< Ezra 7 >
1 Torej po teh stvareh, v kraljevanju perzijskega kralja Artakserksa, je Ezra, sin Serajája, sinú Azarjája, sinú Hilkijája,
Now, after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra, —son of Seraiah, son of Azariah, son of Hilkiah;
2 sinú Šalúma, sinú Cadóka, sinú Ahitúba,
son of Shallum, son of Zadok, son of Ahitub;
3 sinú Amarjája, sinú Azarjája, sinú Merajóta,
son of Amariah, son of Azariah, son of Meraioth;
4 sinú Zerahjája, sinú Uzíja, sinú Bukíja,
son of Zerahiah, son of Uzzi, son of Bukki;
5 sinú Abišúa, sinú Pinhása, sinú Eleazarja, sinú Arona, vélikega duhovnika;
son of Abishua, son of Phinehas, son of Eliazar, son of Aaron the first priest; —
6 ta Ezra odšel gor iz Babilona. Ta je bil vešč pisar v Mojzesovi postavi, ki jo je dal Gospod, Izraelov Bog. In kralj mu je zagotovil vse njegove zahteve, glede na roko Gospoda, njegovega Boga, nad njim.
this Ezra, came up out of Babylon, he, being a ready scribe in the law of Moses, which Yahweh God of Israel had given, —and the king gave him, according to the hand of Yahweh his God upon him, all his request.
7 In tam so šli gor nekateri izmed Izraelovih otrok in izmed duhovnikov, Lévijevcev, pevcev, vratarjev in Netinimcev v Jeruzalem, v sedmem letu kralja Artakserksa.
So then there came up some of the sons of Israel, and some of the priests and the Levites and the singers and the doorkeepers and the Nethinim, unto Jerusalem, —in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king.
8 V petem mesecu je ta prišel v Jeruzalem, kar je bilo v sedmem letu kralja.
And he entered Jerusalem, in the fifth month, —the same, was the seventh year of the king.
9 Kajti na prvi dan prvega meseca je začel iti gor iz Babilona, in na prvi dan petega meseca je prišel v Jeruzalem, glede na dobro roko njegovega Boga nad njim.
For, on the first of the first month, was a beginning made of coming up from Babylon, —and, on the first of the fifth month, entered he into Jerusalem, according to the good hand of his God upon him.
10 Kajti Ezra je pripravil svoje srce, da išče Gospodovo postavo in da jo izpolnjuje in da v Izraelu uči zakone in sodbe.
For, Ezra, had settled his heart, to study the law of Yahweh, and to do [it], —and to teach in Israel, statute and regulation.
11 Torej to je kopija pisma, ki ga je kralj Artakserks izročil Ezru, duhovniku, pisarju, celó pisarju besed Gospodovih zapovedi in njegovih zakonov Izraelu.
Now, this, is a copy of the letter which King Artaxerxes gave, to Ezra the priest the scribe, —the scribe of the words of the commandments of Yahweh, and of his statutes, for Israel: —
12 ›Artakserks, kralj kraljev, duhovniku Ezru, pisarju postave Boga iz nebes, popoln mir itd.
Artaxerxes, king of kings, Unto Ezra the priest, scribe of the law of the God of the heavens—To despatch and so forth.
13 Izdajam odlok, da vsi izmed Izraelovega ljudstva in izmed njegovih duhovnikov in Lévijevcev v mojem območju, ki so voljni po svoji lastni svobodni volji, da gredo gor v Jeruzalem, gredo s teboj.
From me, is issued an edict, that, every one in my kingdom, of the people of Israel, and of their priests and the Levites, who is minded of his own freewill to go to Jerusalem, with thee, let him go.
14 Ker si poslan od kralja in od njegovih sedmih svetovalcev, da poizveš glede Juda in Jeruzalema, glede na postavo svojega Boga, ki je v tvoji roki
Forasmuch as, from before the king and his seven counselors, thou art sent, to enquire concerning Judah and as to Jerusalem, —by the law of thy God which is in thy hand;
15 in da odneseš srebro in zlato, ki so ga kralj in njegovi svetovalci velikodušno darovali Izraelovemu Bogu, katerega prebivališče je v Jeruzalemu
and to carry the silver and gold which the king and his counselors have freely offered unto the God of Israel, who, in Jerusalem, hath his habitation;
16 in vse srebro in zlato, ki ga lahko najdeš po vsej babilonski provinci s prostovoljnimi daritvami ljudstva in duhovnikov, prostovoljno darovanega za hišo njihovega Boga, ki je v Jeruzalemu,
and all the silver and the gold, which thou shalt find, in all the province of Babylon, —with the freewill offering of the people and of the priests offered willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem,
17 da boš s tem denarjem lahko naglo kupil bikce, ovne, jagnjeta, z njihovimi jedilnimi daritvami in njihovimi pitnimi daritvami in jih daroval na oltarju hiše svojega Boga, ki je v Jeruzalemu.
