< Ezekiel 16 >
1 Ponovno je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 »Človeški sin, povzroči [prestolnici] Jeruzalem, da spozna svoje ogabnosti
“Son of man, inform Jerusalem about her abominations,
3 in reci: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog [prestolnici] Jeruzalem: ›Tvoj rod in tvoje rojstvo je iz kánaanske dežele; tvoj oče je bil Amoréjec, tvoja mati pa Hetejka.
and declare, 'The Lord Yahweh says this to Jerusalem: Your beginning and your birth took place in the land of Canaan; your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite.
4 Glede tvojega rojstva, na dan, ko si bila rojena, tvoj popek ni bil odrezan niti nisi bila umita v vodi, da ti omehča [kožo]; sploh nisi bila odrgnjena s soljo niti povita.
On the day of your birth, your mother did not cut your navel, nor did she purify you in water or rub you down with salt, or wrap cloth around you.
5 Niti se te nobeno oko ni usmililo, da bi ti storilo karkoli od tega, da bi imelo do tebe sočutje; temveč si bila vržena na odprto polje, do gnusenja glede tvoje osebe, na dan, ko si bila rojena.
No eye had compassion for you to do any of these things for you, to be compassionate toward you. On the day that you were born, with loathing for your life, you were thrown out into the open field.
6 In ko sem šel mimo tebe in te videl oskrunjeno v svoji krvi, sem ti rekel, ko si bila v svoji krvi: ›Živi; ‹ da, rekel sem ti, ko si bila v svoji krvi: ›Živi.‹
But I passed by you, and I saw you writhing in your own blood; so I said to you in your blood, “Live!” I said to you in your blood, “Live!”
7 Dal sem ti, da si se namnožila kakor brstje polja in povečala si se in postala velika in prišla k odličnim ornamentom. Tvoje prsi so se oblikovale in tvoji lasje so zrasli, medtem ko si bila naga in gola.
I made you grow like a plant in a field. You multiplied and became great, and you became the jewel of jewels. Your breasts became firm, and your hair grew thick, though you had been naked and bare.
8 Torej, ko sem šel mimo tebe in pogledal nate, glej, tvoj čas je bil čas ljubezni. Razširil sem krajec svojega oblačila nad teboj in pokril tvojo nagoto. Da, prisegel sem ti in vstopil v zavezo s teboj, ‹ govori Gospod Bog ›in postala si moja.
I passed by you again, and I saw you. See! the time of love came for you, so I spread my robe over you and covered your nakedness. Then I swore to you and brought you into a covenant—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—and you became mine.
9 Potem sem te umil z vodo; da, temeljito sem izmil tvojo kri iz tebe in te mazilil z oljem.
So I washed you with water and rinsed your blood off you, and I anointed you with oil.
10 Oblekel sem te tudi z izvezenim delom in ti obul jazbečevo kožo in te naokoli opasal s tankim lanenim platnom in te ogrnil s svilo.
I dressed you in embroidered clothes and placed leather sandals on your feet. I wrapped you with fine linen and covered you with silk.
11 Odel sem te tudi z ornamenti in na tvoje roke sem nataknil zapestnice in verižico na tvoj vrat.
Next I adorned you with jewelry, and I put bracelets on your hands, and a chain around your neck.
12 Položil sem dragulj na tvoje čelo in uhane v tvoja ušesa in krasno krono na tvojo glavo.
I put a nose ring in your nostrils and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head.
13 Tako si bila odeta z zlatom in srebrom, in tvoje oblačilo je bilo iz tankega lanenega platna, svile in izvezenega dela. Jedla si fino moko, med in olje. Bila si silno krasna in uspevala si v kraljestvu.
So you were adorned with gold and silver, and you were dressed in fine linen, silk, and embroidered clothes; you ate fine flour, honey, and oil, and you were very beautiful, and you became a queen.
14 Tvoj ugled je zaradi tvoje lepote odšel naprej med pogane, kajti ta je bila popolna zaradi moje ljubkosti, ki sem jo položil nadte, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
Your fame went out among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect in the majesty that I had given to you—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
15 ›Toda zaupala si v svojo lastno lepoto in igrala pocestnico zaradi svojega ugleda in svoje prešuštvovanje si izlila na vsakega, ki je šel mimo; njegovo je bilo.
But you trusted in your own beauty, and you acted like a prostitute because of your fame; you poured out your acts of prostitution on everyone who passed by, so that your beauty became his.
16 Vzela si od svojih oblek in svoje visoke kraje si odela s številnimi barvami in na njih igrala pocestnico. Podobne stvari ne bodo prišle niti to ne bo tako.
Then you took your clothes and with them you made high places for yourself decorated in various colors, and there you acted like a prostitute. This should not have happened. Nor should such a thing exist.
