< Ozej 9 >

1 Ne veseli se, oh Izrael, zaradi radosti kakor drugo ljudstvo, kajti šel si vlačugarsko od svojega Boga, ljubil si nagrado na vsakem žitnem mlatišču.
Do not rejoice, Israel, with joy like the other peoples. For you have been unfaithful, forsaking your God. You love to pay the wages a prostitute requires on all the threshing floors.
2 Mlatišče in vinska stiskalnica jih ne bosta hranila in novo vino se bo pokvarilo v njej.
But the threshing floor and the winepress will not feed them; the new wine will fail them.
3 Ne bodo prebivali v Gospodovi deželi, temveč se bo Efrájim vrnil v Egipt in v Asiriji bodo jedli nečiste stvari.
They will not continue to live in Yahweh's land; instead, Ephraim will return to Egypt, and one day they will eat unclean food in Assyria.
4 Ne bodo več darovali vinskih daritev Gospodu niti mu ne bodo ugajale. Njihove klavne daritve jim bodo kakor kruh žalovalcev. Vsi, ki bodo jedli od njih, bodo oskrunjeni, kajti njihov kruh, za njihovo dušo, ne bo prišel v Gospodovo hišo.
They will pour out no wine offerings to Yahweh, neither will they be pleasing to him. Their sacrifices will be to them like mourners' food: all who eat it will be defiled. For their food will be for themselves only; it will not come into the house of Yahweh.
5 Kaj boste storili na slovesen dan in na dan Gospodovega praznika?
What will you do on the day of an appointed festival, on the day of a festival for Yahweh?
6 Kajti glej, odšli so zaradi uničenja. Egipt jih bo zbral, Memfis jih bo pokopal. Prijetne kraje za njihovo srebro bodo imele koprive v lasti, trnje bo v njihovih šotorskih svetiščih.
For, look, if they escape from destruction, Egypt will gather them, and Memphis will bury them. As for their treasures of silver— sharp briers will possess them, and thorns will fill their tents.
7 Prišli so dnevi obiskanja, prišli so dnevi povračila, Izrael bo to vedel. Prerok je bedak, duhoven človek je zmešan zaradi množice tvoje krivičnosti in velikega sovraštva.
The days for punishment are coming; the days for retribution are coming. Let all Israel know these things. The prophet is a fool, and the inspired man is insane, because of your great iniquity and great hostility.
8 Efrájimov stražar je bil z mojim Bogom, toda prerok je ptičarjeva zanka na vseh njegovih poteh in sovraštvo v hiši njegovega Boga.
The prophet is the watchman for my God over Ephraim. But a bird snare is on all of his paths, and hostility toward him is in the house of his God.
9 Globoko so se izpridili, kakor v dneh Gíbee, zato se bo spomnil njihove krivičnosti, obiskal bo njihove grehe.
They have deeply corrupted themselves as in the days of Gibeah. God will call to mind their iniquity, and he will punish their sins.
10 »Izraela sem našel podobnega trtam v divjini. Vaše očete sem videl kakor prvi sad na figovem drevesu ob njegovem prvem času, toda odšli so k Báal Peórju in se oddvojili v to sramoto in njihove ogabnosti so bile glede na to, kar so ljubili.
Yahweh says, “When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the wilderness. Like the very first fruit of the season on the fig tree, I found your fathers. But they went to Baal Peor, and they devoted themselves to that shameful idol. They became as detestable as the idol they loved.
11 Glede Efrájima, njihova slava bo odletela proč kakor ptica, od poroda in od maternice in od spočetja.
As for Ephraim, their glory will fly away like a bird. There will be no birth, no pregnancy, and no conception.
12 Čeprav bodo vzredili svoje otroke, jih bom vendar oropal, da tam noben človek ne bo ostal. Da, gorje tudi tistim, ko odidem od njih!
Though they have brought up children, I will take them away so that none of them is left. Woe to them when I turn away from them!
13 Efrájim je, kakor sem videl Tir, zasajen na prijetnem kraju, toda Efrájim bo svoje otroke privedel k morilcu.«
I have seen Ephraim, just like Tyre, planted in a meadow, but Ephraim will bring out his children to someone who will slaughter them.”
14 Daj jim, oh Gospod. Kaj hočeš dati? Daj jim maternico, ki splavlja in suhe prsi.
Give them, Yahweh—what will you give them? Give them a miscarrying womb and breasts that give no milk.
15 »Vsa njihova zlobnost je v Gilgálu, kajti tam sem jih zasovražil. Zaradi zlobnosti njihovih početij jih bom pognal iz svoje hiše. Ne bom jih več ljubil. Vsi njihovi princi so puntarji.
“Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, that is where I began to hate them. Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house. I will love them no more; all their officials are rebels.
16 Efrájim je udarjen, njihova korenina je posušena, nobenega sadu ne bodo obrodili. Da, čeprav bodo obrodili, bom vendar ubil celó ljubljeni sad njihove maternice.«
Ephraim is diseased, and their root is dried up; they bear no fruit. Even if they have children, I will put their beloved children to death.”
17 Moj Bog jih bo zavrgel, ker mu niso prisluhnili in oni bodo postopači med narodi.
My God will reject them because they have not obeyed him. They will become wanderers among the nations.

< Ozej 9 >