< Agej 1 >

1 V drugem letu kralja Dareja, v šestem mesecu, na prvi dan meseca, je prišla Gospodova beseda po preroku Ageju k Zerubabélu, Šealtiélovemu sinu, voditelju Juda in k Ješúu, Jocadákovemu sinu, vélikemu duhovniku, rekoč:
In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, the LORD’s word came by Haggai the prophet, to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, saying,
2 »Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, rekoč: ›To ljudstvo pravi: ›Čas ni prišel, čas, da bi bila zgrajena Gospodova hiša.‹
“This is what the LORD of Hosts says: These people say, ‘The time hasn’t yet come, the time for the LORD’s house to be built.’”
3 Potem je prišla Gospodova beseda po preroku Ageju, rekoč:
Then the LORD’s word came by Haggai the prophet, saying,
4 › Ali je čas za vas, oh vi, da prebivate v svojih obitih hišah, ta hiša pa leži zapuščena?‹
“Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies waste?
5 Zdaj torej tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki: ›Preudarite svoje poti.‹
Now therefore this is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘Consider your ways.
6 Mnogo ste sejali, prinesli pa malo; jedli ste, toda nimate dovolj; pijete, toda niste nasičeni s pijačo; oblačite se, toda nihče ni ogret; in tisti, ki zasluži plačila, zasluži plačila, da jih daje v torbo z luknjami.‹
You have sown much, and bring in little. You eat, but you don’t have enough. You drink, but you aren’t filled with drink. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages earns wages to put them into a bag with holes in it.’
7 Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki: ›Preudarite svoje poti.
“This is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘Consider your ways.
8 Pojdite gor na goro, pripeljite les, zgradite hišo in razveseljeval se bom v njej in jaz bom proslavljen, ‹ govori Gospod.
Go up to the mountain, bring wood, and build the house. I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified,” says the LORD.
9 Precej ste iskali in glejte, postalo je malo; in ko ste to prinesli domov, sem pihnil na to. Zakaj?‹ govori Gospod nad bojevniki. ›Zaradi moje hiše, ki je opustošena, vi pa tečete vsakdo za svojo lastno hišo.
“You looked for much, and, behold, it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?” says the LORD of Hosts, “Because of my house that lies waste, while each of you is busy with his own house.
10 Zatorej je nebo nad vami zadržano pred roso in zemlja je zadržana pred njenim sadom.
Therefore for your sake the heavens withhold the dew, and the earth withholds its fruit.
11 In jaz sem poklical sušo na deželo, na gore, na žito, na novo vino, na olje in na to, kar prinašajo tla, na ljudi, na živino in na ves trud rok.‹«
I called for a drought on the land, on the mountains, on the grain, on the new wine, on the oil, on that which the ground produces, on men, on livestock, and on all the labor of the hands.”
12 Potem sta Zerubabél, Šealtiélov sin in Ješúa, Jocadákov sin, véliki duhovnik, z vsem preostankom ljudstva, ubogala glas Gospoda, svojega Boga in besede preroka Ageja, kakor mu jih je poslal Gospod, njihov Bog in ljudstvo se je balo pred Gospodom.
Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the LORD their God’s voice, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him; and the people feared the LORD.
13 Potem je spregovoril Agej, Gospodov poslanec v Gospodovi poslanici ljudstvu, rekoč: ›Jaz sem z vami, ‹ govori Gospod.
Then Haggai, the LORD’s messenger, spoke the LORD’s message to the people, saying, “I am with you,” says the LORD.
14 In Gospod je razvnel duha Zerubabéla, Šealtiélovega sina, voditelja Judeje in duha Ješúa, Jocadákovega sina, vélikega duhovnika in duha vsega preostanka ljudstva in prišli so in delali v hiši Gospoda nad bojevniki, svojega Boga,
The LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of Hosts, their God,
15 v štiriindvajsetem dnevu šestega meseca, v drugem letu kralja Dareja.
in the twenty-fourth day of the month, in the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.

< Agej 1 >