< Izaija 3 >

1 Kajti glej, Gospod, Gospod nad bojevniki, jemlje proč od Jeruzalema in od Juda, podporo in palico, celotno podporo kruha in celotno podporo vode,
For lo! the lordli gouernour, the Lord of oostis, schal take awei fro Jerusalem and fro Juda a myyti man, and strong, and al the strengthe of breed, and al the strengthe of watir;
2 mogočnega človeka in bojevnika, sodnika in preroka, razsodnega in starca,
a strong man, and a man a werriour, and a domesman, and a profete, and a false dyuynour in auteris, and an elde man,
3 petdesetnika, častitljivega človeka, svetovalca, spretnega rokodelca in zgovornega govornika.
a prince ouer fifti men, and a worschipful man in cheer, and a counselour, and a wijs man of principal crafti men, and a prudent man of mystik, ethir goostli, speche.
4 Otroke jim bom dal za prince in otročiči bodo vladali nad njimi.
And Y schal yyue children the princes of hem, and men of wymmens condiciouns schulen be lordis of hem.
5 Ljudstvo bo zatirano, eden od drugega in vsakdo od svojega soseda; otrok se bo ponosno vedel zoper starca in nizek zoper častitljivega.
And the puple schal falle doun, a man to a man, ech man to his neiybore; a child schal make noyse ayens an eld man, and an vnnoble man ayens a noble man.
6 Ko bo človek zgrabil svojega brata iz hiše svojega očeta, rekoč: »Oblačilo imaš, bodi naš vladar in naj bo ta razvalina pod tvojo roko, «
For a man schal take his brother, the meneal of his fadir, and schal seie, A clooth is to thee, be thou oure prince; forsothe this fallyng be vndur thin hond.
7 na tisti dan bo ta prisegel, rekoč: »Ne bom ranocelnik, kajti v moji hiši ni niti kruha niti obleke. Ne postavljajte me za vladarja ljudstvu.«
And he schal answere in that dai, and seie, Y am no leche, and nether breed, nether cloth is in myn hous; nyle ye make me prince of the puple.
8 Kajti Jeruzalem je razrušen in Juda je padel, ker so njihov jezik in njihova početja zoper Gospoda, da izzivajo oči njegove slave.
For whi Jerusalem felle doun, and Juda felle doun togidere; for the tunge of hem, and the fyndingis of hem weren ayens the Lord, for to terre to wraththe the iyen of his mageste.
9 Prikaz njihovega obličja pričuje zoper njih, ne skrivajo svojega greha, razglašajo ga kakor Sódoma. Gorje njihovi duši! Kajti nagradili so se z zlom.
The knowyng of her cheer schal answere to hem; and thei prechiden her synne, as Sodom dide, and hidden not. Wo to the soule of hem, for whi yuels ben yoldun to hem.
10 Recite pravičnemu, da bo dobro z njim; kajti jedli bodo sad svojih dejanj.
Seie ye to the iust man, that it schal be to hym wel; for he schal ete the fruyt of hise fyndyngis.
11 Gorje zlobnemu! Z njim bo slabo, kajti dana mu bo nagrada njegovih rok.
Wo to the wickid man in to yuel; for whi the yeldyng of hise hondis schal be maad to hym.
12 Kar se tiče mojega ljudstva, so njihovi zatiralci otroci, vladajo pa jim ženske. Oh moje ljudstvo, tisti, ki te vodijo, ti povzročajo, da se motiš in uničujejo pot tvojih steza.
The wrongful axeris of my puple robbiden it, and wymmen weren lordis therof. Mi puple, thei that seien thee blessid, disseyuen thee, and distrien the weie of thi steppis.
13 Gospod vstaja, da bi se pravdal in stoji, da bi sodil ljudstvu.
The Lord stondith for to deme, and `the Lord stondith for to deme puplis;
14 Gospod bo stopil na sodbo s starci svojega ljudstva in njegovimi princi, kajti požrli ste vinograd; plen ubogih je v vaših hišah.
the Lord schal come to doom, with the eldere men of his puple, and with hise princes; for ye han wastid my vyner, and the raueyn of a pore man is in youre hous.
15 ›Kaj nameravate, da lomite moje ljudstvo na koščke in meljete obraze revnih?‹ govori Gospod Bog nad vojskami.
Whi al to-breken ye my puple, and grynden togidere the faces of pore men? seith the Lord God of oostis.
16 Poleg tega Gospod govori: ›Ker so hčere sionske ošabne in hodijo z vratovi, iztegnjenimi naprej in poltenimi očmi, hodijo in drobijo medtem ko gredo in zvončkljajo s svojimi stopali,
And the Lord God seide, For that that the douytris of Syon weren reisid, and yeden with a necke stretchid forth, and yeden bi signes of iyen, and flappiden with hondis, and yeden, and with her feet yeden in wel araied goyng,
17 zato bo Gospod s krasto udaril tême sionskih hčera in Gospod bo odkril njihove skrite dele.
the Lord schal make ballyd the nol of the douytris of Sion, and the Lord schal make nakid the heer of hem.
18 Na tisti dan bo Gospod odvzel pogumnost njihovih zvončkljajočih ornamentov okoli njihovih stopal in njihove čepice in njihove okrogle rute, podobne luni,
In that dai the Lord schal take awei the ournement of schoon, and goldun litle bellis lijk the moone,
19 verižice, zapestnice, šale,
and ribans, and brochis, and ournementis of armes nyy the schuldris, and mytris, ether chapelettis,
20 klobučke, ornamente nog, naglavne trakove, ogrlice, uhane,
and coombis, and ournementis of armes niy the hondis, and goldun ourenementis lijk laumpreis, and litil vessels of oynementis,
21 prstane, nosne dragocenosti,
and eere ryngis, and ryngis, and preciouse stoonys hangynge in the forheed,
22 zamenljive ogrinjalne kostime, plašče, plete, torbice,
and chaungynge clothis, and mentils, and schetis, ether smockis, and needlis,
23 zrcala, tanko laneno platno, kapuce in zagrinjala.
and myrouris, and smal lynun clothis aboute the schuldris, and kercheues, and roketis.
24 Zgodilo se bo, da bo namesto prijetnega vonja tam zaudarjanje, namesto pasu vrv, namesto pričeske plešavost, namesto životca opasovanje vrečevine in opeklina namesto lepote.
And stynk shal be for swete odour, and a corde for the girdil; ballidnesse schal be for crispe heer, and an heire for a brest girdil.
25 Tvoji možje bodo padli pod mečem in tvoji mogočni v vojni.
Also thi faireste men schulen falle bi swerd, and thi stronge men schulen falle in batel.
26 Njena velika vrata bodo žalovala in tulila in ona bo zapuščena sedela na tleh.
And the yatis therof schulen weile, and morene; and it schal sitte desolat in erthe.

< Izaija 3 >