< Jeremija 16 >

1 Gospodova beseda je prav tako prišla k meni, rekoč:
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 »Ne boš si vzel žene niti na tem kraju ne boš imel sinov ali hčera.
“Do not take a wife for yourself, and do not have sons or daughters for yourself in this place.
3 Kajti tako govori Gospod glede sinov in glede hčera, ki so rojeni na tem kraju in glede njihovih mater, ki so jih nosile in glede njihovih očetov, ki so jih zaplodili v tej deželi:
For Yahweh says this to the sons and daughters who are born in this place, to the mothers who bear them, and to the fathers who caused them to be born in this land,
4 ›Umrli bodo bolečih smrti; ne bodo objokovani niti ne bodo pokopani, temveč bodo kakor gnoj na obličju zemlje; z mečem in lakoto bodo použiti in njihova trupla bodo hrana za perjad neba in za živali na polju.‹
'They will die diseased deaths. They will not be mourned or buried. They will be like dung on the ground. For they will come to an end by sword and famine, and their corpses will be food for the birds of the skies and the beasts of the earth.'
5 Kajti tako govori Gospod: ›Ne vstopi v hišo žalovanja niti ne pojdi, da žaluješ niti da jih objokuješ, kajti svoj mir sem odvzel od tega ljudstva, ‹ govori Gospod, › celó ljubečo skrbnost in usmiljenja.
For the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, 'Do not enter a house where there is mourning. Do not go to mourn or to show sympathy for them, for I have taken away my peace from this people—this is Yahweh's declaration—and my steadfast love and mercy.
6 Tako veliki, kakor majhni bodo umirali v tej deželi. Ne bodo pokopani, niti ljudje ne bodo žalovali za njimi, niti se rezali, niti se ne bodo zaradi njih naredili plešaste.
Both the great and the small will die in this land. They will not be buried, and no one will mourn for them or cut themselves or shave their heads for them.
7 Niti se zanje ljudje ne bodo trgali v žalovanju, da bi jih tolažili zaradi mrtvih; niti jim ljudje ne bodo dali čaše tolažbe, da bi pili za njihovega očeta ali za njihovo mater.
No one must share any food in mourning to comfort them because of the deaths, and none must give a comforting cup to his father or his mother in order to comfort them.
8 Prav tako ne boš šel v hišo praznovanja, da sediš z njimi, da bi jedel in pil.
You must not go to a banquet house to sit with them in order to eat or drink.'
9 Kajti tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog: ›Glej, povzročil bom, da iz tega kraja, v vaših očeh in v vaših dneh, izgine glas smeha, glas veselja, glas ženina in glas neveste.
For Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this, 'See, before your eyes, in your days and in this place, I am about to put an end to the sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the sound of the groom and the sound of the bride.'
10 In zgodilo se bo, ko boš temu ljudstvu pokazal vse te besede in ti bodo rekli: ›Zakaj je Gospod proglasil vso to veliko zlo zoper nas? Ali kaj je naša krivda? Ali kakšen je naš greh, ki smo ga zagrešili zoper Gospoda, svojega Boga?‹
Then it will happen that you will report all these words to this people, and they will say to you, 'Why has Yahweh decreed all this great disaster against us? What is our iniquity and sin that we sinned against Yahweh our God?'
11 Potem jim boš rekel: ›Zato, ker so me vaši očetje zapustili, ‹ govori Gospod ›in so hodili za drugimi bogovi, jim služili in jih oboževali, mene pa zapustili in se niso držali moje postave.
So say to them, 'Because your ancestors abandoned me—this is Yahweh's declaration—and they went after other gods and worshiped and bowed down to them. They abandoned me and have not kept my law.
12 Vi pa ste storili slabše kakor vaši očetje. Kajti glejte, hodite vsakdo za zamislijo svojega zlobnega srca, da mi ne bi prisluhnili.
But you yourselves have brought about more wickedness than your ancestors, for see, each person is walking by the stubbornness of his wicked heart; there is no one who listens to me.
13 Zato vas bom vrgel iz te dežele v deželo, ki je ne poznate niti vi niti vaši očetje in tam boste podnevi in ponoči služili drugim bogovom, kjer vam ne bom pokazal nobene naklonjenosti.
So I will throw you from this land to a land that you have not known, neither you nor your ancestors, and you will worship other gods there by day and night, for I will not give any favor to you.'
14 Zato glejte, prihajajo dnevi, ‹ govori Gospod, ›da ne bo več rečeno: › Gospod živi, ki je privedel Izraelove otroke gor iz egiptovske dežele, ‹
Therefore, behold, the days are coming—this is Yahweh's declaration—when it will no longer be said, 'As Yahweh lives, the one who brought up the people of Israel from the land of Egypt.'
15 temveč: › Gospod živi, ki je Izraelove otroke privedel iz severne dežele in iz vseh dežel, kamor jih je pregnal, ‹ in ponovno jih bom privedel v njihovo deželo, ki sem jo dal njihovim očetom.
but, 'As Yahweh lives, the one who brought up the people of Israel from the land of the north and from the lands where he had scattered them.' For I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their ancestors.
16 Glej, poslal bom po mnogo ribičev, ‹ govori Gospod ›in lovili jih bodo in za njimi bom poslal mnogo lovcev in lovili jih bodo iz vsake gore in iz vsakega hriba in iz skalnih lukenj.
Behold! I will send for many fishermen—this is Yahweh's declaration—so they will fish the people out. After this I will send for many hunters so they will hunt for them among all the mountains and hills, and in rock crevices.
17 Kajti moje oči so na vseh njihovih poteh, niso skrite pred mojim obrazom niti njihova krivičnost ni skrita pred mojimi očmi.
For my eye is on all their ways; they cannot be hidden from before me. Their iniquity cannot be concealed from before my eyes.
18 Najprej bom dvojno poplačal njihovo krivičnost in njihov greh zato, ker so omadeževali mojo deželo, mojo dediščino so napolnili s trupli svojih ostudnih in gnusnih stvari.‹«
I will first pay back double for their iniquity and sin for their polluting of my land with their disgusting idol figures, and for their filling my inheritance with their disgusting idols.”
19 Oh Gospod, moja moč, moja trdnjava in moje zatočišče v dnevu stiske, pogani bodo prišli k tebi od koncev zemlje in bodo rekli: »Zagotovo so naši očetje podedovali laži, ničevost in stvari, v katerih ni koristi.
Yahweh, you are my stronghold and my refuge, my place of safety in the day of distress. The nations will go to you from the ends of the earth and say, “Surely our ancestors inherited deceit. They are empty; there is no profit in them.
20 Ali si bo človek delal bogove in le-ti niso bogovi?
Do people make gods for themselves? But they are not gods.”
21 »Zato, glej, tokrat bom povzročil, da bodo vedeli. Povzročil jim bom, da bodo spoznali mojo roko in mojo moč in vedeli bodo, da je moje ime Gospod.«
Therefore see! I will cause them to know in this time, I will cause them to know my hand and my power, so they will know that Yahweh is my name.

< Jeremija 16 >