< Izaija 40 >

1 »Tolažite, tolažite moje ljudstvo, « govori vaš Bog.
Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, Saith your God.
2 »Govorite tolažilno [prestolnici] Jeruzalem in kličite k njej, da je njeno bojevanje dovršeno, da je njena krivičnost odpuščena, kajti iz Gospodove roke je prejela dvojno za vse svoje grehe.«
Speak ye encouragement to Jerusalem, and declare to her, That her hard service is ended; That her iniquity is expiated; That she hath received from the hand of Jehovah Double for all her sins.
3 Glas tistega, ki vpije v divjini: »Pripravite Gospodovo pot, v puščavi izravnajte glavno cesto za našega Boga.
A voice crieth: “Prepare ye in the wilderness the way of Jehovah; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God!
4 Vsaka dolina naj bo povišana in vsaka gora in hrib naj bosta znižana in skrivljeno naj bo izravnano in gorski grebeni ravnina
Every valley shall be exalted, And every mountain and hill be made low; The crooked shall become straight, And the rough places plain.
5 in Gospodova slava se bo razodela in vse meso jo bo hkrati videlo, kajti Gospodova usta so to govorila.«
For the glory of Jehovah shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it!”
6 Glas je rekel: »Vpij.« Rekel je: »Kaj naj vpijem?« »Vse meso je trava in vsa njegova ljubkost je kakor cvetica polja.
A voice said, Proclaim! And I said, What shall I proclaim? All flesh is grass, And all its comeliness as the flower of the field.
7 Trava se suši, cvet veni, ker nanjo piha Gospodov duh. Zagotovo je ljudstvo trava.
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, When the breath of Jehovah bloweth upon it. Truly the people is grass.
8 Trava se suši, cvet veni, toda beseda našega Boga bo obstala na veke.«
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, But the word of our God shall stand forever.
9 Oh Sion, ki prinašaš dobre novice, pojdi gor na visoko goro. Oh Jeruzalem, ki prinašaš dobre novice, povzdigni svoj glas z močjo. Povzdigni ga, ne boj se, govóri Judovim mestom: »Glejte, vaš Bog!«
Get thee up on the high mountain, O thou that bringest glad tidings to Zion; Lift up thy voice with strength, thou that bringest glad tidings to Jerusalem; Lift it up; be not afraid; Say to the cities of Judah, Behold your God!
10 Glejte, Gospod Bog bo prišel z močno roko in njegov laket bo vladal zanj. Glejte, njegova nagrada je z njim in njegovo delo pred njim.
Behold, the Lord Jehovah shall come with might, And his arm shall rule for him; Behold, his reward is with him, And his recompense before him.
11 Svoj trop bo pasel kakor pastir. Jagnjeta bo zbral s svojim laktom in jih nosil v svojem naročju in nežno vodil tiste, ki so z mladiči.
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; He shall gather up the lambs in his arms, And carry them in his bosom, And gently lead the nursing ewes.
12 Kdo je izmeril vode z dlanjo svoje roke, s pednjem premeril nebo, doumel prah zemlje po meri in odtehtal gore na vagah in hribe na tehtnici?
Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, And meted out the heavens with his span, And gathered the dust of the earth into a measure, And weighed the mountains in scales, And the hills in a balance?
13 Kdo je usmerjal Gospodovega Duha ali je bil njegov svetovalec in ga učil?
Who hath searched out the spirit of Jehovah, Or, being his counsellor, hath taught him?
14 S kom se je posvetoval in kdo ga je poučeval in ga učil na stezi sodbe in ga učil spoznanja in mu pokazal pot razumevanja?
With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, And taught him the path of justice, And taught him knowledge, And showed him the way of understanding?
15 Glej, narodi so kakor kapljica iz vedra in šteti so kakor majhen prah na tehtnici. Glej, otoke dviguje kakor zelo majhno stvar.
Behold, the nations are as a drop from a bucket, And are accounted as the small dust of the balance; Behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing,
16 Libanon ni zadosten za gorenje niti njegove živali ne zadoščajo za žgalno daritev.
And Lebanon is not sufficient for fire, Nor its beasts for a burnt-offering.
