< Ezra 5 >

1 Potem sta preroka, prerok Agej in Zaharija, Idójev sin, prerokovala Judom, ki so bili v Judeji in Jeruzalemu, v imenu Izraelovega Boga, celó njim.
At that time two prophets gave messages from God to the Jews in Jerusalem and [other cities in] Judah. The prophets were Haggai and Zechariah, who was a descendant of Iddo. They spoke those messages representing God, whom the Israelis [worshiped/belonged to], the one who was their true king.
2 Potem sta vstala Šealtiélov sin Zerubabél in Jocadákov sin Ješúa in začela graditi Božjo hišo, ki je v Jeruzalemu in z njima so bili Božji preroki, ki so jima pomagali.
Then Zerubbabel and Shealtiel [led many other people] as they started [again] to rebuild the temple of God in Jerusalem. And God’s prophets [Haggai and Zechariah] were with them and helped them.
3 Ob istem času je prišel k njim Tatenáj, voditelj na tej strani reke in Šetár Boznáj in njihovi družabniki in so jim rekli tako: »Kdo vam je zapovedal, da zgradite to hišo in da postavite to obzidje?«
Then Tattenai the governor of the province west of the [Euphrates] River and Shethar-Bozenai his assistant and [some of] their officials went to Jerusalem and said to the people, “Who has permitted you to rebuild this temple and put furnishings in it?”
4 Potem smo jih vprašali na ta način: »Kako je ime možem, ki delajo to zgradbo?«
They also requested the people to tell them the names of the men who were working [at the temple]. [But the people refused].
5 Toda oko njihovega Boga je bilo nad Judovimi starešinami, da jim niso mogli storiti, da odnehajo, dokler zadeva ni prišla k Dareju. In potem so glede te zadeve po pismu vrnili odgovor.
However, God was taking care of the Jewish leaders, so their enemies were not able to prevent the people from continuing [to rebuild the temple]. [They continued to work while their enemies] sent a report to King Darius, and asked him [what he wanted them to do] about it.
6 Prepis pisma, ki so ga Tatenáj, voditelj na tej strani reke in Šetár Boznáj in njegovi družabniki Afarsahejci, ki so bili na tej strani reke, poslali kralju Dareju.
So Tattenai and Shethar-Bozenai and their officials sent a report to King Darius.
7 Poslali so mu pismo, v katerem je bilo napisano takole: ›Kralju Dareju, ves mir.
This is what they wrote: “King Darius, we hope that things are going well for you!
8 Bodi to znano kralju, da smo šli v judejsko provinco, k hiši vélikega Boga, ki je zgrajena z velikimi kamni in tramove polagajo v zidove in to delo hitro napreduje in uspeva v njihovih rokah.
[“We want you to know that] we went to Judah Province, where the temple of the great God is being rebuilt. The people are building it with huge stones, and they are putting wooden beams in the walls. The work is being done very carefully, and they are progressing well.
9 Potem smo vprašali te starešine in jim rekli tako: ›Kdo vam je zapovedal, da gradite to hišo in da postavite te zidove?‹
“We asked the Jewish leaders, ‘Who has permitted you to rebuild this temple and put furnishings in it?’
10 Vprašali smo jih tudi za njihova imena, da ti potrdimo, da lahko napišemo imena mož, ki so bili glavni izmed njih.
And we requested them to tell us the names of their leaders, in order that we could tell you who they were.
11 In tako so nam vrnili odgovor, rekoč: ›Mi smo služabniki Boga nebes in zemlje in gradimo hišo, ki je bila zgrajena teh mnogo let nazaj, ki jo je veliki Izraelov kralj zgradil in postavil.
“But [instead of telling us their leaders’ names, ] what they said was, ‘We serve the God [who created] the heaven and the earth. Many years ago a great king [who ruled] us Israeli people [told our ancestors to] build a temple here, and now we are rebuilding it.
12 Toda potem ko so naši očetje dražili Boga nebes do besa, jih je dal v roko babilonskega kralja Nebukadnezarja, Kaldejca, ki je uničil to hišo in ljudstvo odvedel proč v Babilon.
“'But God, [who rules] in heaven, allowed [the armies of] Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia, to destroy that temple, because our ancestors did things that caused God to become very angry. Nebuchadnezzar’s army took [many of] the [Israeli] people to Babylonia.
13 Toda v prvem letu babilonskega kralja Kira je isti kralj Kir izdal odlok, da se gradi ta Božja hiša.
“'However, during the first year that Cyrus the King of Babylon started to rule, he decreed that the temple of God should be rebuilt.
14 Tudi posode iz zlata in srebra iz Božje hiše, ki jih je Nebukadnezar vzel iz templja, ki je bil v Jeruzalemu in jih prenesel v babilonski tempelj, te je kralj Kir vzel iz babilonskega templja in izročene so bile nekomu, katerega ime je bilo Šešbacár, ki ga je postavil za voditelja
Cyrus returned [to the Jewish leaders] all the gold and silver cups that had been taken from the temple in Jerusalem and which had been put in the temple in Babylon. Those cups were given to a man named Sheshbazzar, whom King Cyrus had appointed to be the governor in Judah.
15 in mu rekel: ›Vzemi te posode, pojdi, odnesi jih v tempelj, ki je v Jeruzalemu in naj bo Božja hiša zgrajena na svojem mestu.‹
“'The king instructed him to take the cups back to Jerusalem, to the place [from which they had previously been taken]. He also decreed that they should rebuild the temple at the place where it had been before. So Cyrus appointed Sheshbazzar to be the governor in Judah. He also sent all those things made of gold and silver, for Sheshbazzar to put in the new temple.
16 Potem je prišel isti Šešbacár in položil temelj Božji hiši, ki je v Jeruzalemu in od tega časa celo do sedaj je ta v gradnji in še ni dokončana.
So Sheshbazzar did that. He came here to Jerusalem, and [supervised the men who] laid the foundation of the temple. And since that time, the people have been working on the temple, but it is not finished yet.’
17 Zdaj torej, če se to zdi dobro kralju, naj se preišče v kraljevi zakladni hiši, ki je tam v Babilonu, če je to tako, da je bil izdan odlok kralja Kira, da se zgradi to Božjo hišo v Jeruzalemu in naj nam kralj pošlje svojo voljo glede te zadeve.‹‹
“Therefore, your majesty, please order someone to search in the place in Babylon where the important records are kept, to find out whether [it is true that] King Cyrus decreed that God’s temple should be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Then you can tell us what you want us to do about this matter.”

< Ezra 5 >