< Izaija 23 >

1 Breme [naselbine] Tir. Tulite, ve ladje iz Taršíša, kajti ta je opustošena, tako da tam ni nobene hiše niti vhoda vanjo; od dežele Kitéjcev jim je razodeto.
[I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Tyre [city]: You [sailors on] [APO] ships from Tarshish, weep, because [the harbor of] Tyre and all the houses [in the city] have been destroyed. The reports that you heard in Cyprus [island] about Tyre [are true].
2 Bodite mirni, vi prebivalci otoka, vi, ki so jih sidónski trgovci, ki prečkajo morje, na novo napolnili.
You people who live along the coast [near Tyre], and merchants of Sidon [city], mourn silently. Your sailors went across the seas [to many places like Tyre].
3 Ob velikih vodah je seme Šihórja, žetev reke, njeno poplačilo in ona je dobiček narodom.
They sailed across deep seas to buy grain in Egypt and [other] crops that are grown along the Nile [River]. Tyre became the city where people from [all] nations bought and sold goods.
4 Bodi osramočen, oh Sidón, kajti morje je spregovorilo, celó moč morja, rekoč: »Ne mučim se, niti ne rojevam otrok, niti ne negujem mladeničev, niti ne vzgajam devic.
But now you people in Sidon should be ashamed, because [you trusted in Tyre], which has been a strong fortress [on an island] in the sea. [Tyre is like a woman who is saying], “[Now it is as though] I have not given birth to [any] children, or raised [any] sons or daughters.”
5 Kakor ob poročilu glede Egipta, tako bodo boleče zaskrbljeni ob poročilu iz [naselbine] Tir.
When [the people of] Egypt hear what has happened to Tyre, they will grieve very much.
6 Prepeljite se v Taršíš; tulite, vi prebivalci otoka.
Sail to Tarshish [and tell them what happened]; weep, you people who live along the coast.
7 Ali je to vaše radostno mesto, katerega starodavnost je od starodavnih dni? Njegova lastna stopala ga bodo odnesla daleč, da začasno biva.
[The people in] the very old city [of Tyre] were [RHQ] previously joyful. Traders [PRS] from Tyre established colonies in many distant nations.
8 Kdo je sprejel ta nasvet zoper [naselbino] Tir, obkrožujoče mesto, čigar trgovci so princi, čigar preprodajalci so častitljivi [ljudje] zemlje?
People from Tyre appointed kings [over other places]; their traders were wealthy; they were [as powerful and wealthy as] [MET] kings. [So], who [RHQ] caused the people of Tyre to experience this disaster?
9 Gospod nad bojevniki je to namenil, da omadežuje ponos vse slave in da privede v zaničevanje vse častitljive [ljudi] zemlje.
It was the Commander of the armies of angels who did it; he did it in order to cause [you people in] Tyre not to be proud any more, to humiliate you men who are honored all over the world.
10 Prečkaj skozi svojo deželo kakor reka, oh taršíška hči. Tam ni več nobene moči.
You people of Tarshish, you must grow crops in your land [instead of trading]; spread out over your land like [SIM] the Nile [River] spreads over the land [of Egypt] when it floods, because there is no harbor [in Tyre for your ships] now.
11 Svojo roko je iztegnil nad morje, stresel je kraljestva. Gospod je izdal zapoved zoper trgovsko mesto, da uniči njegova močna oporišča.
[It is as though] Yahweh stretched out his hand over the sea and shook the kingdoms of the earth. He commanded that in Phoenicia/Canaan all its fortresses must be destroyed.
12 Rekel je: »Ne boš se več razveseljevala, oh ti zatirana devica, hči sidónska. Vstani, prečkaj h Kitéjcem; tudi tam ne boš imela počitka.
He said to the people of Sidon, “You will never rejoice again, because you will be crushed; even if you flee to Cyprus [island], you will not escape destruction.”
13 Glej, dežela Kaldejcev; tega ljudstva ni bilo, dokler ga ni Asirec osnoval za tiste, ki prebivajo v divjini. Postavili so njegove stolpe, vzdignili so njegove palače; in privedel ga je do ruševin.
Think about what happened in Babylonia: the people who were in that land have disappeared. [The armies of] Assyria have caused that land to become a place where wild animals from the desert live. The Assyrians built dirt ramps to the top of the walls [of the city of Babylon]; [then they entered the city and] tore down the palaces and caused the city to become [a heap of] rubble.
14 Tulite ve ladje iz Taršíša, kajti vaša moč je opustošena.
[So] wail, you [sailors on the] ships of Tarshish, because the harbor [in Tyre where your ships stop] is destroyed!
15 Na tisti dan se bo zgodilo, da bo [naselbina] Tir pozabljena sedemdeset let, glede na dneve enega kralja. Po koncu sedemdesetih let bo [naselbina] Tir pela kakor pocestnica.
For seventy years, which is as long as kings usually live, people will forget about Tyre. [But then it will be rebuilt]. What will happen there will be like what happened to a prostitute in this song:
16 Vzemi harfo, pojdi okoli mesta, ti pocestnica, ki si bila pozabljena; naredi prijetno melodijo, poj mnoge pesmi, da se te bodo lahko spomnili.
“You harlot, whom people had forgotten, play your harp well, and sing many songs, in order that people will remember you again.”
17 Po koncu sedemdesetih let se bo zgodilo, da bo Gospod obiskal [naselbino] Tir in se obrnil k njenemu plačilu in zagrešila bo prešuštvovanje, z vsemi kraljestvi sveta, na obličju zemlje.
[It is true that] after seventy years Yahweh will restore Tyre. Their merchants will again earn a lot of money by buying things from and selling things to many [other] nations [HYP].
18 Njeno trgovsko blago in njena nagrada bosta sveta Gospodu. To ne bo več shranjeno niti kopičeno, kajti njen trgovski dobiček bo za tiste, ki prebivajo pred Gospodom, da bodo zadostno jedli in za trpežno oblačilo.
[But] their profits will be given to Yahweh. [The merchants] will not hoard their money; instead, they will give it to Yahweh’s priests in order that they [can] buy food and nice clothes.

< Izaija 23 >