< Ezekiel 36 >
1 »Tudi ti, človeški sin, prerokuj Izraelovim goram in reci: ›Ve Izraelove gore, poslušajte Gospodovo besedo:
You human, prophesy about the mountains in Israel. Say to them, “You mountains in Israel, listen to what Yahweh says.
2 ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Ker je sovražnik rekel proti vam: ›Aha, celo starodavni visoki kraji so naša posest; ‹
This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Your enemies [happily] said about you, ‘Aha! The mountains in Israel that have existed for a long time have become ours!’”
3 zato prerokuj in reci: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Ker so vas naredili opustošene in vas požrli na vsaki strani, da bi lahko bile posest preostanku poganov in ste vzete na ustnice jezičnikov in ste razvpitost ljudstva.
Therefore prophesy about those mountains and say, “This is what Yahweh the Lord declares: [Armies of other nations] attacked you [DOU] from every direction, with the result that your land became abandoned, and people of other nations occupied you, and they spoke maliciously about you and slandered you.
4 Zato ve gore Izraelove, poslušajte besedo Gospoda Boga: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog goram in hribom, rekam in dolinam, pustim opustošenostim in mestom, ki so zapuščena, ki so postala plen in posmeh preostanku poganov, ki so naokoli; ‹
Therefore, you mountains in Israel, listen to this message from me. I, Yahweh the Lord, have something to say to the hills and mountains, to the ravines and valleys, to the deserted ruins and towns whose valuable possessions have been taken and their people ridiculed by the people of other nations around them. This is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare: I am very angry [DOU] with the people of Edom and other nations; they have forced you [Israeli people] to endure them insulting you.
5 zato tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Zagotovo sem govoril v ognju svoje ljubosumnosti zoper preostanek poganov in zoper ves Edóm, ki so mojo deželo določili v svojo posest z radostjo vsega svojega srca, s krutimi umi, da bi ga vrgli ven za plen.‹
6 Zato prerokuj glede dežele Izrael in reci goram in gričem, rekam in dolinam: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Glejte, govoril sem v svoji ljubosumnosti in v svoji razjarjenosti, ker ste nosili sramoto poganov.‹
7 Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Povzdignil sem svojo roko: ›Zagotovo bodo pogani, ki so okoli vas, nosili svojo sramoto.‹
Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: Lifting up my arm, I solemnly declare that the people of the nations that are around you will also endure being insulted.
8 Toda ve, oh Izraelove gore, boste pognale svoje mladike in obrodile svoj sad mojemu ljudstvu Izraelu; kajti pri roki so, da pridejo.
But [I say to] you mountains in Israel that huge crops of fruit will grow on your trees for my Israeli people, because they will soon return home [from Babylonia].
9 Kajti, glejte, jaz sem za vas in obrnil se bom k vam in ve boste preorane in posejane,
I (am concerned about/will take care of) you, and I will bless you. I will [enable farmers to] plow the ground and plant seed there.
10 in jaz bom pomnožil ljudi na vas, vso Izraelovo hišo, celó vse izmed njih, in mesta bodo naseljena in opustošenosti bodo pozidane,
I will cause the number of people who live on you mountains and everywhere else in Israel to greatly increase. People will live in the towns and rebuild [houses where there are now only] ruins.
11 in jaz bom na vas pomnožil človeka in žival; in narasli bodo in prinašali sad. In jaz vas bom naselil po vaših prejšnjih posestvih in vam bom storil boljše kakor ob vaših začetkih: in spoznale boste, da jaz sem Gospod.
I will cause the number of people and domestic animals to increase. People will have many children [IDM, DOU]. I will enable people to live there like they did previously, and I will enable them to prosper like they did before. Then you will know that it is I, Yahweh, [who have the power to do what I say that I will do].
12 Da, ljudem bom povzročil, da hodijo po vas, celó moje ljudstvo Izrael; in vzeli te bodo v last in boš njihova dediščina in odslej jih ne boš več oropala ljudi.‹
I will enable my Israeli people to walk through your mountains. They will own you; you will be their permanent possession. Never again will their children die.
