< Izaija 5 >

1 Torej bom svojemu srčno ljubljenemu zapel pesem o mojem ljubljenem, glede njegovega vinograda. Moj srčno ljubljeni ima vinograd na zelo plodnem hribu
Let me sing for my well beloved a song of my beloved about his vineyard. My beloved had a vineyard on a very fruitful hill.
2 in ogradil ga je in pobral ven njegove kamne, ga zasadil z izbrano trto, v njegovi sredi zgradil stolp in v njem naredil tudi vinsko stiskalnico in gledal, da bi ta obrodil grozdje, pa je obrodil divje grozdje.
He dug it up, gathered out its stones, planted it with the choicest vine, built a tower in its midst, and also cut out a winepress in it. He looked for it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes.
3 In sedaj, oh prebivalci Jeruzalema in možje iz Juda, sodite, prosim vas, med menoj in mojim vinogradom.
"Now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, please judge between me and my vineyard.
4 Kaj bi bilo lahko več storjeno za moj vinograd, česar nisem storil v njem? Čemu je ta, ko sem gledal, da bi obrodil grozdje, obrodil divje grozdje?
What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? Why, when I looked for it to yield grapes, did it yield wild grapes?
5 Sedaj pojdi, povedal ti bom, kaj bom storil svojemu vinogradu. Odstranil bom njegovo ograjo in ta bo požrt in porušil bom njegovo obzidje in ta bo pomendran.
Now I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard. I will take away its hedge, and it will be eaten up. I will break down its wall of it, and it will be trampled down.
6 Opustošil ga bom. Ne bo obrezan niti prekopan, temveč bosta tam rasla osat in trnje. Tudi oblakom bom zapovedal, da nanj ne dežujejo več dežja.
I will lay it a wasteland. It won't be pruned nor hoed, but it will grow briers and thorns. I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain on it."
7 Kajti vinograd Gospoda nad bojevniki je Izraelova hiša in Judovi možje so njegov prijetni nasad. Iskal je sodbo, toda glej, zatiranje, za pravičnostjo, toda glej, jok.
For the vineyard of YHWH of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for justice, but, look, oppression; for righteousness, but, look, a cry of distress.
8 Gorje tistim, ki priključujejo hišo k hiši, ki postavljajo polje k polju, dokler ni več prostora, da bi bili lahko oni sami nameščeni na sredi zemlje!
Woe to those who join house to house, who lay field to field, until there is no room, and you are made to dwell alone in the midst of the land.
9 V moja ušesa je Gospod nad bojevniki rekel: »Resnično, mnogo hiš bo zapuščenih, celó velike in lepe, brez prebivalca.«
In my ears, YHWH of hosts says: "Surely many houses will be desolate, even great and beautiful, unoccupied.
10 Da, deset oralov vinograda bo obrodilo en čeber in seme enega tovora bo obrodilo škaf.
For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and a homer of seed shall yield an ephah."
11 Gorje tistim, ki vstajajo zgodaj zjutraj, da lahko sledijo močni pijači; to nadaljujejo do večera, dokler jih vino ne vname!
Woe to those who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; who stay late into the night, until wine inflames them.
12 Harfa, lira, bobnič, piščal in vino so na njihovih praznovanjih; toda ne ozirajo se na Gospodovo delo niti ne preudarijo delovanja njegovih rok.
The harp, lyre, tambourine, and flute, with wine, are at their feasts; but they do not regard the work of YHWH, neither have they considered the operation of his hands.
13 Zato je moje ljudstvo odšlo v ujetništvo, ker nimajo spoznanja. Njihovi častitljivi možje so izstradani in njihova množica izsušena z žejo.
Therefore my people go into captivity for lack of knowledge. Their honorable men are famished, and their multitudes are parched with thirst.
