< Ezekiel 32 >

1 In pripetilo se je v dvanajstem letu, v dvanajstem mesecu, na prvi dan meseca, da je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
And it came about in the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, on the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 »Človeški sin, vzdigni žalostinko za faraonom, egiptovskim kraljem in mu reci: ›Podoben si mlademu levu izmed narodov in ti si kakor kit v morjih in prihajaš naprej s svojimi rekami in s svojimi stopali burkaš vode in usmrajuješ njihove reke.‹
Son of man, make a song of grief for Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and say to him, Young lion of the nations, destruction has come on you; and you were like a sea-beast in the seas, sending out bursts of water, troubling the waters with your feet, making their streams dirty.
3 Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Zato bom nad teboj razprostrl svojo mrežo s spremstvom mnogih ljudstev; in privedli te bodo gor v mojo mrežo.
This is what the Lord has said: My net will be stretched out over you, and I will take you up in my fishing-net.
4 Potem te bom pustil na deželi, vrgel te bom naprej na odprto polje in vsej perjadi neba bom povzročil, da ostanejo na tebi in s teboj bom nasitil živali celotne zemlje.
And I will let you be stretched on the land; I will send you out violently into the open field; I will let all the birds of heaven come to rest on you and will make the beasts of all the earth full of you.
5 In tvoje meso bom položil na gore in s tvojo višino napolnil doline.
And I will put your flesh on the mountains, and make the valleys full of your blood.
6 Tudi s tvojo krvjo bom namočil deželo, v kateri plavaš, celó do gora; in reke te bodo polne.
And the land will be watered with your blood, and the waterways will be full of you.
7 Ko te bom ugasnil, bom pokril nebo in zatemnil zvezde; sonce bom pokril z oblakom in luna ne bo dajala svoje svetlobe.
And when I put out your life, the heaven will be covered and its stars made dark; I will let the sun be covered with a cloud and the moon will not give her light.
8 Vse svetle luči neba nad teboj bom otemnil in postavil temo nad tvojo deželo, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
All the bright lights of heaven I will make dark over you, and put dark night on your land, says the Lord.
9 Prav tako bom dražil srca mnogih ljudi, ko bom med narode privedel tvoje uničenje, v dežele, ki jih nisi poznal.
And the hearts of numbers of peoples will be troubled, when I send your prisoners among the nations, into a country which is strange to you.
10 Da, naredil bom, da bodo mnoga ljudstva osupla nad teboj in njihovi kralji bodo strašno prestrašeni zaradi tebe, ko bom pred njimi vihtel svoj meč; in trepetali bodo ob vsakem trenutku, vsak človek za svoje lastno življenje, na dan tvojega padca.‹
And I will make a number of peoples overcome with wonder at you, and their kings will be full of fear because of you, when my sword is waved before them: they will be shaking every minute, every man fearing for his life, in the day of your fall.
11 Kajti tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Meč babilonskega kralja bo prišel nadte.
For this is what the Lord has said: The sword of the king of Babylon will come on you.
12 Z meči mogočnega bom tvoji množici povzročil, da pade, strašni izmed narodov, vsi izmed njih, in oplenili bodo pomp Egipta in vsa njegova množica bo uničena.
I will let the swords of the strong be the cause of the fall of your people; all of them men to be feared among the nations: and they will make waste the pride of Egypt, and all its people will come to destruction.
13 Prav tako bom uničil tudi vse njegove živali, ki so poleg velikih vodá. Niti jih ne bo več vznemirjalo človeško stopalo niti jih ne bodo vznemirjala kopita živine.
And I will put an end to all her beasts which are by the great waters, and they will never again be troubled by the foot of man or by the feet of beasts.
14 Potem bom njihove vode naredil globoke in njihovim rekam povzročil, da tečejo kakor olje, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
Then I will make their waters clear and their rivers will be flowing like oil, says the Lord.
15 ›Ko bom egiptovsko deželo naredil zapuščeno in bo dežela oropana tega, česar je bila polna, ko bom udaril vse tiste, ki prebivajo tam, takrat bodo vedeli, da jaz sem Gospod.
When I make Egypt an unpeopled waste, cutting off from the land all the things in it; when I send punishment on all those living in it, then it will be clear to them that I am the Lord.
16 To je žalostinka, s katero ga bodo objokovali. Hčere narodov ga bodo objokovale. Žalovali bodo za njim, celó za Egiptom in za vso njegovo množico, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.‹«
It is a song of grief, and people will give voice to it, the daughters of the nations will give voice to it, even for Egypt and all her people, says the Lord.
17 In prav tako se je pripetilo v dvanajstem letu, na petnajsti dan meseca, da je k meni prišla Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
And in the twelfth year, on the fifteenth day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
18 »Človeški sin, tarnaj za egiptovsko množico in vrzi jo dol, celó njo in hčere slavnih narodov, v spodnje dele zemlje, s tistimi, ki gredo dol v jamo.
Son of man, let your voice be loud in sorrow for the people of Egypt and send them down, even you and the daughters of the nations; I will send them down into the lowest parts of the earth, with those who go down into the underworld.
