< 1 Mojzes 43 >

1 Lakota v deželi pa je bila huda.
And the derth waxed sore in the lande.
2 Pripetilo se je, ko so pojedli žito, ki so ga prinesli iz Egipta, da jim je njihov oče rekel: »Ponovno pojdite, kupite nam malo hrane.«
And when they had eate vp that corne which they brought out of the lande of Egipte their father sayde vnto them: goo agayne and by vs a litle food.
3 Juda mu je spregovoril, rekoč: »Človek nam je slovesno izpričal, rekoč: ›Ne boste videli mojega obraza, razen če bo z vami vaš brat.‹
Than sayde Iuda vnto him: the man dyd testifie vnto vs saynge: loke that ye see not my face excepte youre brother be with you.
4 Če hočeš z nami poslati našega brata, bomo šli dol in ti kupili hrano,
Therfore yf thou wilt sende oure brother with vs we wyll goo and bye the food.
5 toda če ga nočeš poslati, ne bomo šli dol, kajti človek nam je rekel: ›Ne boste videli mojega obraza, razen če bo z vami vaš brat.‹«
But yf thou wylt not sende him we wyll not goo: for the man sayde vnto vs: loke that ye see not my face excepte youre brother be with you.
6 Izrael je rekel: »Zakaj postopate z menoj tako slabo, da ste možu povedali, da imate še brata?«
And Israell sayde: wherfore delt ye so cruelly with me as to tell the man that ye had yet another brother?
7 Rekli so: »Mož nas je strogo povprašal o našem stanju in o našem sorodstvu, rekoč: › Ali vaš oče še živi? Imate še enega brata?‹ In povedali smo mu glede na pomen teh besed. Mar bi lahko zagotovo vedeli, da bo rekel: ›Svojega brata pripeljite dol?‹«
And they sayde: The man asked vs of oure kynred saynge: is youre father yet alyue? haue ye not another brother? And we tolde him acordynge to these wordes. How cowd we knowe that he wolde byd vs brynge oure brother downe with vs?
8 Juda pa je svojemu očetu Izraelu rekel: »Pošlji dečka z menoj in bomo vstali ter šli, da bomo lahko živeli in ne umrli, tako mi, kakor ti in tudi naši malčki.
Than sayde Iuda vnto Israell his father: Send the lad with me and we wyll ryse and goo that we maye lyue and not dye: both we thou and also oure childern.
9 Jaz bom poroštvo zanj. Iz moje roke ga boš zahteval. Če ti ga ne privedem in postavim predte, potem naj krivdo nosim na veke,
I wilbe suertie for him and of my handes requyre him. Yf I brynge him not to the and sett him before thine eyes than let me bere the blame for euer.
10 kajti razen, če se ne bi obotavljali, bi se zagotovo sedaj drugič vrnili.«
For except we had made this tarieg: by this we had bene there twyse and come agayne.
11 Njihov oče Izrael jim je rekel: »Če mora biti to sedaj tako, storite tole. Vzemite od najboljših sadov dežele v svoje posode in odnesite dol človeku darilo, malo balzama, malo meda, dišave, miro, oreščke in mandlje.
Than their father Israel sayde vnto the Yf it must nedes be so now: than do thus take of the best frutes of the lande in youre vesselles and brynge the man a present a curtesie bawlme and a curtesie of hony spyces and myrre dates and almondes.
12 V svoje roke vzemite dvojen denar. Denar, ki je bil priveden nazaj v ustjih vaših vreč, ga ponovno odnesite v svoji roki; morda je bila to pomota.
And take as moch money more with you. And the money that was brought agayne in youre sackes take it agayne with you in youre handes peraduenture it was some ouersyghte.
13 Vzemite tudi svojega brata in vstanite, ponovno pojdite k človeku.
Take also youre brother with you and aryse and goo agayne to the man.
14 Bog Vsemogočni pa naj vam da usmiljenje pred človekom, da lahko odpošlje proč vašega drugega brata in Benjamina. Če bom oropan svojih otrok, sem oropan.«
And God almightie geue you mercie in the sighte of the man and send you youre other brother and also Be Iamin and I wilbe as a ma robbed of his childern.
15 Možje so vzeli to darilo in v svojo roko vzeli dvojen denar in Benjamina. Vstali so in odšli dol k Egiptu in obstali pred Jožefom.
Thus toke they the present and twise so moch more money with them and Ben Iamin. And rose vp went downe to Egipte and presented them selfe to Ioseph.
16 Ko je Jožef z njimi zagledal Benjamina je gospodarju svoje hiše rekel: »Privedi te može domov in zakolji in pripravi, kajti ti možje bodo opoldan kosili z menoj.«
When Ioseph sawe Ben Iamin with them he sayde to the ruelar of his house: brynge these men home and sley and make redie: for they shall dyne with me at none.
17 Človek je storil kakor je Jožef zaukazal in človek je može privedel v Jožefovo hišo.
And the man dyd as Ioseph bad and brought them in to Iosephs house.