17 Vzela si tudi svoje lepe dragocenosti od mojega zlata in od mojega srebra, ki sem ti jih dal in si si naredila moške podobe in z njimi zagrešila vlačugarstvo
You took the fine jewels of the gold and silver that I gave you, and you made for yourself male figures, and you did with them as a prostitute would do.
18 in jemala si svoje izvezene obleke in jih pokrivala in prednje si postavljala moje olje in moje kadilo.
You took your embroidered garments and covered them, and you set my oils and perfumes before them.
19 Tudi moja hrana, ki sem ti jo dal, fina moka, olje in med, s katero sem te hranil, celo to si postavljala prednje v prijeten vonj. In tako je to bilo, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
My bread I gave you—made with fine flour, oil, and honey—you set before them for a fragrant aroma, for this is what happened—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
20 ›Poleg tega si jemala svoje sinove in svoje hčere, ki si mi jih rodila in te si jim žrtvovala, da bi bili požrti. Je to izmed tvojih vlačugarstev majhna zadeva,
Then you took your sons and daughters whom you bore for me, and you sacrificed them to the images to be devoured as food. Are your acts of prostitution a small matter?
21 da si morila moje otroke in jim jih izročala, da gredo zanje skozi ogenj?
You slaughtered my children to the idols and made them pass through the fire.
22 In v vseh svojih ogabnostih in svojih vlačugarstvih se nisi spomnila dni svoje mladosti, ko si bila naga in gola in si bila oskrunjena v svoji krvi.‹
In all your abominations and your acts of prostitution you have not thought about the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare as you thrashed about in your blood.
23 In pripetilo se je po vseh tvojih zlobnostih (gorje, gorje tebi!‹ govori Gospod Bog ),
Woe! Woe to you!—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—therefore, in addition to all this wickedness,
24 da si si zgradila tudi eminenten kraj in si si naredila visok kraj na vsaki ulici.
you built yourself a vaulted chamber in every public place.
25 Visok kraj si si zgradila na vsakem začetku poti in storila si, da je bila tvoja lepota prezirana in svoja stopala si razprla vsakemu, ki je šel mimo in pomnožila si svoja vlačugarstva.
You built your high place at the head of every road and made your beauty a disgrace, and you spread your legs to anyone who passed by, and you multiplied your acts of prostitution.
26 Prav tako si zagrešila prešuštvovanje z Egipčani, svojimi sosedi velikega uda in svoja vlačugarstva si povečala, da bi me dražila do jeze.
You have acted like a prostitute with the Egyptians, your lustful neighbors, and you committed many more acts of prostitution, provoking me to anger.
27 Glej, zato sem nad teboj iztegnil svojo roko in zmanjšal tvojo vsakdanjo hrano in te izročil volji tistih, ki te sovražijo, hčeram Filistejcev, ki se sramujejo tvojih nespodobnih poti.
See! I will strike you with my hand and cut off your food. I will hand your life over to your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of your obscene behavior.
28 Vlačugo si igrala tudi z Asirci, ker si bila nenasitna; da, z njimi si igrala pocestnico, pa vendar nisi mogla biti potešena.
You have acted like a prostitute with the Assyrians because you could not be satisfied. You acted like a prostitute and still were not satisfied.
29 Poleg tega si pomnožila svoje prešuštvovanje v kánaanski deželi do Kaldeje; in vendar nisi bila potešena s tem.
You performed many more acts of prostitution in the land of the merchants of Chaldea, and even this did not satisfy you.
30 Kako šibko je tvoje srce, ‹ govori Gospod Bog, ›glede na to, da počneš vse te stvari, delo gospodovalne vlačugarske ženske;
How sick is your heart—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—that you would do all these things, deeds of a shameless prostitute?
31 v tem, da si gradiš svoje eminentne kraje na začetku vsake poti in si delaš svoje visoke kraje na vsaki ulici; in nisi bila kot pocestnica, v tem, da preziraš plačilo,
You have built your high places at the head of every street and made your vaulted chamber in every public place. Yet you were not like a prostitute because you refused to take payment.
32 temveč kakor žena, ki zagreši zakonolomstvo, ki jemlje tujce namesto svojega soproga!
You adulterous woman, you accept strangers instead of your husband.
33 Oni dajejo darila vsem vlačugam, toda ti daješ svoja darila vsem svojim ljubimcem in jih najemaš, da lahko pridejo k tebi na vsaki strani zaradi tvojega vlačugarstva.
People give payment to every prostitute, but you give your wages to all your lovers and bribe them to come to you from all around for your acts of prostitution.
34 In v tvojem vlačugarstvu je v tebi nasprotje od drugih žensk, da zagrešiš vlačugarstva, medtem ko ti nihče ne sledi, in pri tem ti daješ nagrado, tebi pa ni dana nobena nagrada, zato si nasprotje.‹
So there is a difference between you and those other women, since no one goes to you to ask you to sleep with them. Instead, you pay them. No one pays you.