13 Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Ker ti pravijo: ›Ti dežela, požiraš ljudi in si oropala svoje narode; ‹
This is also what I, Yahweh the Lord, say to you: People say that [only a small amount of food is produced on your mountains, and as a result the people of Israel] die from hunger.
14 zatorej ne boš več požirala ljudi niti ne boš več oropala svojih narodov, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
Therefore, I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that no longer will that happen.
15 ›Niti ne bom več povzročal ljudem, da v tebi slišijo sramoto poganov niti ne boš več nosila graje ljudstev niti ne boš več povzročala padca svojim narodom, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.‹«
No longer will the people of other nations ridicule you; no longer will they laugh at you; no longer will [the armies of] other nations conquer you. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have declared that it will happen.”
16 Poleg tega je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
17 »Človeški sin, ko je Izraelova hiša prebivala v svoji lastni deželi, so jo omadeževali s svojo lastno potjo in svojimi lastnimi početji. Njihova pot je bila pred menoj kakor nečistost odstranjene ženske.
“You human, when the Israeli people were living in their own land, they (defiled it/caused it to become unacceptable to me) by the things that they did. I considered that their behavior was [disgusting], like [SIM] the rags/cloths that women use during their monthly menstrual periods.
18 Zatorej sem nanje izlil svojo razjarjenost zaradi krvi, ki so jo prelili nad deželo in zaradi njihovih malikov, s katerimi so jo oskrunili
So I severely punished [MTY] them, because they had murdered [MTY] many people and because they had defiled the land by [worshiping] idols there.
19 in razgnal sem jih med pogane in razpršeni so bili med dežele; glede na njihovo pot in glede na njihova dejanja sem jih sodil.
I caused them to be scattered among many nations [DOU]. I punished [MTY] them like they deserved to be punished because of their very evil behavior [DOU].
20 In ko so vstopili k poganom, kamorkoli so odšli, so oskrunili moje sveto ime, ko so jim rekli: ›Ti so Gospodovo ljudstvo, pa so odšli ven iz njegove dežele.‹
And wherever they went among those nations, they caused my reputation [MTY] to be disgraced. What has happened is that the people in those countries said about the Israeli people, ‘They belong to Yahweh, but they were forced to leave the land that he [gave to them].’
21 Toda imel sem usmiljenje zaradi svojega svetega imena, ki ga je Izraelova hiša oskrunila med pogani, kamor so odšli.‹
But I was concerned about my reputation, which the people of Israel had disgraced among the nations to which they were forced to go.
22 Zato reci Izraelovi hiši: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: › Tega ne delam zaradi tebe, oh hiša Izraelova, temveč zaradi svojega svetega imena, ki ste ga oskrunili med pogani, kamor ste odšli.
Therefore, say to the Israeli people, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: You Israeli people, it is not for your sake that I am going to do these things. Instead, it is for the sake of my sacred reputation, which you have disgraced among the nations to which you were forced to go.
23 In jaz bom svoje veliko ime, ki je bilo oskrunjeno med pogani, ki ste ga oskrunili v njihovi sredi, posvetil; in pogani bodo spoznali, da jaz sem Gospod ‹, govori Gospod Bog, ›ko bom v vas posvečen, pred njihovimi očmi.
I will show that my reputation is sacred, a reputation which you have disgraced among the nations to which you were forced to go. And when I show the nations that I am holy, the people of those nations will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
24 Kajti jaz vas bom vzel izmed poganov in vas zbral iz vseh dežel in vas privedel v vašo lastno deželo.
What I will do is to bring you back from those nations. I will gather you from all the countries [to which you were forced to go], and bring you back to your own land.
25 Potem bom na vas poškropil čisto vodo in boste čisti. Pred vso vašo umazanostjo in pred vsemi vašimi maliki vas bom očistil.
[It will be as though] [MET] I will sprinkle clean water on you, and then you will be clean. I will cause you to be cleansed from everything that has defiled you, and I will cause you to stop worshiping idols.
