< Ezekiel 30 >

1 Beseda Gospodova je ponovno prišla k meni, rekoč:
And the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying:
2 »Človeški sin, prerokuj in reci: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Tulite: ›Dan, vreden gorja!‹‹
Son of man Prophesy. and thou shalt say, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, — Howl ye. Alas for the day!
3 Kajti dan je blizu, celo Gospodov dan je blizu, oblačen dan; to bo čas poganov.
For near, is a day, Yea near, is a day pertaining to Yahweh, A day of cloud, A time of nations, shall it be!
4 Meč bo prišel nad Egipt in velika bolečina bo v Etiopiji, ko bodo umorjeni padli v Egiptu in bodo proč odpeljali njegovo množico in njegovi temelji bodo zrušeni.
Then shall come a sword into Egypt, And there shall be a pang in Ethiopia When the deadly wounded one falleth in Egypt, - And they take away her multitude, and, her foundations, are broken down.
5 Etiopija, Libija in Ludéja in vsa pomešana ljudstva in Kub in možje dežele, ki je v zavezi, bodo z njimi padli pod mečem.‹
Ethiopia and Libya and Lydia, and all the mixed multitude and Cub, and the sons of the land of the covenant with them—by the sword, shall they fall.
6 Tako govori Gospod: ›Tudi tisti, ki podpirajo Egipt, bodo padli; in ponos njegove oblasti se bo zrušil. Od siénskega stolpa bodo v njem padli pod mečem, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
Thus saith Yahweh, Then shall fall the supporters of Egypt, Then shall come down the pride of her strength, —From Migdol to Seweneh, by the sword shall they fall therein, Declareth My Lord, Yahweh.
7 ›In opustošeni bodo v sredi dežel, ki so opustošene in njegova mesta bodo v sredi mest, ki so opustošena.
So shall they be made desolate in the midst of lands that are desolate, - And: his cities—in the midst of cities that are laid waste, shall be found.
8 In spoznali bodo, da jaz sem Gospod, ko sem dal ogenj v Egipt in ko bodo vsi njegovi pomočniki uničeni.
So shall they know that, I am Yahweh, - By my setting a fire in Egypt, When all her helpers shall be broken.
9 Na tisti dan bodo poslanci šli pred menoj na ladjah, da prestrašijo brezskrbne Etiopijce in velika bolečina bo prišla nadnje kakor na dan Egipta, kajti, glej, ta prihaja.‹
In that day, shall messengers go forth from before me making haste, to cause dread unto Ethiopia so confident, - And a pang shall be upon them in the day of Egypt, For lo! it cometh.
10 Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Tudi egiptovski množici bom storil, da odneha po roki babilonskega kralja Nebukadnezarja.
Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, — Therefore will I cause to cease the multitude of Egypt, by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon:
11 On in njegovo ljudstvo z njim, strašni izmed narodov, bodo privedeni, da uničijo deželo in svoje meče bodo izvlekli zoper Egipt in deželo napolnili z umorjenimi.
He, and his people with him the terrible ones of the nations are about to be brought in to destroy the land, - Therefore shall they unsheathe their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain;
12 Posušil bom reke in deželo prodal v roko zlobnega, in deželo in vse, kar je v njej, bom naredil opustošenje po roki tujcev. Jaz, Gospod sem to govoril.‹
And I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of wicked one.—and make the land desolate with the fulness thereof, by the hand of foreigners, I, Yahweh! have spoken.
13 Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Prav tako bom uničil malike in njihovim podobam bom povzročil, da bodo izginile iz Nofa; in tam ne bo nič več princa iz egiptovske dežele, in na egiptovsko deželo bom položil strah.
Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Therefore will I destroy the manufactured gods and Cause to cease the worthless goals, out of Noph, And prince out of the land of Egypt, shall none arise any more, - And I will cause fear in the land of Egypt.
14 Patrós bom naredil zapuščen in prižgal bom ogenj na Coanu in izvršil bom sodbe v Noju.
Then will I bring desolation upon Pathros, and Set a fire in Zoan, and Execute judgments upon No: and
15 In svojo razjarjenost bom izlil nad Sin, moč Egipta; in iztrebil bom množico iz Noja.
Pour out mine indignation upon Sin the stronghold of Egypt, and Will cut off the multitude of No.
16 Zanetil bom ogenj v Egiptu. Sin bo imel veliko bolečino in No bo raztrgan in Nof bo imel dnevne tegobe.
So will I set a fire in Egypt, Sore anguish shall take Sin. And, No, shall be for rending asunder, And Noph, be in straits every day,
17 Mladeniči iz Avena in iz Pi Beseta bodo padli pod mečem, in ta mesta bodo šla v ujetništvo.
The young men of Aven and Pi-beseth, by the sword, shall fall; And lo! into captivity, shall they themselves wend their way.
18 Tudi v Tahpanhésu bo dan otemnel, ko bom tam zlomil egiptovske jarme, in pomp njegove moči bo prenehal v njem. Kar se tiče njega, oblak ga bo pokril in njegove hčere bodo šle v ujetništvo.
And in Tehaphnehes, hath the day become dark, Because I have broken, there the yoke-bars of Egypt, And there shall be made to cease therein the pride of her strength, — She, a cloud, shall cover her! And her daughters into captivity, shall wend their way.
19 Tako bom izvršil sodbe v Egiptu, in spoznali bodo, da jaz sem Gospod.‹«
Thus will I execute judgments on Egypt; And they shall know that, I, am Yahweh.
20 In pripetilo se je v enajstem letu, v prvem mesecu, na sedmi dan meseca, da je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
And it came to pass in the eleventh year in the first month on the seventh of the month, that the word of Yahweh came unto me saying:
21 »Človeški sin zlomil sem laket faraonu, egiptovskemu kralju; in glej, ta ne bo obvezan, da bi bil ozdravljen, da položi povoj, da ga poveže, da ga naredi močnega za držanje meča.
Son of man, The arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt, have I broken, - And lo! it hath not been bound up-To apply healing remedies To put on a bandage for binding it up. To make it strong to grasp the sword.
22 Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Glej jaz sem zoper faraona, egiptovskega kralja in zlomil bom njegova lakta, zdravega in tistega, ki je bil zlomljen; in storil bom, da iz njegove roke pade meč.
Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh-Behold me! against Pharaoh king of Egypt, Therefore will I break his arms, That which is strong, and That which is broken, - So will I cause the sword to fall out of his hand.
23 Egipčane bom razkropil med narode in jih razpodil po deželah.
And I will disperse the Egyptians among the nations, — And scatter them throughout the lands;
24 Okrepil pa bom lakte babilonskega kralja in v njegovo roko položim svoj meč. Toda faraonova lakta bom zlomil in pred njim bo stokal s stokanjem smrtno ranjenega moža.
And will uphold the arms of the king of Babylon, And put my sword into his hand, - And will break the arms of Pharaoh, And he shall utter the groans of one thrust through, before him.
25 Toda okrepil bom lakta babilonskega kralja, faraonova lakta pa bosta upadla in spoznali bodo, da jaz sem Gospod, ko bom svoj meč položil v roko babilonskega kralja in iztegnil ga bo nad egiptovsko deželo.
Yea I will uphold the arms of the king of Babylon, But the arms of Pharaoh shall fall, And they shall know that I am Yahweh By my putting my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, And he shall stretch it out against the land of Egypt.
26 In Egipčane bom razkropil med narode in jih razpodil med dežele; in spoznali bodo, da jaz sem Gospod.‹«
So will I disperse the Egyptians among the nations, And scatter them throughout the lands, And they shall know that, I, am Yahweh.

< Ezekiel 30 >