19 Koga prekašaš v lepoti? Pojdi dol in bodi položen z neobrezanimi.
Are you more beautiful than any? go down, and take your rest among those without circumcision,
20 Padli bodo v sredo tistih, ki so umorjeni z mečem. Izročen je meču. Potegni njega in vse njegove množice.
Among those who have been put to the sword: they will give a resting-place with them to all their people.
21 Močni izmed mogočnih mu bodo govorili iz srede pekla s tistimi, ki mu pomagajo. Odšli so dol, ležijo neobrezani, umorjeni z mečem. (Sheol h7585)
The strong among the great ones will say to him from the underworld, Are you more beautiful than any? go down, you and your helpers, and take your rest among those without circumcision, and those who have been put to the sword. (Sheol h7585)
22 Tam je Asúr in vse njegovo spremstvo. Njegovi grobovi so okoli njega, vsi izmed njih umorjeni, padli pod mečem,
There is Asshur and all her army, round about her last resting-place: all of them put to death by the sword:
23 katerih grobovi so postavljeni ob straneh jame in njegovo spremstvo je naokoli njegovega groba; vsi izmed njih umorjeni, padli pod mečem, ki so povzročili strahoto v deželi živih.
Whose resting-places are in the inmost parts of the underworld, who were a cause of fear in the land of the living.
24 Tam je Elám in vsa njegova množica naokoli njegovega groba, vsi izmed njih umorjeni, padli pod mečem, ki so neobrezani odšli dol, v spodnje dele zemlje, ki so povzročili njihovo strahoto v deželi živih; vendar so nosili svojo sramoto s tistimi, ki gredo dol v jamo.
There is Elam and all her people, round about her last resting-place: all of them put to death by the sword, who have gone down without circumcision into the lowest parts of the earth, who were a cause of fear in the land of the living, and are put to shame with those who go down to the underworld:
25 Pripravili so mu posteljo v sredi umorjenih, z vso njegovo množico. Njegovi grobovi so okoli njega; vsi izmed njih neobrezani, umorjeni z mečem. Čeprav je bila njihova strahota storjena v deželi živih, so vendar nosili svojo sramoto s tistimi, ki gredo dol v jamo. Položen je v sredo tistih, ki so umorjeni.
They have made a bed for her among the dead, and all her people are round about her resting-place: all of them without circumcision, put to death with the sword; for they were a cause of fear in the land of the living, and are put to shame with those who go down to the underworld: they have been given a place among those who have been put to the sword.
26 Tam je Mešeh, Tubál in vsa njegova množica. Njegovi grobovi so okoli njega; vsi izmed njih neobrezani, umorjeni z mečem, četudi so svojo strahoto povzročali v deželi živih.
There is Meshech, Tubal, and all her people, round about her last resting-place: all of them without circumcision, put to death by the sword; for they were a cause of fear in the land of the living.
27 Ne bodo ležali z mogočnimi, ki so padli od neobrezancev, ki so odšli dol k peklu z njihovimi bojnimi orožji. Njihove meče so položili pod njihove glave, toda njihove krivičnosti bodo na njihovih kosteh, čeprav so bili strahota mogočnih v deželi živih. (Sheol h7585)
And they have been put to rest with the fighting men who came to their end in days long past, who went down to the underworld with their instruments of war, placing their swords under their heads, and their body-covers are over their bones; for their strength was a cause of fear in the land of the living. (Sheol h7585)
28 Da, zlomljen boš v sredi neobrezancev in ležal boš s tistimi, ki so umorjeni z mečem.
But you will have your bed among those without circumcision, and will be put to rest with those who have been put to death with the sword.
29 Tam je Edóm, njegovi kralji in vsi njegovi princi, ki so s svojo močjo položeni od tistih, ki so bili umorjeni z mečem. Ležali bodo z neobrezanimi in s tistimi, ki gredo dol v jamo.
There is Edom, her kings and all her princes, who have been given a resting-place with those who were put to the sword: they will be resting among those without circumcision, even with those who go down to the underworld.
30 Tam bodo princi iz severa, vsi izmed njih in vsi Sidónci, ki so odšli dol z umorjenimi; s svojo strahoto se sramujejo svoje moči; in ležijo neobrezani, s tistimi, ki so umorjeni z mečem in svojo sramoto nosijo s tistimi, ki gredo dol v jamo.
There are the chiefs of the north, all of them, and all the Zidonians, who have gone down with those who have been put to the sword: they are shamed on account of all the fear caused by their strength; they are resting there without circumcision, among those who have been put to the sword, and are put to shame with those who go down to the underworld.
31 Faraon jih bo videl in potolažen bo nad vso svojo množico, celó faraon in vsa njegova vojska, umorjena z mečem, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
Pharaoh will see them and be comforted on account of all his people: even Pharaoh and all his army, put to death by the sword, says the Lord.
32 ›Kajti povzročil sem svojo strahoto v deželi živih in položen bo v sredo neobrezancev, s tistimi, ki so umorjeni z mečem, celó faraon in vsa njegova množica, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.‹«
For he put his fear in the land of the living: and he will be put to rest among those without circumcision, with those who have been put to death with the sword, even Pharaoh and all his people, says the Lord.

< Ezekiel 32 >