< Ezekiel 48 >

1 Torej to so imena rodov. Od severnega konca do obale, po poti v Hetlón, kot gre nekdo do Hamáta, Hacár Enána, meje Damaska proti severu, do obale Hamáta; kajti to so njegove strani vzhodno in zahodno; delež za Dan.
These are the names of the tribes. The tribe of Dan will receive one portion of land; its boundary will run along the northern boundary of Israel by way of Hethlon and Lebo Hamath. Its boundary will go on to Hazar Enan and along the border with Damascus to the north and then on to Hamath. Dan's boundary will go from east all the way to the Great Sea.
2 Ob meji Dana, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, delež za Aserja.
Adjoining the border of Dan, from the east side to the west, Asher will have one portion.
3 Ob meji Aserja, od vzhodne strani, celo do zahodne strani, delež za Neftálija.
Adjoining the border of Asher from the east side to the west, Naphtali will have one portion.
4 Ob meji Neftálija, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, delež za Manáseja.
Adjoining the border of Naphtali from the east side to the west, Manasseh will have one portion.
5 Ob meji Manáseja, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, delež za Efrájim.
Adjoining the border of Manasseh from the east side to the west, Ephraim will have one portion.
6 Ob meji Efrájima, od vzhodne strani, celo do zahodne strani, delež za Rubena.
Adjoining the border of Ephraim from the east side to the west, Reuben will have one portion.
7 Ob meji Rubena, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, delež za Juda.
Adjoining the border of Reuben from the east side to the west, Judah will have one portion.
8 Ob meji Juda, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, bo daritev, ki jo boste darovali petindvajset tisoč trstik po širini in po dolžini kakor enega izmed drugih deležev, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, in svetišče bo v njegovi sredi.
The offering of land that you will make will be along the border with Judah and extend from the east side to the west side; it will be twenty-five thousand cubits in width. Its length will correspond to one tribe's portion from the east side to the west side, and the temple will be in the middle of it.
9 Daritev, ki jo boste darovali Gospodu, bo petindvajset tisoč po dolžini in deset tisoč po širini.
This land that you will offer up to Yahweh will be twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand cubits in width.
10 Zanje, celó za duhovnike, bo to sveta daritev; proti severu petindvajset tisoč po dolžini in proti zahodu deset tisoč po širini in proti vzhodu deset tisoč po širini in proti jugu petindvajset tisoč po dolžini; in Gospodovo svetišče bo v njegovi sredi.
These will be the assignments of this holy portion of land: The priests will have land assigned to them measuring twenty-five thousand cubits in length on the north side; ten thousand cubits in width on the west side; ten thousand cubits in width on the east side; and twenty-five thousand cubits in length on the south side, with the holy place of Yahweh in the middle of it.
11 To bo za duhovnike, ki so posvečeni izmed Cadókovih sinov; ki so se držali moje zadolžitve, ki niso zašli, ko so Izraelovi otroci zašli, kakor so zašli Lévijevci.
This will be for the consecration of the priests of the line of Zadok, who have served me faithfully and who did not go astray when the people of Israel went astray, as the Levites did.
12 Ta daritev dežele, ki je darovana, jim bo najsvetejša stvar ob meji Lévijevcev.
The offering for them will be a portion of this most holy land, extending to the border of the Levites.
13 Nasproti meji duhovnikov bodo Lévijevci imeli petindvajset tisoč po dolžini in deset tisoč po širini; vsa dolžina bo petindvajset tisoč in širina deset tisoč.
The Levites' land along the border with the priests' land will be twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand cubits in width. The entire length of the two tracts of land will be twenty-five thousand cubits in length and twenty thousand cubits in width.
14 In od tega ne bodo prodali niti zamenjali niti odtujili prvih sadov dežele, kajti to je sveto Gospodu.
They must not sell it or exchange it; none of this firstfruits of the land of Israel must ever be separated from these tracts, for it all is holy to Yahweh.
15 Pet tisoč, ki preostanejo po širini, nasproti petindvajset tisočem, bo oskrunjen kraj za mesto, za prebivanje in za predmestja; in mesto bo v njegovi sredi.
The remaining land, five thousand cubits in width and twenty-five thousand cubits in length, will be for the collective use of the city, the houses, and the pastureland; the city will be in its midst.
16 To bodo njegove mere: severna stran štiri tisoč petsto, južna stran štiri tisoč petsto, na vzhodni strani štiri tisoč petsto in zahodna stran štiri tisoč petsto.
These will be the city's measurements: The north side will be 4,500 cubits in length; the south side will be 4,500 cubits in length; the east side will be 4,500 cubits in length; and the west side will be 4,500 cubits in length.
17 Predmestja mesta bodo proti severu dvesto petdeset, proti jugu dvesto petdeset, proti vzhodu dvesto petdeset in proti zahodu dvesto petdeset.
There will be pasture for the city toward the north, 250 cubits deep; to the south, 250 cubits deep; to the east, 250 cubits deep, and to the west, 250 cubits deep.