14 Zato se bo pekel povečal in svoja usta odprl brez mere. Njihova slava, njihova množica, njihov pomp in kdor se razveseljuje, se bo pogreznil vanj. (Sheol h7585)
Therefore Sheol has enlarged its desire, and opened its mouth without measure; and their glory, their multitude, their pomp, and he who rejoices among them, descend into it. (Sheol h7585)
15 Zloben človek bo priveden dol, mogočen človek bo ponižan in oči vzvišenih bodo ponižane,
So man is brought low, mankind is humbled, and the eyes of the arrogant ones are humbled;
16 toda Gospod nad bojevniki bo povišan na sodbi in Bog, ki je svet, bo posvečen v pravičnosti.
but YHWH of hosts is exalted in justice, and God the Holy One is sanctified in righteousness.
17 Potem se bodo jagnjeta pasla po svoji navadi in opustošene kraje debelih bodo pojedli tujci.
Then the lambs will graze as in their pasture, and kids will eat the ruins of the rich.
18 Gorje tistim, ki krivičnost vlečejo z vrvmi ničnosti in greh vlečejo, kakor bi bilo z garami;
Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of falsehood, and wickedness as with cart rope;
19 ki pravijo: ›Naj pohiti in pospeši svoje delo, da bomo to lahko videli in naj se nasvet Svetega Izraelovega približa in pride, da bomo to lahko vedeli!
Who say, "Let him make speed, let him hasten his work, that we may see it; and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, that we may know it."
20 Gorje tistim, ki imenujejo zlo dobro in dobro zlo, ki postavljajo temo za svetlobo in svetlobo za temo, ki postavljajo grenko za sladko in sladko za grenko!
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
21 Gorje tistim, ki so modri v svojih lastnih očeh in razsodni v svojem lastnem pogledu!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight.
22 Gorje tistim, ki so mogočni, da pijejo vino in možje moči, da mešajo močno pijačo,
Woe to those who are mighty to drink wine, and champions at mixing strong drink;
23 ki za nagrado opravičijo zlobne in pravičnost pravičnega odvzamejo od njega!
who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice for the innocent.
24 Zatorej kakor ogenj požira strnišče in plamen použiva pleve, tako bo njihova korenina kakor gniloba in njihov cvet se bo dvigal gor kakor prah, ker so odvrgli postavo Gospoda nad bojevniki in prezirali besedo Svetega Izraelovega.
Therefore as the tongue of fire devours the stubble, and as the dry grass sinks down in the flame, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust; because they have rejected the law of YHWH of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Zato je Gospodova jeza vžgana zoper njegovo ljudstvo in svojo roko je iztegnil zoper njih in jih udaril in hribi so trepetali in njihova trupla so bila raztrgana na sredi ulic. Zaradi vsega tega njegova jeza ni odvrnjena, temveč je njegova roka še vedno iztegnjena.
Therefore YHWH's anger burns against his people, and he has stretched out his hand against them, and has struck them. The mountains tremble, and their dead bodies are as refuse in the midst of the streets. For all this, his anger is not turned away, but his hand is still stretched out.
26 Dvignil bo zastavo narodom iz daljave in požvižgal jim bo od konca zemlje. Glej, naglo bodo prišli s hitrostjo.
He will lift up a banner to the nations from far, and he will whistle for them from the far regions of the earth. Look, they will come speedily and swiftly.
27 Nihče izmed njih ne bo izmučen niti se ne bo spotaknil; nihče ne bo dremal, niti spal, niti pas njihovih ledij ne bo popuščen, niti jermen njihovih čevljev pretrgan.
None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the belt of their waist be untied, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken:
28 Katerih puščice so ostre in vsi njihovi loki napeti, kopita njihovih konj bodo šteta kakor kremen in njihova kolesa kakor vrtinčast veter.
whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent. Their horses' hoofs will be like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind.
29 Njihovo rjovenje bo podobno levu, rjoveli bodo kakor mladi levi. Da, rjoveli bodo, zgrabili plen in ga varno odnesli proč in nihče ga ne bo osvobodil.
Their roaring will be like a lioness. They will roar like young lions. Yes, they shall roar, and seize their prey and carry it off, and there will be no one to deliver.
30 Na ta dan bodo besneli zoper njih, kakor besni morje in če nekdo pogleda na deželo, zagleda temo in bridkost in svetloba otemni v njegovem nebu.
They will roar against them in that day like the roaring of the sea. If one looks to the land look, darkness and distress. The light is darkened in its clouds.

< Izaija 5 >