< 1 Mojzes 47 >

1 Potem je prišel Jožef in povedal faraonu ter rekel: »Moj oče, moji bratje, njihovi tropi, njihove črede in vse, kar imajo, so prišli iz kánaanske dežele. Glej, v gošenski deželi so.«
And so Joseph entered and reported to Pharaoh, saying: “My father and brothers, their sheep and herds, and everything that they possess, have arrived from the land of Canaan. And behold, they stand together in the land of Goshen.”
2 Vzel je nekatere izmed svojih bratov, pet mož in jih predstavil faraonu.
Likewise, he stood in the sight of the king five men, the last of his brothers.
3 Faraon je njegovim bratom rekel: »Kakšen je vaš poklic?« Faraonu so odgovorili: »Tvoji služabniki so pastirji, tako mi, kakor tudi naši očetje.«
And he questioned them, “What do you have for work?” They responded: “Your servants are pastors of sheep, both we and our fathers.
4 Poleg tega so faraonu rekli: »Zato smo prišli, da začasno prebivamo v deželi, kajti tvoji služabniki nimajo pašnika za svoje trope, kajti huda lakota je v kánaanski deželi. Sedaj te torej prosimo, naj tvoji služabniki prebivajo v gošenski deželi.«
We came to sojourn in your land, because there is no grass for the flocks of your servants, the famine being very grievous in the land of Canaan. And we petition you that you may order us, your servants, to be in the land of Goshen.”
5 Faraon je Jožefu spregovoril, rekoč: »Tvoj oče in tvoji bratje so prišli k tebi.
And so the king said to Joseph: “Your father and brothers have come to you.
6 Egiptovska dežela je pred teboj. V najboljši deželi pripravi svojemu očetu in bratom, da prebivajo. V gošenski deželi naj prebivajo in če poznaš med njimi katerekoli marljive ljudi, potem jih naredi gospodarje nad mojo živino.«
The land of Egypt is in your sight. Cause them to live in the best place, and deliver to them the land of Goshen. And if you know there to be industrious men among them, appoint these as foremen over my cattle.”
7 Jožef je privedel svojega očeta Jakoba in ga postavil pred faraona in Jakob je blagoslovil faraona.
After this, Joseph brought in his father to the king, and he stood him in his sight. He blessed him,
8 Faraon je Jakobu rekel: »Koliko si star?«
and he questioned him: “How many are the days of the years of your life?”
9 Jakob je faraonu rekel: »Dni let mojega popotovanja je sto trideset let. Malo in zli so bili dnevi let mojega življenja in nisem dosegel dni let življenja svojih očetov v dneh njihovega popotovanja.«
He responded, “The days of my sojourn are one hundred and thirty years, few and unworthy, and they do not reach even to the days of the sojourning of my fathers.”
10 Jakob je blagoslovil faraona in odšel izpred faraona.
And blessing the king, he went outside.
11 Jožef je namestil svojega očeta in svoje brate ter jim dal posest v egiptovski deželi, v najboljšem delu dežele, v Ramesésovi deželi, kakor je faraon zapovedal.
Truly, Joseph gave his father and brothers a possession in Egypt, in the best place of the land, in Rameses, as Pharaoh had instructed.
12 Jožef je vzdrževal svojega očeta, svoje brate in vso družino svojega očeta s kruhom, glede na njihove družine.
And he fed them, along with all his father’s house, providing portions of food to each one.
13 In ni bilo kruha v vsej deželi, kajti lakota je bila zelo huda, tako da je egiptovska dežela in vsa kánaanska dežela zaradi lakote slabela.
For in the whole world there was a lack of bread, and a famine had oppressed the land, most of all Egypt and Canaan,
14 Jožef je zbral ves denar, ki se je našel v egiptovski deželi in v kánaanski deželi, za žito, ki so ga kupovali. In Jožef je denar prinesel v faraonovo hišo.
from which he gathered together all the money for the grain that they bought, and he took it into the treasury of the king.
15 Ko pa je v egiptovski deželi in v kánaanski deželi zmanjkalo denarja, so vsi Egipčani prišli k Jožefu in rekli: »Daj nam kruha, kajti zakaj bi umrli v tvoji prisotnosti? Kajti denarja je zmanjkalo.«
And when the buyers had run out of money, all Egypt came to Joseph, saying: “Give us bread. Why should we die in your sight, lacking money?”
16 Jožef je rekel: »Dajte svojo živino in jaz vam bom dal za vašo živino, če je denarja zmanjkalo.«
And he responded to them: “Bring me your cattle, and I will give food to you in exchange for them, if you do not have money.”
17 Svojo živino so privedli k Jožefu in Jožef jim je dal kruha v zameno za konje in za trope in za živino od čred in za osle in to leto jih je nahranil s kruhom za vso njihovo živino.