18 Preostanek v dolžini nasproti daritve svetega deleža bo deset tisoč proti vzhodu in deset tisoč proti zahodu, in to bo nasproti daritve svetega deleža; njegov donos bo za hrano tistim, ki služijo mestu.
The remaining area of the holy offering will stretch for ten thousand cubits to the east and ten thousand cubits to the west. It will stretch along the border of the holy offering, and its produce will be food for those working in the city.
19 Tisti, ki služijo mestu, mu bodo služili izmed vseh Izraelovih rodov.
The people who work in the city, people belong to all the tribes of Israel, will farm that land.
20 Vseh daritev bo petindvajset tisoč krat petindvajset tisoč. Darovali boste štirioglato sveto daritev z mestno posestjo.
All the land offering will measure twenty-five thousand cubits by twenty-five thousand cubits. In this way you will make the holy offering of land, together with the land for the city.
21 Preostanek pa bo za princa na eni strani in na drugi od svete daritve in od mestne posesti nasproti petindvajset tisočim od daritve proti vzhodni meji in zahodno, nasproti petindvajset tisočim proti zahodni meji, nasproti deležem za princa. To bo sveta daritev in svetišče hiše bo v njegovi sredi.
The rest of the land on either side of the holy offering and the city area will be for the prince. The prince's tract of land to the east will extend for twenty-five thousand cubits from boundary of the holy offering to the eastern border—and his tract to the west will extend for twenty-five thousand cubits to the western border. In the middle will be the holy offering, and the holy place of the temple will be in its midst.
22 Poleg tega bo za princa od posesti Lévijevcev in od mestne posesti, ki je v sredi tega, kar pripada princu, med Judovo mejo in Benjaminovo mejo.
The land extending from the property of the Levites and the area of the city in its midst will be for for the prince; it will be between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin—this land will be for the prince.
23 Glede preostanka rodov od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani bo imel delež Benjamin.
As for the remaining tribes, their portions will also run from the eastern side to the west side. Benjamin will receive one portion.
24 Ob Benjaminovi meji, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, bo imel delež Simeon.
Adjoining the border of Benjamin from the east side to the west, Simeon will have one portion.
25 Ob Simeonovi meji, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, Isahárjev delež.
Adjoining the border of Simeon from the east side to the west, Issachar will have one portion.
26 Ob Isahárjevi meji, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, Zábulonov delež.
Adjoining the border of Issachar from the east side to the west, Zebulun will have one portion.
27 Ob Zábulonovi meji, od vzhodne strani do zahodne strani, Gadov delež.
To the south of Zebulun's boundary, running from the east side to the west side, will be the land of Gad—one portion.
28 Ob Gadovi meji, pri južni strani proti jugu, bo meja celo od Tamára do vodá prepira v Kadešu in do reke proti vélikemu morju.
The southern boundary of Gad will extend from Tamar to the waters of Meribah Kadesh, and farther to the brook of Egypt, and then to the Great Sea.
29 To je dežela, ki jo boste razdelili z žrebom Izraelovim rodovom za dediščino in to so njihovi deleži, « govori Gospod Bog.
This is the land for which you will cast lots; it will be the inheritance of the tribes of Israel. These will be their portions. This is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
30 To so izhodi iz mesta na severni strani, štiri tisoč petsto mer.
These will be the exits from the city: On the north side, which will measure 4,500 cubits in length,
31 Velika vrata mesta bodo po imenih Izraelovih rodov; troje velikih vrat proti severu: ena Rubenova velika vrata, ena Judova velika vrata, ena Lévijeva velika vrata.
will be three gates, named for tribes of Israel: one gate for Reuben, one gate for Judah, and one gate for Levi.
32 Pri vzhodni strani štiri tisoč petsto; in troje velikih vrat: in ena Jožefova velika vrata, ena Benjaminova velika vrata, ena Danova velika vrata.
On the east side, which will measure 4,500 cubits in length, will be three gates: one gate for Joseph, one gate for Benjamin, and one gate for Dan.
33 Pri južni strani štiri tisoč petsto mer; in troje velikih vrat: ena Simeonova velika vrata, ena Isahárjeva velika vrata, ena Zábulonova velika vrata.
On the south side, which is 4,500 cubits in length, will be three gates: one gate for Simeon, one gate for Issachar, and one gate for Zebulun.
34 Pri zahodni strani štiri tisoč petsto, z njihovimi tremi velikimi vrati: ena Gadova velika vrata, ena Aserjeva velika vrata, ena Neftálijeva velika vrata.
On the west side, which will measure 4,500 cubits, will be three gates: one gate for Gad, one gate for Asher, and one gate for Naphtali.
35 Naokoli je bilo osemnajst tisoč mer. Ime mesta bo od tega dne: Gospod je tam.
The distance around the city will be eighteen thousand cubits; from that day on, the city's name will be “Yahweh Is There.”

< Ezekiel 48 >