35 Zatorej, oh pocestnica, poslušaj besedo od Gospoda:
Therefore, you prostitute, listen to the word of Yahweh.
36 ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Ker je bila tvoja umazanost izlita in tvoja nagota odkrita zaradi tvojega vlačugarstva s tvojimi ljubimci in z vsemi maliki tvojih ogabnosti in s krvjo tvojih otrok, ki si jim jih dala;
The Lord Yahweh says this: Because you have poured out your lust and uncovered your nakedness through your acts of prostitution with your lovers and with all your detestable idols, and because you gave them your children's blood,
37 glej, zato bom zbral vse tvoje ljubimce, s katerimi si uživala in vse tiste, ki si jih ljubila, z vsemi tistimi, ki si jih sovražila; jaz jih bom celo zbral naokoli tebe zoper tebe in jim odkril tvojo nagoto, da bodo lahko videli vso tvojo nagoto.
therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers that you have met, all those whom you loved and all those whom you hated, and I will gather them against you on every side. I will uncover your nakedness to them so they see all your nakedness.
38 Sodil te bom, kakor so sojene ženske, ki prelomijo zakonsko zvezo in prelijejo kri; in dal ti bom kri v razjarjenosti in ljubosumnosti.
For I will punish you for adultery and the shedding of blood, and I will bring on you the bloodshed of my anger and passion.
39 Prav tako te bom izročil v njihovo roko in zrušili bodo tvoj eminenten kraj in zlomili tvoje visoke kraje. Slekli te bodo tudi iz tvojih oblačil in vzeli tvoje lepe dragocenosti in te pustili nago in golo.
I will give you into their hands so they will throw down your vaulted chamber and break down your high places and they will strip you of your clothes and take all of your jewelry. They will leave you naked and bare.
40 Prav tako bodo zoper tebe privedli skupino in te bodo kamnali s kamni in te prebodli s svojimi meči.
Then they will bring up a crowd against you and stone you with stones, and they will cut you apart with their swords.
41 Tvoje hiše bodo požgali z ognjem in izvršili sodbe nad teboj v očeh mnogih žensk. Povzročil ti bom, da prenehaš z igranjem pocestnice in tudi nobenega plačila ne boš več dajala.
They will burn your houses and will perform many acts of punishment on you in the sight of many women, for I will put a stop to your prostitution, and you will no longer pay your lovers.
42 Tako bom svoji razjarjenosti zoper tebe naredil, da počiva in moja ljubosumnost bo odšla od tebe in bom miren in ne bom več jezen.
Then I will calm my fury against you; my anger will leave you, for I will be satisfied, and will no longer be angry.
43 Ker se nisi spomnila dni svoje mladosti, temveč si me razburjala v vseh teh stvareh; glej, zato bom tudi jaz poplačal tvojo pot na tvoji glavi, ‹ govori Gospod Bog: ›in ne boš zagrešila te nespodobnosti nad vsemi svojimi ogabnostmi.
Because you did not call to mind the days of your youth and have made me shake with anger because of all these things, therefore, behold! I myself will bring down on your own head the punishment for what you have done—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration. Have you not added prostitution to all your other detestable practices?
44 Glej, vsak, kdor uporablja pregovore, bo ta pregovor uporabil zoper tebe, govoreč: ›Kakršna je mati, takšna je njena hči.‹
Behold! Everyone who speaks proverbs concerning you will say, “As the mother is, so also is her daughter.”
45 Ti si hči svoje matere, ki prezira svojega soproga in svoje otroke; in ti si sestra svojih sestrá, ki so prezirale svoje soproge in svoje otroke. Tvoja mati je bila Hetejka in tvoj oče Amoréjec.
You are the daughter of your mother, who detested her husband and her children, and you are the sister of your sisters who detested their husbands and their children. Your mother was a Hittite, and your father was an Amorite.
46 Tvoja starejša sestra je Samarija, ona in njene hčere, ki prebivajo na tvoji levici. Tvoja mlajša sestra, ki prebiva pri tvoji desnici, je Sódoma in njene hčere.
Your older sister was Samaria and her daughters were the ones living in the north, while your younger sister was the one living south of you, that is, Sodom and her daughters.
47 Vendar nisi hodila po njihovih poteh niti storila po njihovih ogabnostih. Temveč kot bi bila to malenkost, si bila bolj izprijena kakor one na vseh svojih poteh.
You not only walked in their ways and copied their behavior and practices, but in all your ways you have been worse than they were.
48 Kakor jaz živim, ‹ govori Gospod Bog, ›niti tvoja sestra Sódoma niti njene hčere niso počele, kakor si storila ti in tvoje hčere.
