< Izaija 22 >
1 Breme doline videnj. Kaj te sedaj pesti, da si v celoti odšel gor k hišnim streham?
The doom of the valley of vision. What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up to the roofs?
2 Ti, ki si poln razgrajanja, hrupno mesto, radostno mesto. Tvoji umorjeni možje niso umorjeni z mečem niti niso umrli v bitki.
O noiseful, tumultuous city, joyous town? thy slain ones are not slain with the sword, and not those that die in battle.
3 Vsi tvoji vladarji so skupaj pobegnili. Zvezani so z lokostrelci. Vsi, ki so najdeni v tebi, so zvezani skupaj, ki so pobegnili od daleč.
All thy rulers are fled together, they are made prisoners by the bowmen: all that are found in thee are made prisoners together, who have run away from afar.
4 Zatorej sem rekel: »Poglejte proč od mene, grenko bom jokal, ne trudite se, da bi me potolažili zaradi plenjenja hčere mojega ljudstva.
Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly; be not urgent to comfort me, because of the wasting of the daughter of my people.
5 Kajti to je dan stiske, mendranja in zmedenosti od Gospoda Boga nad bojevniki v dolini videnja, podiranja zidov in vpitja h goram.
For a day of confusion, and of treading down, and of perplexity hath the Lord Eternal of hosts in the valley of vision; walls are broken, and crying is heard against the mountain.
6 Elám je nosil tul z bojnimi vozovi mož in konjeniki in Kir je odkril ščit.
And 'Elam beareth the quiver, [cometh] with men in chariots and horsemen, and Kir uncovereth the shield.
7 In zgodilo se bo, da bodo tvoje izbrane doline polne vozov in konjeniki se bodo postrojili pri velikih vratih.
And it is so, that thy choicest valleys are full of chariots, and the horsemen set themselves in array against the gate.
8 Odkril je Judovo pokrivalo in na tisti dan si pogledal k bojni opremi gozdne hiše.
And he laid open the covering of Judah; and thou didst look on that day toward the armor of the house of the forest.
9 Videli ste tudi vrzeli Davidovega mesta, da jih je mnogo in zbrali ste skupaj vode spodnjega ribnika.
And the breaches of the city of David have ye seen, that they are many: and ye gathered together the waters of the lower pool.
10 Prešteli ste jeruzalemske hiše in porušili hiše, da utrdite obzidje.
And the houses of Jerusalem have ye numbered, and ye have pulled down the houses to fortify the wall.
11 Naredili ste tudi jarek med dvema zidovoma za vodo iz starega ribnika, toda niste pogledali k njegovemu izdelovalcu niti niste imeli spoštovanja do tistega, ki ga je dolgo nazaj oblikoval.
And a tank have ye made between the two walls for the water of the old pool; but ye have not looked at the Maker thereof, him that fashioned it in distant times have ye not regarded.
12 Na tisti dan je Gospod Bog nad bojevniki klical k jokanju, žalovanju, k plešavosti in k opasovanju z vrečevino
And the Lord Eternal of hosts called on that day for weeping, and for mourning, and for baldness, and for girding with sackcloth.
13 in glej, radost in veselje, klanje volov in ubijanje ovc, žrtje mesa in pitja vina. Jejmo in pijmo, kajti jutri bomo umrli.
And behold [there are] gladness and joy, slaying of oxen, and killing of sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: “Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we must die.”
14 To je bilo razodeto v moja ušesa po Gospodu nad bojevniki: »Zagotovo ta krivičnost ne bo očiščena od vas, dokler ne umrete, « govori Gospod Bog nad bojevniki.
And it was revealed in my ears by the Lord of hosts: Surely this iniquity shall not be forgiven unto you until ye die, said the Lord the Eternal of hosts.
15 Tako govori Gospod Bog nad bojevniki: »Pojdi, stopi k temu zakladniku, celó k Šebnáju, ki je nad hišo in reci:
Thus hath said the Lord, Go, get thee unto this treasurer, even unto Shebna, who is [superintendent] over the house;
16 ›Kaj imaš tukaj? In koga imaš tukaj, da si si tukaj izklesal mavzolej kakor kdor si kleše mavzolej na višavi in ki zase vrezuje prebivališče v skali?
What hast thou here? and whom hast thou here, that thou hast hewn out for thyself here a sepulchre, [the man] that hath hewn out on high his sepulchre, that holloweth out in the rock a habitation for himself?
17 Glej, Gospod te bo odvedel proč z mogočnim ujetništvom in zagotovo te bo pokril.
Behold, the Lord will thrust thee about with a mighty throw, O man! and will lay fast hold of thee;
18 Zagotovo se bo nasilno obrnil in te zalučal kakor žogo v veliko deželo. Tam boš umrl in tam bodo vozovi tvoje slave sramota hiši tvojega gospoda.
He will roll thee up as a bundle, and [toss thee] like a ball into a country of ample space: there shalt thou die, and there shall [remain] the chariots of thy glory, thou disgrace of the house of thy lord.
19 »Odgnal te bom iz tvojega položaja in iz tvojega mesta te bo zvrnil.
And I will cast thee out from thy station, and from thy post shall he pull thee down.
20 Na tisti dan se bo zgodilo, da bom poklical svojega služabnika Eljakíma, Hilkijájevega sina.
And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will call my servant, for Elyakim the son of Chilkiyahu.
21 Oblekel ga bom s tvojim svečanim oblačilom, ga ojačal s tvojim pasom in tvojo vlado bom izročil v njegovo roko in on bo oče jeruzalemskim prebivalcem in Judovi hiši.
And I will clothe him with thy robe, and thy girdle will I fasten around him, and thy government will I place into his hand: and he shall be as a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah.
22 Ključ Davidove hiše bom položil na njegovo ramo; tako bo odprl in nihče ne bo zaprl; in zaprl bo in nihče ne bo odprl.
And I will lay the key of the house of David upon his shoulder; so that he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
23 Pritrdil ga bom kakor žebelj na zanesljivo mesto in on bo za veličasten prestol hiši svojega očeta.
And I will fasten him as a tent-nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a chair of honor to his father's house.
24 Nanj bodo obesili vso slavo hiše njegovega očeta, potomstvo in pregnance, vse posode majhne količine, od čašastih posod, celo do vseh posod iz usnja.
And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house, the shoots and offshoots, all the small vessels, from the vessels of basins, even to all the vessels of flagons.
25 Na ta dan, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki, »bo žebelj, ki je bil pritrjen na zanesljivem kraju, odstranjen, posekan in pade; in breme, ki je bilo na njem, bo odsekano, « kajti Gospod je to govoril.
On that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall be removed the nail that is fastened in the sure place, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that is upon it shall be cut off; for the Lord hath spoken it.