18 Možje pa so bili prestrašeni, ker so bili privedeni v Jožefovo hišo. Rekli so: »Zaradi denarja, ki je bil prvič vrnjen v naše vreče, smo bili privedeni noter; da lahko zoper nas iščejo priložnost in padejo na nas in vzamejo za sužnje nas in naše osle.«
When they were brought to Iosephs house they were afrayde ad sayde: be cause of the money yt came in oure sackes mouthes at the first tyme are we brought to pyke a quarell with vs and to laye some thinge to oure charge: to brynge us in bondage and oure asses also.
19 Približali so se oskrbniku Jožefove hiše ter se z njim posvetovali pri hišnih vratih
Therfore came they to the man that was the ruelar ouer Iosephs house and comened with him at the doore
20 in rekli: »Oh gospod, prvič smo zares prišli dol, da kupimo hrano
and sayde: Sir we came hither at the first tyme to bye foode
21 in pripetilo se je, ko smo prišli v gostišče, da smo odprli svoje vreče in glej, denar vsakega človeka je bil v ustju njegove vreče, naš denar v polni teži in mi smo ga ponovno prinesli v svoji roki.
and as we came to an Inne and opened oure sackes: beholde euery mannes money was in his sacke with full weghte: But we haue broght it agene with us
22 In še en denar smo prinesli dol v svojih rokah, da kupimo hrano. Ne moremo povedati, kdo je naš denar položil v naše vreče.«
and other mony haue we brought also in oure handes to bye foode but we can not tell who put oure money in oure sackes.
23 Rekel je: »Mir vam bodi, ne bojte se. Vaš Bog in Bog vašega očeta vam je v vaše vreče dal zaklad. Jaz sem imel vaš denar.« In k njim je privedel Simeona.
And he sayde: be of good chere feare not: Youre God and the God of youre fathers hath put you that treasure in youre sackes for I had youre money. And he brought Simeon out to them
24 Človek je može privedel v Jožefovo hišo in jim dal vode in umili so si svoja stopala in njihovim oslom je dal krmo.
ad led the into Iosephs house and gaue the water to washe their fete and gaue their asses prauender:
25 In pripravili so darilo za Jožefa, ki je prišel opoldan, kajti slišali so, da bodo tam jedli kruh.
And they made redie their present agaynst Ioseph came at none for they herde saye that they shulde dyne there.
26 Ko je Jožef prišel domov, so mu prinesli darilo, ki je bilo v njihovi roki, v hišo in se mu priklonili k zemlji.
When Ioseph came home they brought the present in to the house to him which they had in their handes ad fell flat on the grounde befor him.
27 Vprašal jih je o njihovi blaginji in rekel: » Ali je vaš oče zdrav, starec, o katerem ste govorili? Ali še živi?«
And he welcomed the curteously sainge: is youre father that old man which ye tolde me of in good health? and is he yet alyue?
28 Odgovorili so: »Tvoj služabnik, naš oče, je dobrega zdravja, on je še vedno živ.« In sklonili so svoje glave in se globoko priklonili.
they answered: thy servaunte oure father is in good health ad is yet alyue. And they bowed them selues and fell to the grounde.
29 Povzdignil je svoje oči in zagledal svojega brata Benjamina, sina svoje matere ter rekel: » Ali je to vaš mlajši brat, o katerem ste mi govorili?« Rekel je: »Bog ti bodi milostljiv, moj sin.«
And he lyfte vp his eyes and behelde his brother Ben Iamin his mothers sonne and sayde: is this youre yongest brother of whome ye sayde vnto me? And sayde: God be mercyfull vnto ye my sonne.
30 Jožef se je podvizal, kajti njegova notranjost je hrepenela za njegovim bratom in iskal je kje bi se zjokal in vstopil v svojo sobo in se tam zjokal.
And Ioseph made hast (for his hert dyd melt apon his brother) and soughte for to wepe and entred in to his chambre for to wepe there.
31 Umil si je obraz, odšel ven in se zadrževal ter rekel: »Pripravite kruh.«
And he wasshed his face and came out and refrayned himselfe and bad sett bread on the table
32 Pripravili so posebej zanj in posebej zanje in posebej za Egipčane, ki so jedli z njim, ker Egipčani ne smejo jesti kruha s Hebrejci, kajti to je Egipčanom ogabnost.
And they prepared for him by himselfe and for them by them selues and for the Egiptians which ate with him by them selues because the Egyptians may not eate bread with the Hebrues for that is an abhomynacyon vnto the Egiptians.
33 Sedeli so pred njim, prvorojenec glede na njegovo pravico prvorojenstva in najmlajši glede na svojo mladost in možje so se čudili drug drugemu.
And they satt before him: the eldest acordynge vnto his age and the yongest acordyng vnto his youth. And the men marveled amonge them selves.
34 Vzel je in jim poslal jedi izpred sebe, toda Benjaminovih jedi je bilo petkrat več kakor od kateregakoli izmed njih. In pili so in bili veseli z njim.
And they broughte rewardes vnto them from before him: but Ben Iamins parte was fyue tymes so moch as any of theirs. And they ate and they dronke and were dronke wyth him.

< 1 Mojzes 43 >