therefore, with all diligence, shalt thou buy—with this silver—bullocks, rams, lambs, with their meal-offerings, and their drink-offerings, —and shalt offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem;
18 In karkoli se bo zdelo dobro tebi in tvojim bratom, da storite s preostankom srebra in zlata, to storite po volji svojega Boga.
and, whatsoever, unto thee and unto thy brethren, shall seem good, with the rest of the silver and the gold, to do, according to the pleasure of your God, shall ye do.
19 Tudi posode, ki so ti dane za službo hiše svojega Boga, te izroči pred Bogom Jeruzalema.
And, the utensils which are freely given to thee for the service of the house of thy God, put thou back, before the God of Jerusalem.
20 Karkoli več bo treba za hišo tvojega Boga, kar boš imel priložnost dati, daj to iz kraljeve zakladne hiše.
And, the rest of the need of the house of thy God, which it shall fall to thee to give, thou shalt give, out of the treasure-house of the king.
21 Jaz, torej jaz, kralj Artakserks, izdajam odlok vsem zakladnikom, ki so onkraj reke, da karkoli bo duhovnik Ezra, pisar postave nebeškega Boga, zahteval od vas, naj bo to naglo storjeno,
And, from me myself, Artaxerxes the king, issueth an edict, to all the treasurers who are Beyond the River, —that, whatsoever Ezra the priest the scribe of the law of the God of the heavens shall ask of you, with diligence, shall it be done:
22 do sto talentov srebra in do sto mer pšenice in do sto čebrov vina in do sto kadi olja, soli pa brez predpisa.
unto a hundred talents of silver, and unto a hundred measures of wheat, and unto a hundred baths of wine, and unto a hundred baths of oil, —and salt without limit.
23 Karkoli je zapovedano od Boga iz nebes, naj bo to marljivo storjeno za hišo Boga iz nebes, kajti zakaj bi bil bes zoper kraljestvo kralja in njegovih sinov?
Whatsoever is due to an edict of the God of the heavens, let it be done diligently, for the house of the God of the heavens, —for wherefore should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?
24 Prav tako vam potrjujemo, da glede kateregakoli izmed duhovnikov in Lévijevcev, pevcev, vratarjev, Netinimcev ali služabnikov te Božje hiše, to ne bo zakonito, da bi nanje naložili pristojbino, davek in carino.
And, you, we do certify, that, as touching any of the priests or the Levites, the singers, the doorkeepers, the Nethinim, or the servitors of this house of God, tribute, excise or toll, shall it not be competent to impose upon them.
25 Ti pa Ezra, po modrosti svojega Boga, ki je v tvoji roki, postavi oblastnike in sodnike, ki bodo lahko sodili vse ljudstvo, ki je onkraj reke [Evfrat], vse takšne, ki poznajo zakone tvojega Boga; in učite tiste, ki jih ne poznajo.
And, thou, Ezra, according to the wisdom of thy God that is in thy hand, appoint thou judges and magistrates, who shall administer justice to all the people that are Beyond the River, to all who know the law of thy God, —and, whoso knoweth not, ye shall teach.
26 Kdorkoli pa ne bo izpolnjeval postave tvojega Boga in kraljeve postave, naj bo nad njim naglo izvršena sodba, bodisi je to s smrtjo ali izgnanstvom ali zaplembo dobrin ali z ujetništvom.‹
But, whosoever shall not do the law of thy God and the law of the king, speedily, let, penalty, be exacted from him, —whether to death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.
27 Blagoslovljen bodi Gospod, Bog naših očetov, ki je takšno stvar, kot je ta, položil na kraljevo srce, da olepša Gospodovo hišo, ki je v Jeruzalemu
Blessed be Yahweh, God of our fathers, —who hath put the like of this into the heart of the king, to beautify the house of Yahweh, which is in Jerusalem;
28 in mi razširil usmiljenje pred kraljem in njegovimi svetovalci in pred vsemi mogočnimi kraljevimi princi. In okrepljen sem bil, ko je bila roka Gospoda, mojega Boga, nad menoj in iz Izraela sem zbral skupaj vodilne može, da gredo gor z menoj.
and, unto me, hath extended lovingkindness, before the king and his counselors, yea all the valiant captains of the king, —I, therefore have emboldened myself, according to the hand of Yahweh my God upon me, and gathered out of Israel, chief men, to go up with me.