< Hebrejcem 3 >
1 Zatorej sveti bratje, soudeleženci nebeške poklicanosti, preudarite Apostola in Vélikega Duhovnika naše veroizpovedi, Kristusa Jezusa,
WHEREFORE, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, contemplate the apostle and high-priest whom ye confess, Jesus Christ;
2 ki je bil zvest tistemu, ki ga je določil, kakor je bil tudi Mojzes zvest v vsej njegovi hiši.
who was faithful to him who appointed him, as Moses also was in all his house.
3 Kajti ta človek je bil štet za vrednega večje slave kakor Mojzes, ker kdor je hišo zgradil, ima večjo čast kakor hiša.
For this personage hath been counted worthy of higher glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who built it, hath greater honour than the house.
4 Kajti vsaka hiša je zgrajena po nekem človeku, toda kdor je zgradil vse stvari, je Bog.
For every house is built by some person; but he who is the architect of all things is God.
5 In Mojzes je bil resnično zvest v vsej njegovi hiši kot služabnik, za pričevanje o teh stvareh, o katerih naj bi se pozneje govorilo;
And Moses indeed was faithful in all that house of his as a servant, to bear testimony of the things which should be after spoken;
6 toda Kristus [pa] kot sin nad svojo lastno hišo; katerega hiša smo mi, če trdno držimo zaupanje in se trdno veselimo upanja do konca.
but Christ as a son over his own house: whose house are we, if we hold firmly the confidence and glorying of hope stedfast unto the end.
7 Zatorej (kakor govori Sveti Duh: »Če boste danes zaslišali njegov glas,
Wherefore, as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice,
8 ne zakrknite svojih src kakor v izzivanju, na dan preizkušnje v divjini,
harden not your hearts, as in that bitter provocation, at the day of the temptation in the wilderness;
9 ko so me vaši očetje skušali, me presojali in štirideset let gledali moja dela.«
when your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works during forty years.
10 Zato sem bil užaloščen s tem rodom in rekel: »Vedno se motijo v svojem srcu in niso spoznali mojih poti.«
Wherefore I was provoked against that generation, and said, They are always deluded in heart, and they have not known my ways:
11 Tako sem prisegel v svojem besu: »Ne bodo vstopili v moj počitek.«)
so I swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest.
12 Pazite bratje, da ne bi bilo v katerem izmed vas hudobno srce nevere v umikanju od živega Boga.
Take heed, brethren, that there be not in any one of you a wicked heart of infidelity, evident in departure from the living God:
13 Temveč vsakodnevno drug drugega spodbujajte, dokler se imenuje: »Danes, « da ne bi kdorkoli izmed vas zakrknil zaradi zapeljivosti greha.
but exhort one another daily, whilst to-day remains, that no one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
14 Kajti postali smo Kristusovi soudeleženci, če začetek našega zaupanja neomajno držimo do konca;
For we are partakers with Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end;
15 dokler je rečeno: »Če boste danes zaslišali njegov glas, ne zakrknite svojih src kakor v izzivanju.«
while it is said, To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation.
16 Kajti nekateri, ko so slišali, so izzivali; čeprav ne vsi, ki so prišli po Mojzesu iz Egipta.
For some, though they had heard, provoked him; yet not all who came out of Egypt by Moses.
17 Toda nad kom je bil štirideset let užaloščen? Mar ni bil s temi, ki so grešili, katerih trupla so popadala v divjini?
But against whom was he incensed forty years? Was it not against those who had sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness?
18 In katerim je prisegel, da naj ne bi vstopili v njegov počitek, če ne tem, ki niso verovali?
And to whom did he swear that they should not enter into his rest, but to those who did not believe?
19 Tako vidimo, da niso mogli vstopiti zaradi nevere.
So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.