da ga usmrti.
But the hand of Ahikam son of Shaphan was with Jeremiah, so he was not given into the hand of the people to be put to death.

< Jeremija 26 >