< Ezekiel 12 >
1 Prav tako je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
2 »Človeški sin, prebivaš v sredi uporne hiše, ki imajo oči, da vidijo, pa ne vidijo; imajo ušesa, da slišijo, pa ne slišijo, kajti uporna hiša so.
“Son of man, you are living in a rebellious house. They have eyes to see but do not see, and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious house.
3 Zato, človeški sin, si pripravi stvari za selitev in se preseli podnevi, v njihovem pogledu; in preselil se boš iz svojega kraja na drug kraj, v njihovem pogledu. Morda bodo to preudarili, kajti uporna hiša so.
Therefore, son of man, pack your bags for exile. In broad daylight, set out from your place and go to another as they watch. Perhaps they will understand, though they are a rebellious house.
4 Potem boš podnevi prinesel svoje stvari, v njihovem pogledu, kakor stvari za selitev, in zvečer boš šel naprej, v njihovem pogledu, kakor tisti, ki gredo naprej v ujetništvo.
Bring out your baggage for exile by day, as they watch. Then in the evening, as they watch, go out like those who go into exile.
5 Prekoplji se skozi steno, v njihovem pogledu in tam odnesi ven.
As they watch, dig through the wall and carry your belongings out through it.
6 V njihovem pogledu boš to nosil na svojih ramenih in to boš prenašal naprej v mraku. Pokril si boš svoj obraz, da ne vidiš tal, kajti postavil sem te za znamenje Izraelovi hiši.«
And as they watch, lift your bags to your shoulder and take them out at dusk; cover your face so that you cannot see the land. For I have made you a sign to the house of Israel.”
7 In storil sem tako, kakor mi je bilo zapovedano. Podnevi sem prinesel svoje stvari, kakor stvari za v ujetništvo, zvečer pa sem se s svojo roko prekopál skozi zid; to sem prinesel naprej v mraku in to sem nosil na svojem ramenu, v njihovem pogledu.
So I did as I was commanded. I brought out my bags for exile by day, and in the evening I dug through the wall by hand. I took my belongings out at dusk, carrying them on my shoulder as they watched.
8 In zjutraj mi je prišla beseda od Gospoda, rekoč:
And in the morning the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
9 »Človeški sin, ali ti ni Izraelova hiša, uporna hiša, rekla: ›Kaj delaš?‹
“Son of man, hasn’t the rebellious house of Israel asked you, ‘What are you doing?’
10 Povej jim: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›To breme zadeva princa v [prestolnici] Jeruzalem in vso Izraelovo hišo, ki so med njimi.‹
Tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘This burden concerns the prince in Jerusalem and all the house of Israel who are there.’
11 Reci: ›Jaz sem vaše znamenje. Kakor sem jaz storil, tako bo storjeno njim. Odselili se bodo in odšli v ujetništvo.
You are to say, ‘I am a sign to you.’ Just as it happened here, so will it be done to them; they will go into exile as captives.
12 In princ, ki je med njimi, bo v mraku nosil na svojem ramenu in bo šel naprej. Prekopali bodo skozi zid, da bi tamkaj nosili ven skozi steno. Pokril si bo svoj obraz, da s svojimi očmi ne bo videl tal.
And at dusk the prince among them will lift his bags to his shoulder and go out. They will dig through the wall to bring him out. He will cover his face so he cannot see the land.
13 Tudi svojo mrežo bom razširil nad njim in zajet bo v mojo zanko, in privedel ga bom v Babilon, v deželo Kaldejcev; vendar je ne bo videl, čeprav bo tam umrl.
But I will spread My net over him, and he will be caught in My snare. I will bring him to Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans; yet he will not see it, and there he will die.
14 In vse, ki so okoli njega, da mu pomagajo, bom razkropil proti vsakemu vetru in vse njegove čete; in za njimi bom izvlekel meč.
And I will scatter to every wind all the attendants around him and all his troops, and I will draw a sword to chase after them.
15 In spoznali bodo, da jaz sem Gospod, ko jih bom razkropil med narode in jih razpršil v dežele.
And they will know that I am the LORD, when I disperse them among the nations and scatter them throughout the countries.
16 Toda izločil bom peščico ljudi izmed njih pred mečem, pred lakoto in kužno boleznijo; da bodo med pogani, kamor pridejo, lahko razglasili vse svoje ogabnosti; in spoznali bodo, da jaz sem Gospod.‹«
But I will spare a few of them from sword and famine and plague, so that in the nations to which they go, they can recount all their abominations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”
17 Poleg tega je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
Moreover, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
18 »Človeški sin, svoj kruh jej z drgetanjem in svojo vodo pij s trepetanjem in previdnostjo;
“Son of man, eat your bread with trembling, and drink your water with quivering and anxiety.
19 in povej ljudstvu dežele: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog o prebivalcih [prestolnice] Jeruzalem in o Izraelovi deželi: ›Svoj kruh bodo jedli s previdnostjo in svojo vodo pili z osuplostjo, da bo njihova dežela lahko zapuščena od vseh, ki so v njej, zaradi nasilja vseh tistih, ki prebivajo v njej.
Then tell the people of the land that this is what the Lord GOD says about those living in Jerusalem and in the land of Israel: ‘They will eat their bread with anxiety and drink their water in dread, for their land will be stripped of everything in it because of the violence of all who dwell in it.
20 In mesta, ki so naseljena, bodo opustošena in dežela bo zapuščena; in spoznali boste, da jaz sem Gospod.‹«
The inhabited cities will be laid waste, and the land will become desolate. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’”
21 In k meni je prišla Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
22 »Človeški sin, kakšen je ta pregovor, ki ga imate v Izraelovi deželi, rekoč: ›Dnevi so podaljšani in vsako videnje odpove?‹
“Son of man, what is this proverb that you have in the land of Israel: ‘The days go by, and every vision fails’?
23 Povej jim torej: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Temu pregovoru bom storil, da preneha in ne bodo ga več uporabljali kot pregovor v Izraelu; temveč jim reci: ›Blizu so dnevi in učinek vsakega videnja.
Therefore tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘I will put an end to this proverb, and in Israel they will no longer recite it.’ But say to them: ‘The days are at hand when every vision will be fulfilled.
24 Kajti nobenih praznih videnj ne bo več niti laskajočih vedeževanj znotraj Izraelove hiše.
For there will be no more false visions or flattering divinations within the house of Israel,
25 Kajti jaz sem Gospod. Jaz bom govoril in beseda, ki jo bom govoril, se bo izpolnila; ta se ne bo več odlagala, kajti v vaših dneh, oh uporna hiša, bom rekel besedo in jo izpolnil, govori Gospod Bog.‹«
because I, the LORD, will speak whatever word I speak, and it will be fulfilled without delay. For in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak a message and bring it to pass, declares the Lord GOD.’”
26 Ponovno je prišla k meni Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
Furthermore, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
27 »Človeški sin, glej, tisti iz Izraelove hiše pravijo: ›Videnje, ki ga on vidi, je za mnoge dni, ki pridejo in prerokuje o časih, ki so še daleč.‹
“Son of man, take note that the house of Israel is saying, ‘The vision that he sees is for many years from now; he prophesies about the distant future.’
28 Zato jim reci: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Nobena izmed mojih besed se ne bo več odlagala, temveč se bo beseda, ki sem jo govoril, izpolnila, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.«
Therefore tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘None of My words will be delayed any longer. The message I speak will be fulfilled, declares the Lord GOD.’”