As I live—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—your sister Sodom and her daughters, have not done as much evil as you and your daughters have done.
49 Glej, to je bila krivičnost tvoje sestre Sódome, ponos, polnost kruha, obilje brezdelja v njej in v njenih hčerah niti ni krepila roke ubogega in pomoči potrebnega.
Behold! This was the sin of your sister Sodom that she was arrogant in her leisure, careless and unconcerned about anything. She did not strengthen the hands of the poor and needy people.
50 Bile so ošabne in zagrešile ogabnost pred menoj, zato sem jih vzel proč, kakor se mi je videlo dobro.
She was arrogant and committed disgusting actions before me, so I took them away just as you have seen.
51 Niti ni Samarija zagrešila polovice tvojih grehov, temveč si pomnožila svoje ogabnosti bolj kakor oni [dve] in opravičila si svoji sestri v vseh svojih ogabnostih, ki si jih storila.
Neither did Samaria commit even half of your sins; instead, you have done many more disgusting things than they did, and you have shown that your sisters were better than you because of all the disgusting things that you do!
52 Tudi ti, ki si sodila svoji sestri, nosi svojo lastno sramoto za svoje grehe, ki si jih zagrešila bolj gnusno kakor oni [dve]. Oni sta pravičnejši kakor ti. Da, tudi ti bodi zbegana in nosi svojo sramoto v tem, da si opravičila svoji sestri.
Especially you, show your own shame; in this way you have shown that your sisters were better than you, because of the sins you committed in all those disgusting ways. Your sisters now seem better than you. Especially you, show your own shame, for in this way you have shown that your sisters were better than you.
53 Ko bom ponovno privedel njihovo ujetništvo, ujetništvo Sódome in njenih hčera in ujetništvo Samarije in njenih hčera, takrat bom ponovno privedel ujetništvo tvojih ujetnikov v njihovi sredi,
For I will restore their fortunes—the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters, and the fortunes of Samaria and her daughters; but your fortunes will be among them.
54 da boš lahko nosila svojo lastno sramoto in boš lahko zbegana v vsem, kar si storila, v tem, da si jima tolažba.
On account of these things you will show your shame; you will be humiliated because of everything that you have done, and in this way you will be a comfort to them.
55 Ko se bodo tvoje sestre, Sódoma in njene hčere, vrnile k svojemu prejšnjemu stanju in se bodo Samarija in njene hčere vrnile k svojemu prejšnjemu stanju, takrat se boste ti in tvoje hčere vrnile k svojemu prejšnjemu stanju.
So your sister Sodom and her daughters will be restored to their former condition, and Samaria and her daughters will be restored to their former estate. Then you and your daughters will be restored to your former condition.
56 Kajti tvoja sestra Sódoma ni bila omenjena s tvojimi usti na dan tvojega ponosa,
Sodom your sister was not even mentioned by your mouth in the days when you were proud,
57 preden je bila odkrita tvoja zlobnost, kakor ob času, ko so te grajale sirske hčere in vsi tisti, ki so okrog nje, hčere Filistejcev, ki te prezirajo vsenaokrog.
before your wickedness was revealed. But now you are an object of scorn to the daughters of Edom and to all the daughters of the Philistines around her. People all about despise you.
58 Nosila si svojo nespodobnost in svoje ogabnosti, ‹ govori Gospod.
You will show your shame and your disgusting actions!—this is Yahweh's declaration!
59 Kajti tako govori Gospod Bog: ›S teboj bom postopal celo kakor si ti storila, ki si prezirala prisego v prelamljanju zaveze.
The Lord Yahweh says this: I will deal with you as you deserve, you who have despised your oath by breaking the covenant.
60 Kljub temu se bom spomnil svoje zaveze s teboj v dneh tvoje mladosti in osnoval ti bom večno zavezo.
But I myself will call to mind my covenant with you made in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you.
61 Potem se boš spomnila svojih poti in boš osramočena, ko boš sprejela svoje sestre, svoje starejše in svoje mlajše, in dal ti jih bom za hčere, toda ne s tvojo zavezo.
Then you will call to mind your ways and be ashamed when you receive your older sisters and your younger sisters. I will give them to you as daughters, but not because of your covenant.
62 S teboj bom utrdil svojo zavezo in vedela boš, da jaz sem Gospod,
I myself will establish my covenant with you, and you will know that I am Yahweh.
63 da se lahko spomniš in boš zbegana in zaradi svoje sramote nikoli več ne boš odprla svojih ust, ko bom pomirjen proti tebi za vse, kar si storila, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.‹«
Because of these things, you will call everything to mind and be ashamed, so you will no longer open your mouth to speak because of your shame, when I have forgiven you for all that you have done—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.'”