< Ezekiel 42 >

1 Potem me je odvedel naprej na skrajni dvor, ob poti proti severu in me privedel v sobo, ki je bila nasproti ločenemu kraju in ki je bila pred zgradbo proti severu.
Then the man led me out northward into the outer court, and he brought me to the group of chambers opposite the temple courtyard and the outer wall on the north side.
2 Pred dolžino stotih komolcev so bila severna vrata in širina je bila petdeset komolcev.
The building with the door facing north was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide.
3 Nasproti dvajsetim komolcem, ki so bili za notranji dvor in nasproti tlaku, ki je bil za skrajni dvor, je bila galerija nasproti galeriji, v treh nadstropjih.
Gallery faced gallery in three levels opposite the twenty cubits that belonged to the inner court and opposite the pavement that belonged to the outer court.
4 Pred sobami je bil hodnik desetih komolcev širine znotraj, pot enega komolca; in njihova vrata proti severu.
In front of the chambers was an inner walkway ten cubits wide and a hundred cubits long. Their doors were on the north.
5 Torej zgornje sobe so bile krajše, kajti galerije so bile višje kakor te, kakor spodnje in kakor tiste, ki so bile v sredini zgradbe.
Now the upper chambers were smaller because the galleries took more space from the chambers on the lower and middle floors of the building.
6 Kajti bile so v treh nadstropjih, toda niso imele stebrov kakor stebri dvora, zato je bila zgradba ožja, bolj kakor nižje in srednje od tal.
For they were arranged in three stories, and unlike the courts, they had no pillars. So the upper chambers were set back further than the lower and middle floors.
7 Zid, ki je bil zunaj, nasproti sobam, proti skrajnemu dvoru, na sprednjem delu sob, njegova dolžina je bila petdeset komolcev.
An outer wall in front of the chambers was fifty cubits long and ran parallel to the chambers and the outer court.
8 Kajti dolžina sob, ki so bile na skrajnem dvoru, je bila petdeset komolcev, in glej, pred templjem je bilo sto komolcev.
For the chambers on the outer court were fifty cubits long, while those facing the temple were a hundred cubits long.
9 Izpod teh sob je bil vhod na vzhodni strani, kakor gre nekdo vanje od skrajnega dvora.
And below these chambers was the entrance on the east side as one enters them from the outer court.
10 Sobe so bile v debelini zidu dvora proti vzhodu, nasproti ločenemu kraju in nasproti zgradbi.
On the south side along the length of the wall of the outer court were chambers adjoining the courtyard and opposite the building,
11 Pot pred njimi je bila podobna videzu sob, ki so bile proti severu, tako dolga kakor one in tako široka kakor one, in vsi njihovi izhodi so bili tako glede na njihove oblike kakor glede na njihova vrata.
with a passageway in front of them, just like the chambers that were on the north. They had the same length and width, with similar exits and dimensions.
12 Glede na vrata sob, ki so bila proti jugu, so bila vrata na začetku poti, celó na poti neposredno pred zidom proti vzhodu, kakor nekdo vstopa vanje.
And corresponding to the doors of the chambers that were facing south, there was a door in front of the walkway that was parallel to the wall extending eastward.
13 Potem mi je rekel: »Severne sobe in južne sobe, ki so pred ločenim krajem, te so svete sobe, kjer bodo duhovniki, ki pristopajo h Gospodu, jedli najsvetejše stvari. Tam bodo polagali najsvetejše stvari in jedilno daritev in daritev za greh in daritev za prestopke; kajti kraj je svet.
Then the man said to me, “The north and south chambers facing the temple courtyard are the holy chambers where the priests who approach the LORD will eat the most holy offerings. There they will place the most holy offerings—the grain offerings, the sin offerings, and the guilt offerings—for the place is holy.
14 Ko duhovniki vstopijo vanj, potem ne bodo šli ven iz svetega kraja na skrajni dvor, temveč bodo tam odložili oblačila, v katerih so služili, kajti ta so sveta in nadeli si bodo druga oblačila in pristopili bodo k tistim stvarem, ki so za ljudstvo.«
Once the priests have entered the holy area, they must not go out into the outer court until they have left behind the garments in which they minister, for these are holy. They are to put on other clothes before they approach the places that are for the people.”
15 Torej ko je končal merjenje notranje hiše, me je privedel naprej proti velikim vratom, katerih pročelje je proti vzhodu in ga izmeril naokrog.
Now when the man had finished measuring the interior of the temple area, he led me out by the gate that faced east, and he measured the area all around:
16 Izmeril je vzhodno stran z merilno trstiko, petsto trstik, z merilno trstiko naokrog.
With a measuring rod he measured the east side to be five hundred cubits long.
17 Izmeril je severno stran, petsto trstik, z merilno trstiko naokrog.
He measured the north side to be five hundred cubits long.
18 Izmeril je južno stran, petsto trstik, z merilno trstiko.
He measured the south side to be five hundred cubits long.
19 Obrnil se je k zahodni strani in izmeril petsto trstik z merilno trstiko.
And he came around and measured the west side to be five hundred cubits long.
20 Izmeril jo je ob štirih straneh. Naokrog je imela obzidje, petsto trstik dolgo in petsto široko, da bi naredil oddvojitev med svetiščem in oskrunjenim krajem.
So he measured the area on all four sides. It had a wall all around, five hundred cubits long and five hundred cubits wide, to separate the holy from the common.

< Ezekiel 42 >