< Izaija 41 >

1 Molčite pred menoj, oh otoki in naj ljudstvo obnavlja svojo moč. Naj pridejo bliže, potem jim pustite govoriti. Pridimo blizu skupaj k sodbi.
Keep silent toward Me, O islands, And the peoples pass on [to] power, They come near, then they speak, “Together we draw near to judgment.”
2 Kdo je dvignil pravičnega človeka od vzhoda in ga poklical k svojemu stopalu, dal predenj narode in ga naredil, [da] vlada nad kralji? Izročil jih je kakor prah njegovemu meču in kakor slamo gnano k njegovemu loku.
Who stirred up a righteous one from the east? He calls him to His foot, He gives nations before him, And He causes him to rule kings, He gives [them] as dust [to] his sword, As driven stubble [to] his bow.
3 Zasledoval jih je in varno prešel; celó po poti, [po] kateri [še] ni šel s svojimi stopali.
He pursues them, he passes over in safety A path he does not enter with his feet.
4 Kdo je delal in to storil, kličoč rodove od začetka? Jaz, Gospod, prvi in s poslednjimi; jaz sem ta.
Who has worked and done, Calling the generations from the first? I, YHWH, the first, and with the last I [am] He.
5 Otoki so to videli in se bali; konci zemlje so bili prestrašeni, se približali in prišli.
Islands have seen and fear, The ends of the earth tremble, They have drawn near, indeed, they come.
6 Pomagali so vsak svojemu sosedu in vsak je svojemu bratu rekel: »Bodi odločnega poguma.«
They each help his neighbor, And to his brother he says, “Be strong.”
7 Tako je tesar hrabril zlatarja in kdor gladi s kladivom, tistega, ki udarja nakovalo, rekoč: »Ta je pripravljen za spajanje« in ga pritrdil z žeblji, da ta ne bi bil premaknjen.
And an artisan strengthens the refiner, A smoother [with] a hammer, Him who is beating [on] an anvil, saying, “For joining it [is] good,” And he strengthens it with nails, it is not moved!
8 Toda ti, Izrael, si moj služabnik, Jakob, ki sem ga izbral, seme Abrahama, mojega prijatelja.
And you, O Israel, My servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, Seed of Abraham, My lover,
9 Ti, ki sem te vzel od koncev zemlje in te poklical od njihovih glavnih mož in ti rekel: »Ti si moj služabnik, izbral sem te in te nisem zavrgel.
Whom I have taken hold of, from the ends of the earth, And from its near places I have called you, And I say to you, You [are] My servant, I have chosen you, and not rejected you.
10 Ne boj se, kajti jaz sem s teboj. Ne bodi potrt, kajti jaz sem tvoj Bog. Okrepil te bom, da, jaz ti bom pomagal, da, podpiral te bom z desnico svoje pravičnosti.
Do not be afraid, for I [am] with you, do not look around, for I [am] your God, I have strengthened you, Indeed, I have helped you, indeed, I upheld you, With the right hand of My righteousness.
11 Glej, vsi tisti, ki so bili ogorčeni zoper tebe, bodo osramočeni in zbegani. Oni bodo kakor nič in tisti, ki se prepirajo s teboj, bodo propadli.
Behold, all those displeased with you, They are ashamed and blush, They are as nothing, indeed, The men who strive with you perish.
12 Iskal jih boš in jih ne boš našel, celó tiste, ki so se pričkali s teboj. Tisti, ki se vojskujejo zoper tebe, bodo kakor nič in kakor stvar ničnosti.
You seek them, and do not find them, The men who debate with you, They are as nothing, indeed, as nothing, The men who war with you.
13 Kajti jaz, Gospod, tvoj Bog, bom držal tvojo desnico, rekoč ti: »Ne boj se, jaz ti bom pomagal.«
For I, your God YHWH, Am strengthening your right hand, He who is saying to you, “Do not fear, I have helped you.”
14 Ne boj se, ti ličinka Jakob in vi, Izraelovi možje, pomagal ti bom, govori Gospod in tvoj odkupitelj, Sveti Izraelov.
Do not fear, O worm Jacob, You men of Israel, I helped you, a declaration of YHWH, Even your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
15 Glej, naredil te bom [za] novo ostro mlatilno pripravo z zobmi. Mlatil boš gore, jih razdrobil in hribe boš naredil kakor pleve.