17 Vsi narodi pred njim so kakor nič in zanj so vsi šteti manj kot nič in ničnost.
All the nations are as nothing before him; They are accounted by him as less than nothing, and vanity.
18 Komu hočete potem primerjati Boga? Ali kakšno podobnost hočete primerjati k njemu?
To whom then will ye liken God, And what likeness will ye compare unto him?
19 Delavec tali rezano podobo, zlatar jo prevleče z zlatom in uliva srebrne verižice.
The workman casteth an image, And the smith overlayeth it with gold, And casteth for it silver chains.
20 Kdor je tako obubožan, da nima daritve, izbira drevo, ki ne bo trohnelo, zanj išče spretnega delavca, da pripravi rezano podobo, ki ne bo omajana.
He that is too poor to make an oblation Chooseth a piece of wood that will not rot; He seeketh for himself a skilful artificer, To prepare an image that shall not be moved.
21 Mar niste vedeli? Mar niste slišali? Mar vam ni bilo to povedano od začetka? Mar niste razumeli od temeljev zemlje?
Do ye not know? Have ye not heard? Hath it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have ye not considered the foundations of the earth?
22 On je, ki sedi nad zemeljskim krogom, njegovi prebivalci pa so kakor kobilice, ki razprostira nebesa kakor zaveso in jih razširja kakor šotor za prebivanje v njem,
It is He that sitteth above the circle of the earth, And the inhabitants are to him as grasshoppers; That stretcheth out the heavens as a canopy, And spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in;
23 ki prince daje v nič, sodnike zemlje dela kakor ničnost.
That bringeth princes to nothing, And reduceth the rulers of the earth to vanity.
24 Da, ne bodo posajeni, da, ne bodo posejani. Da, njihova klada se ne bo zakoreninila v zemlji in nanje bo tudi pihal in se bodo izsušili in vrtinčast veter jih bo odnesel kakor slamo.
Yea, scarcely are they planted, scarcely are they sown, Scarcely hath their stem taken root in the ground, When He bloweth upon them and they wither, And the whirlwind beareth them away like stubble.
25 »H komu me boste potem primerjali ali [komu] bom enak?« govori Sveti.
To whom then will ye liken me, And to whom shall I be compared? Saith the Holy One.
26 Povzdignite svoje oči na visoko in glejte, kdo je ustvaril te stvari, ki njihovo vojsko vodi ven po številu. Vse jih kliče po imenih z veličino svoje moči, ker je močan v moči; niti ena ne manjka.
Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and behold! Who hath created these? He draweth forth their host by number, He calleth them all by name; Through the greatness of his strength and the mightiness of his power, Not one of them faileth to appear.
27 Zakaj praviš, oh Jakob in govoriš, oh Izrael: »Moja pot je skrita pred Gospodom in moja sodba je šla mimo mojega Boga?
Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, “My way is hidden from Jehovah, My cause passeth by before my God”?
28 Mar nisi spoznal? Mar nisi slišal, da večen Bog, Gospod, Stvarnik koncev zemlje, ne slabi niti ni izmučen? Njegovega razumevanja ni možno preiskati.
Do ye not know? Have ye not heard? Jehovah is an everlasting God, The creator of the ends of the earth; He fainteth not, nor is he weary; His understanding is unsearchable.
29 Silo daje slabotnim in tistim, ki nimajo moči, povečuje moč.
He giveth power to the faint; To the feeble abundant strength.
30 Celo mladostniki bodo oslabeli in bodo izmučeni in mladeniči bodo popolnoma padli,
The youths shall faint and be weary, And the young warriors shall utterly fall.
31 toda tisti, ki čakajo na Gospoda, bodo obnavljali svojo moč, vzpenjali se bodo s perutmi kakor orli, tekli bodo in ne bodo izmučeni in hodili bodo in ne oslabeli.
But they that trust in Jehovah shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles; They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint.

< Izaija 40 >