And when they had brought them, he gave them food for their horses, and sheep, and oxen, and donkeys. And he sustained them in that year in exchange for their cattle.
18 Ko je bilo to leto končano, so prišli k njemu drugo leto in mu rekli: » Tega ne bomo skrivali pred mojim gospodom, da je naš denar porabljen. Moj gospod ima tudi naše črede in živino. Sploh ni veliko ostalo v očeh mojega gospoda, razen naših teles in naših zemljišč.
Likewise, they came the second year, and they said to him: “We will not conceal from our lord that our money is gone; likewise our cattle are gone. Neither are you unaware that we have nothing left but our bodies and our land.
19 Zakaj bi umrli pred tvojimi očmi, tako mi kakor naša dežela? Kupi nas in našo deželo za kruh, pa bomo mi in naša dežela služabniki faraonu. Daj nam seme, da bomo lahko živeli in ne umrli, da dežela ne bo zapuščena.«
Therefore, why should you watch us die? Both we and our land will be yours. Buy us into royal servitude, but provide seed, lest by the dying off of cultivators the land be reduced to a wilderness.”
20 Jožef je vso egiptovsko deželo kupil za faraona, kajti Egipčani so prodali vsak človek svoje polje, ker je nad njimi prevladala lakota in tako je dežela postala faraonova.
Therefore, Joseph bought all the land of Egypt, each one selling his possessions because of the magnitude of the famine. And he subjected it to Pharaoh,
21 Kar se tiče ljudstva, jih je premestil v mesta, od enega konca egiptovskih meja, celo do drugega njegovega konca.
along with all of its people, from the newest borders of Egypt, even to its furthest limits,
22 Samo zemljišč duhovnikov ni pokupil, kajti duhovniki so imeli od faraona njim določen delež in jedli svoj delež, ki jim ga je faraon dajal, zato svojih zemljišč niso prodali.
except the land of the priests, which had been delivered to them by the king. To these also a portion of food was supplied out of the public storehouses, and, for this reason, they were not compelled to sell their possessions.
23 Potem je Jožef rekel ljudstvu: »Glejte, danes sem kupil vas in vašo deželo za faraona. Glejte, tukaj je seme za vas in vi boste posejali deželo.
Therefore, Joseph said to the people: “So, as you discern, both you and your lands are possessed by Pharaoh; take seed and sow the fields,
24 Z donosom se bo zgodilo, da boste peti del dali faraonu, štirje deli pa bodo vaši lastni, za seme polja in za vašo hrano in za tiste iz vaših družin in za hrano za vaše malčke.«
so that you may be able to have grain. One fifth part you will give to the king; the remaining four I permit to you, as seed and as food for your families and children.
25 Rekli so: »Rešil si naša življenja. Naj najdemo milost v očeh mojega gospoda, mi pa bomo faraonovi služabniki.«
And they responded: “Our health is in your hand; only let our lord look kindly upon us, and we will serve the king with gladness.”
26 Jožef je to naredil v egiptovski deželi [za] zakon do današnjega dne, da bo imel faraon peti del, razen dežele duhovnikov, ki ni postala faraonova.
From that time, even to the present day, in the entire land of Egypt, the fifth part is turned over to the kings, and it has become like a law, except in the land of the priests, which was free from this condition.
27 Izrael je prebival v egiptovski deželi, v pokrajini Gošen in v njej so imeli posesti in rastli ter se silno pomnožili.
And so, Israel lived in Egypt, that is, in the land of Goshen, and he possessed it. And he increased and was multiplied exceedingly.
28 Jakob je v egiptovski deželi živel sedemnajst let. Tako je bila celotna Jakobova starost sto sedeminštirideset let.
And he lived in it seventeen years. And all the days of his life that passed were one hundred and forty-seven years.
29 Približal se je čas, ko je Izrael moral umreti in poklical je svojega sina Jožefa ter mu rekel: »Če sem sedaj našel milost v tvojem pogledu, položi, prosim te, svojo roko pod moje stegno ter z menoj postopaj dobrotljivo in iskreno. Ne pokoplji me, prosim te, v Egiptu,
And when he discerned that the day of his death was approaching, he called his son Joseph, and he said to him: “If I have found favor in your sight, place your hand under my thigh. And you shall show me mercy and truth, not to bury me in Egypt.
30 temveč hočem ležati s svojimi očeti in ti me boš odnesel iz Egipta in me pokopal na njihovem grobišču.« Rekel je: »Storil bom kakor si rekel.«
But I shall sleep with my fathers, and you will carry me from this land and bury me in the sepulcher of my ancestors.” And Joseph answered him, “I will do what you have ordered.”
31 Rekel je: »Prisezi mi.« In prisegel mu je. In Izrael se je priklonil na vzglavju postelje.
And he said, “Then swear it to me.” And as he was swearing, Israel adored God, turning to the head of his resting place.

< 1 Mojzes 47 >