Behold, I have set you for a new sharp threshing instrument, Possessing teeth, you thresh mountains, And beat small, and make hills as chaff.
16 Vejál jih boš in veter jih bo odnesel proč in vrtinčast veter jih bo razkropil, ti pa se boš razveseljeval v Gospodu in slavil boš v Svetem Izraelovem.
You winnow them, and a wind lifts them up, And a whirlwind scatters them, And you rejoice in YHWH, [And] boast yourself in the Holy One of Israel.
17 Kadar ubogi in pomoči potrebni iščejo vode in je tam ni in njihov jezik odpoveduje zaradi žeje, jih bom jaz, Gospod, uslišal in jaz, Izraelov Bog, jih ne bom zapustil.
The poor and the needy are seeking water, And there is none, Their tongue has failed with thirst, I, YHWH, answer them, The God of Israel—I do not forsake them.
18 Odprl bom reke na visokih krajih in studence v sredi dolin. Divjino bom spremenil [v] vodni ribnik in suho deželo [v] izvire voda.
I open rivers on high places, And fountains in midst of valleys, I make a wilderness become a pond of water, And a dry land becomes springs of water.
19 V divjini bom zasadil cedro, akacijevo drevo, mirto in olivno drevo; v puščavi bom skupaj posadil cipreso, bor in pušpan,
I give in a wilderness the cedar, Shittah, and myrtle, and oil-tree, I set in a desert the fir-pine and box-wood together.
20 da bodo lahko videli, spoznali, preudarili in skupaj razumeli, da je to storila Gospodova roka in Sveti Izraelov je to ustvaril.
So that they see, and know, And regard, and act wisely together, For the hand of YHWH has done this, And the Holy One of Israel has created it.
21 Prinesite svojo pravdo, ‹ govori Gospod; ›prinesite naprej svoje močne razloge, govori Kralj Jakobov.
Bring your cause near, says YHWH, Bring your mighty ones near, says the King of Jacob.
22 Naj jih prinesejo naprej in nam pokažejo kaj se bo zgodilo. Naj nam pokažejo prejšnje stvari, kakršne so, da jih lahko preudarimo in spoznamo njihov zadnji konec; ali nam oznanite stvari, ki pridejo.
They bring [them] near, and declare to us that which happens, Declare the first things—what they [are], And we set our heart, and know their latter end, Or cause us to hear the coming things.
23 Pokažite stvari, ki bodo odslej, da bomo lahko vedeli, da ste vi bogovi. Da, delajte dobro ali delajte zlo, da bomo lahko zaprepadeni in to skupaj gledali.
Declare the things that are coming hereafter, And we know that you [are] gods, Indeed, you may do good or do evil, And we look around and see [it] together.
24 Glejte, vi ste od ničnosti in vaše delo je ničevo; ogabnost je, kdor vas izbere.
Behold, you [are] of nothing, and your work of nothing, An abomination—it fixes on you.
25 Dvignil sem nekoga iz severa in bo prišel. Od sončnega vzhoda bo klical moje ime in prišel bo nad prince kakor nad malto in kakor lončar gnete ilo.
I have stirred up [one] from the north, And he comes, From the rising of the sun he calls in My Name, And he comes in [on] prefects as [on] clay, And as a potter treads down mire.
26 Kdo je razglasil od začetka, da bi mi lahko vedeli? In poprej, da bi lahko rekli: » On je pravičen?« Da, tam ni nikogar, ki kaže; da, tam ni nikogar, ki razglaša; da, tam ni nikogar, ki sliši vaše besede.
Who has declared from the first, and we know? And formerly, and we say, “Righteous?” Indeed, there is none declaring, Indeed, there is none proclaiming, Indeed, there is none hearing your sayings.
27 Prvi bo rekel Sionu: »Poglej, poglej jih.« In Jeruzalemu bom dal nekoga, ki prinaša dobre novice.
First to Zion, Behold, behold them, And to Jerusalem I give one proclaiming tidings,
28 Kajti gledal sem in tam ni bilo človeka, celo med njimi in tam ni bilo svetovalca, da bi lahko, ko sem jih povprašal, odgovoril besedo.
And I see that there is no man, Indeed, of these that there is no counselor, And I ask them, and they return word:
29 Glej, vsi so ničnost, njihova dela so nič. Njihove ulite podobe so veter in zmešnjava.
“Behold, all of them [are] vanity, Their works [are] nothing, Their molten images [are] wind and emptiness!”

< Izaija 41 >