26 Prav tako vam bom dal novo srce in novega duha bom položil znotraj vas in iz vašega mesa bom odvzel kamnito srce in vam dal meseno srce.
I will give you a completely new way of thinking [IDM]. I will enable you to stop being stubborn [IDM], and I will enable you to obey me from your inner beings [IDM].
27 Svojega duha bom položil znotraj vas in povzročim vam, da se boste ravnali po mojih zakonih in boste ohranjali moje sodbe in jih izvajali.
I will put my Spirit within you and enable you to carefully obey all my laws [DOU].
28 In prebivali boste v deželi, ki sem jo dal vašim očetom; in vi boste moje ljudstvo in jaz bom vaš Bog.
You will again live in the land that I gave to your ancestors. You will be my people, and I will be your God.
29 Prav tako vas bom rešil pred vašo nečistostjo, in jaz bom poklical žito in ga povečal, na vas pa ne bom položil nobene lakote.
I will free you from all your disgraceful behavior. I will cause your grain to be plentiful, and I will not send a famine to you again.
30 In pomnožil bom sad od drevesa in donos od polja, da ne boste več prejeli graje zaradi lakote med pogani.
I will cause your fruit trees to produce plenty of fruit and your ground to produce plenty of good crops, with the result that you will no longer be ridiculed by the people of other nations because of your not having enough food.
31 Potem se boste spomnili svojih lastnih zlih poti in svojih početij, ki niso bila dobra in gnusili se boste v svojih lastnih očeh zaradi svojih krivičnosti in zaradi svojih ogabnosti.
When that happens, you will think about your previous evil behavior and wicked deeds, and you will (be very displeased with/hate) yourselves for your sins and the detestable things that you did.
32 Tega ne storim zaradi vas, ‹ govori Gospod Bog, ›to naj vam bo znano: bodite osramočeni in zbegani zaradi svojih lastnih poti, oh hiša Izraelova.‹
But I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that I want you to know that it is not for your sake that I will do those things. You Israeli people ought to be ashamed of your behavior.
33 Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Na dan, ko vas bom očistil pred vsemi vašimi krivičnostmi, vam bom prav tako povzročil, da prebivate v mestih in opustošenosti bodo pozidane.
This is also what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: At the time that I forgive you for all the sins that you have committed, I will enable you to live in your towns again and to build houses where there are now only ruins.
34 In zapuščena dežela bo preorana, kakor ta leži zapuščena pred očmi vseh, ki so hodili mimo.
People who walk through your country will see that your land is again cultivated instead of (being desolate/having nothing growing in it).
35 In rekli bodo: ›Ta dežela, ki je bila zapuščena, je postala podobna edenskemu vrtu; in opustošena in zapuščena in porušena mesta so postala ograjena in naseljena.‹
They will say, “This land that was ruined has become [very fertile/productive] like [SIM] the garden of Eden! The cities that were piles of ruins, empty and destroyed, now have walls around them, and people live in those cities.”
36 Potem bodo pogani, ki so ostali okoli vas, vedeli, da sem jaz, Gospod, zgradil porušene kraje in zasadil to, kar je bilo zapuščeno. Jaz, Gospod, sem to govoril in jaz bom to storil.‹
When that happens, the people in the nations that are around you that still exist will know that it is I, Yahweh, who have enabled you to rebuild what was destroyed, and to again plant crops in the fields that had nothing growing in them. I, Yahweh, have said [that it will happen], and I will cause it to happen.
37 Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Vendar bom zaradi tega povpraševan od Izraelove hiše, da to storim zanje; povečal jih bom z možmi kakor trop.
This is also what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: Again I will heed what you Israeli people are pleading for me to do for you. I will cause your people to be as numerous as your sheep,
38 Kakor svet trop, kakor trop [prestolnice] Jeruzalem ob njenih slovesnih praznikih, tako bodo opustošena mesta napolnjena s tropi ljudi, in spoznali bodo, da jaz sem Gospod.‹«
as numerous as the flocks of sheep that will be needed for offerings in Jerusalem during your regular festivals. The cities that are now ruined will be filled with people, and then you will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’”