< Izaija 56 >

1 Tako govori Gospod: »Varujte sodbo in ravnajte pravično, kajti moja rešitev duš je blizu, da pride in moja pravičnost, da se razodene.
Thus says the Lord, Keep you judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my mercy to be revealed.
2 Blagoslovljen je človek, ki to počne in človeški sin, ki se tega oprime, ki varuje šabat pred omadeževanjem in zadržuje svojo roko pred početjem kakršnega koli zla.
Blessed is the man that does these things, and the man that holds by them, and keeps the sabbaths from profaning them, and keeps his hands from doing unrighteousness.
3 Niti ne pusti sinu tujca, ki se je pridružil Gospodu, govoriti, rekoč: › Gospod me je popolnoma ločil od svojega ljudstva.‹ Niti naj evnuh ne reče: ›Glej, jaz sem suho drevo.‹
Let not the stranger who attaches himself to the Lord, say, Surely the Lord will separate me from his people: and let not the eunuch say, I am a dry tree.
4 Kajti tako govori Gospod evnuhom, ki se držijo mojih šabat in izbirajo stvari, ki mi ugajajo in se držijo moje zaveze;
Thus says the Lord to the eunuchs, as many as shall keep my sabbaths, and choose the things which I take pleasure in, and take hold of my covenant;
5 celo njim bom dal, v svoji hiši in znotraj svojih zidov, prostor in ime, boljše kakor od sinov in hčera. Dal jim bom večno ime, ki ne bo iztrebljeno.
I will give to them in my house and within my walls an honorable place, better than sons and daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, and it shall not fail.
6 Tudi sinove tujca, ki se pridružijo Gospodu, da bi mu služili in da bi ljubili Gospodovo ime, da bi bili njegovi služabniki, vsak, kdor ohranja šabat pred tem, da bi ga omadeževal in se drži moje zaveze,
And [I will give it] to the strangers that attach themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be to him servants and handmaids; and [as for] all that keep my sabbaths from profaning [them], and that take hold of my covenant;
7 celó pripeljal jih bom na svojo sveto goro in jih razveselil v svoji hiši molitve. Njihove žgalne daritve in njihove klavne daritve bodo sprejete na mojem oltarju, kajti moja hiša se bo imenovala hiša molitve za vsa ljudstva.‹«
I will bring them to my holy mountain, and gladden them in my house of prayer: their whole burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon mine altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations,
8 Gospod Bog, ki zbira Izraelove pregnance, govori: »Še bom zbral k njemu druge, poleg tistih, ki so zbrani k njemu.
says the Lord that gathers the dispersed of Israel; for I will gather to him a congregation.
9 Vse ve poljske živali, pridite, da požrete, da, vse ve živali v gozdu.
All you beasts of the field, come, devour, all you beasts of the forest.
10 Njegovi stražarji so slepi. Vsi so nevedni, vsi so nemi psi, ne morejo lajati; spijo, legajo, radi dremajo.
See how they are all blinded: they have not known; [they are] dumb dogs [that] will not bark; dreaming of rest, loving to slumber.
11 Da, pohlepni psi so, ki nikoli ne morejo imeti dovolj in pastirji, ki ne morejo razumeti. Vsi gledajo na svojo lastno pot, vsak za svojim dobičkom, od svoje meje.
Yes, they are insatiable dogs, that know not what it is to be filled, and they are wicked, having no understanding: all have followed their own ways, each according to his [will].
12 Pridite, pravijo: ›Šel bom po vino in nalili se bomo z močno pijačo in jutrišnji dan bo kakor ta dan in mnogo obilnejši.‹«

< Izaija 56 >